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Factors affecting the calculation of wind power potentials: A case study of China

2021 , Franke, Katja , Sensfuß, Frank , Deac, Gerda , Kleinschmitt, Christoph , Ragwitz, Mario

In order to mitigate global climate change and air pollution, the Chinese government has assigned high priority to expanding low-carbon power generation in China. Recent studies have shown that wind power is one of the most promising renewable energy option in China. Although many studies have estimated the generation potential of onshore wind power, their results vary widely from 1783 TWh to 39,000 TWh. Therefore, we examine the different assumptions in these papers and identify three main factors influencing the results. The three influencing factors are: weather data set, land utilisation factor, and wind turbine configuration. For our model-based analysis, we define a reference scenario which is used to compare the results. Our analysis shows using a different weather data set increases the generation potential to roughly 35,000 TWh. This is 54% higher than the generation potential of the reference scenario. The land utilisation factor also has a large influence, ranging between -10% and -51%. The studies' assumptions and data should be subjected to careful scrutiny, as the calculated wind power potentials are widely used to develop decarbonisation strategies for the energy system.

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Introduction to the special issue: Financing instruments to promote energy efficiency and renewables in times of tight public budgets

2013 , Eichhammer, Wolfgang , Ragwitz, Mario , Schlomann, Barbara

In the past, many countries have financed schemes to promote energy efficiency and renewable heat generation mainly through public budgets; support schemes to renewable electricity already have a broader financing basis but have been criticised for providing too little incentives for market integration of renewables. This is why it is essential to overhaul the existing financing instruments by tapping new financing sources in addition to the state budgets and by making them more efficient. This objective is examined in four areas: market-oriented financing schemes for energy efficiency options, financing options for the thermal renovation of the building stock, efficient schemes for renewable electricity generation and future promotion schemes for renewable energy sources for heat generation. The special issue shows that many financing options are either able to mobilise private capital or to supplement public capital in order to provide the additional investments needed for energy efficiency and renewables. The task which remains at the policy level is to establish an efficient framework based on a mixture of private and public funds which mitigates the risks for companies, is tailored to the technological needs and triggers synergetic policies addressing non-economic barriers.

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Status and perspectives of renewable energy policy and deployment in the European Union - What is needed to reach the 2020 targets?

2011 , Klessmann, Corinna , Held, Anne , Rathmann, Max , Ragwitz, Mario

This article evaluates the status of current RES deployment, policies and barriers in the EU-27 member states and compares it to the required to meet the 2020 targets. The evaluation relies strongly on the quantitative deployment status and policy effectiveness indicators. European RES deployment and policy has progressed strongly in recent years, but the growth here has been mainly driven by effective policies in a small or medium number of top runner countries. Across Europe, the highest average policy effectiveness over six years was reached for onshore wind (4.2%), biofuels (3.6%) and biomass electricity (2.7%), while in the heat sector, all technologies score below 2%. Comparing the recent progress to the required growth for meeting the 2020 target, it appears that some countries largely exceed the interim targets of the RES Directive 2009/28/EC. Despite this, Europe will need additional policy effort to reach the 2020 target. Critical success factors include imple menting effective and efficient policies that attract sufficient investments, reducing administrative and grid related barriers, especially in currently less advanced countries, upgrading the power grid infrastructure, dismantling financial barriers in the heat sector, realising sustainability standards for biomass, and lowering energy demand through increased energy efficiency efforts.

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A historical review of promotion strategies for electricity from renewable energy sources in EU countries

2011 , Haas, R. , Panzer, C. , Resch, G. , Ragwitz, Mario , Reece, G. , Held, A.

The core objective of this paper is to elaborate on historically implemented promotion strategies of renewable energy sources and the associated deployment within the European electricity market. Hence, at a first glance, the historic development of renewable energy sources in the electricity (RES-E) sector is addressed on Member State and on sectoral level as well as consequently discussed according to available RES-E potentials and costs. The specific focus of this paper, are promotion strategies for RES-E options as they are the key driver of an efficient and effective RES-E deployment. Therefore, the paper depicts the main types of different promotion schemes and their properties. Additionally, several cases studies of different European Member States show an in-depth analysis of the different RES-E promotion schemes. In this context, special emphasises are put on the question of effective and efficient promotion scheme designs of different RES-E technologies. Generally, conducted research led to the conclusion, that technology specific financial support measures of RES-E performed much more effective and efficient than others did. Hence, it is not all about the common question of feed-in tariffs vs. quota systems based on tradable green certificates, but more about the design criteria of implemented RES-E support schemes.

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Market integration of renewable electricity generation - the german market premium model

2013 , Klobasa, Marian , Winkler, Jenny , Sensfuss, F. , Ragwitz, Mario

Feed-in tariffs for renewable electricity have proven to be an effective and cost-efficient instrument because they provide long-term investment security; however, they do not incentivize grid and market integration. Feed-in premiums are a relatively novel instrument designed with the objective of keeping investment risks low while allowing for improved grid and market integration. This article analyses the German feed-in premium. The evaluation of the operation during the first year gives first indications that the market premium can contribute to the system and market integration of renewable energies, while still maintaining investment security. First impacts can be seen in the following fields: diversity of market actors, forecast accuracy, improved remote control and participation in the reserve markets. In general, it can be concluded that the German market premium has been able to trigger significant developments. However, additional assessments of the instrument are necessary in order to see whether the observed changes are sustainable and lead to the expected developments.

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State budget independent, market-based instruments to finance renewable heat strategies

2013 , Steinbach, Jan , Seefeldt, Friedrich , Brandt, Edmund , Bürger, Veit , Jacobshagen, Ulf , Kachel, Markus , Nast, Michael , Ragwitz, Mario

At present, expanding the use of renewable energy sources for heating (RES-H) relies predominantly on publicly funded support instruments. As these are subject to subsidy cuts and suspensions, these instruments do not provide long-term security for investors and technology suppliers. Although feed-in tariffs and quota-based systems are the major support schemes for renewable energy sources in the electricity sector, similar policy designs have not been applied to RES-H. This paper presents and evaluates three different policy instruments which have the potential to finance RES-H without using public funds: a physical quota system for biomass, a technology-based quota system (Portfolio Model) and a remunerationbased system (Premium model). The assessment suggests that while the Portfolio Model and the Premium Model are both promising policies to enhance RES-H deployment, there is greater acceptance among stakeholders for the Premium Model.

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Efficiency and effectiveness of promotion systems for electricity generation from renewable energy sources - lessons from EU countries

2011 , Haas, R. , Resch, G. , Panzer, C. , Busch, S. , Ragwitz, Mario , Held, A.

Currently, a wide range of strategies is implemented in different countries to increase the share of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E). A still controversial discussion is whether quantity-driven (like Tradable Green Certificates (TGCs) based on quotas) or price-driven (like feed-in-tariffs (FIT)) instruments lead to preferable solutions for society. The core objective of this paper is to compare the perspectives of quota-based certificate trading systems for an efficient and effective increase of RES-E with FIT. The major results of this analysis are: (i) The success stories of growth in RES-E in EU member states in recent years has been triggered by FIT implemented in a technology-specific manner at modest costs for European citizens; (ii) At present, TGC systems in most countries applied show a low effectiveness with respect to RES-E deployment of less mature technologies such as solar PV (with improving tendencies in e.g. the UK or Italy with respect to certain technologies); (iii) Compared to short term trading in TGC markets the intrinsic stability of FIT systems appears to be a key element for success; (iv) Hence, currently a well-designed (dynamic) FIT system provides a certain deployment of RES-E in the shortest time and at lowest costs for society.

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Coordination or harmonisation? Feasible pathways for a european res strategy beyond 2020

2013 , Resch, Gustav , Gephart, Malte , Steinhilber, Simone , Klessmann, Corinna , Rio, P. del , Ragwitz, Mario

With Directive 2009/28/EC, the European Parliament and Council have laid the grounds for the policy framework for renewable energy sources (RES) in the European Union until 2020. The aim of this paper is to look more closely beyond 2020, well in advance, contrasting and analysing potential RES policy options that are currently being discussed. Generally the assessment includes RES in all energy sectors but a topical focus is put on renewable electricity, specifically within the discussion of policy options for a harmonisation of RES support. The results of the policy assessment indicate that cooperation and coordination among Member States appear beneficial to tackle current problems in RES markets, and fruitful for the period beyond 2020. By contrast, "simplistic approaches" to RES policy harmonisation, for example via a uniform RES certificate trading, are not suitable to ensure substantial future RES growth.

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Analysis of harmonisation options for renewable heating support policies in the European Union

2013 , Steinbach, Jan , Ragwitz, Mario , Bürger, Veit , Becker, Liv , Kranzl, Lukas , Hummel, Marcus , Müller, Andreas

Best practice policy design and harmonisation of support schemes for electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) within the European Union have been discussed controversially for years. In contrast, policies for improving renewable heating (RES-H) penetration in the European Member States and options for best practice instruments are still being developed. The objective of this paper is to analyse different levels of policy harmonisation for target compliance and the economics of renewable heating and cooling. After presenting the degree of RES-H policy harmonisation resulting from Directive 2009/28/EC, a quantitative assessment is performed of the costs and benefits of different harmonisation scenarios. This selects the obligation to use renewable heating in buildings as the common policy instrument against which the effects of harmonisation are analysed. The paper shows that economic benefits can result from implementing best practice design options for use obligations in EU Member States.

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Fruitful symbiosis: Why an export bundled with wind energy is the most feasible option for North African concentrated solar power

2011 , Kost, Christoph , Pfluger, Benjamin , Eichhammer, Wolfgang , Ragwitz, Mario

The idea of generating electricity in North Africa using concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) has been around for some time now but has recently gained momentum through the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) and the formation of the Desertec Industrial Initiative. This paper argues that while the large-scale deployment of CSP in North Africa does not seem economically attractive for either European or African institutions or countries on their own at present, combining domestic use and electricity exports could be profitable for both parties. A detailed economic portfolio covering both solar and wind power plants can achieve competitive price levels, which would accelerate the diffusion of solar technology in North Africa. This portfolio could be financed partially by exporting electricity from solar thermal plants in North Africa via HVDC interconnections to European consumers. Sharing the costs in this way makes it possible to generate solar electricity for the domesti c market at a reasonable cost. Some of the electricity produced from the solar power plants and wind parks in North Africa is sold on European energy markets in the form of a long-term contracted solar-wind portfolio, which would qualify for support from the financial incentive schemes of the European Member States (e.g. feed-in tariffs). This transfer of green electricity could help to meet the targets for energy from renewable energy sources (RES) in the EU Member States as the new EU Directive of 2009 opened the European electricity market to imports from third states.