Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    The role of solar district heat in the energy transition of the German heating sector
    ( 2024)
    Popovski, Eftim
    This study explores the integration of solar district heating (SDH) into German heating networks, focusing on the energy transition in the heating sector. Utilizing energyPRO software, 8,410 scenario variations were analyzed, considering collector areas ranging from 1,000 to 200,000 m2 and thermal storage capacities from 0 to 100,000 m³. The research identifies the most cost-effective SDH system designs, with solar fractions between 11% and 18% and collector area/storage ratios between 4 and 6.7, resulting in levelized costs of heat (LCOH) between 45 - 64 €/MWh. The techno-economic potential of SDH in Germany is estimated at 17.6 TWh by using a spatial analysis model. The paper presents sensitivity analyses and preliminary design equations, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of SDH's role in decarbonizing the heating sector. By integrating spatial data analysis with energy system modeling, the study offers a novel methodological approach, providing insights into the technical and economic feasibility of SDH systems in Northern Germany and similar climatic regions. The findings aim to assist policymakers and decision-makers in evaluating the costs and dimensions of SDH systems based on local heat demands and influencing economic and technical factors.
  • Publication
    Policy frameworks for district heating: A comprehensive overview and analysis of regulations and support measures across Europe
    ( 2023) ; ; ;
    Bürger, Veit
    Köhler, Benjamin
    Bacquet, Alexandre
    Popovski, Eftim
    Fallahnejad, Mostafa
    Kranzl, Lukas
    This paper presents an overview of policy frameworks for district heating (DH) in Europe. We develop a classification for policy aspects addressing DH, comprising regulation of ownership, prices, metering, consumer grid connection, third party access as well as support schemes and carbon taxes. This classification builds on existing literature and expert assessments collected in an online survey and interviews. The relevance of the paper lies in giving a comprehensive picture of the existing policy frameworks for DH in 23 European countries. For the overview, the countries are clustered along assigned categories. It is shown that the policy frameworks for DH can be clustered into five distinguishable groups. While some countries apply very strict regulations in special DH laws, others rely on less regulatory intervention, both with varying degrees of support for DH in place. The different policy frameworks are discussed in the context of the diffusion of DH and the integration of renewable and waste heat in DH. This analysis shows that high shares of DH and high shares of renewable and waste heat in DH can be observed in countries with a high degree of regulation as well as in countries with less regulatory intervention in DH markets.