Now showing 1 - 10 of 25
  • Publication
    Intangibles. A Challenge to Policy Decision Makers
    ( 2024)
    Gadepalli, Sarada Devi
    Lampel, Joseph
    In this study, we seek to highlight the necessity of policies for intangibles. While the extant literature on policies, especially science and technology-related policies, has drawn attention to policies for R&DI, other forms of intangibles specific to the organisation have received scant attention. We describe in detail the characteristics of intangibles and draw attention to the challenges these present for policymakers.
  • Publication
    Technology sovereignty of the EU: Needs, concepts, pitfalls and ways forward
    Technology sovereignty has become a major concern in science, technology and innovation policy debates in the last years. An intensive discussion has unfolded as to how countries and the EU should safeguard their abilities to produce and use the technologies needed, based on their own values and independent from unwanted foreign interference. The EU is lagging in a number of technologies, and is reliant on foreign input of knowledge, technological components and raw material. At the same time, it has been a long-held principle to work towards ever more openness, in particular for science, technology and innovation. Against this background, the chapter aims to shed some light on the specific challenges and opportunities related to technology sovereignty faced at EU level, delving into the conceptual underpinning of the concept and its link with open strategic autonomy and economic security, and current approaches adopted to determine the EU’s sovereignty position. The chapter concludes with a number of considerations towards an effective and efficient technology sovereignty strategy at EU level.
  • Publication
    Die neue Governance von Innovationssystemen
    ( 2023)
    Botthof, Alfons
    Hahn, Katrin
    Hirsch-Kreinsen, Hartmut
    Weber, Matthias
    Wessels, Jan
  • Publication
    Einleitung: Das Innovationssystem im Wandel
    ( 2023)
    Botthof, Alfons
    Hahn, Katrin
    Hirsch-Kreinsen, Hartmut
    Weber, Matthias
    Wessels, Jan
  • Publication
    Next generation innovation policy
    This chapter outlines what one could call a new generation of innovation policy. In a nutshell, innovation policy has traditionally focused on supporting activities intended to make economies more competitive and boost welfare. The new generation of innovation policy, however, is intended to support the transformation of systems in order to cope with clearly defined societal challenges. This is an ambitious development, as it necessitates a different understanding of the state's role in innovation policy vis-à-vis society and the economy, a modernized portfolio of interventions, and new governance approaches, structures and capabilities. This chapter outlines this new aspiration of innovation policy and the governance changes it requires.
  • Publication
    Die Rolle sozialer Innovationen im Rahmen staatlicher missionsorientierter und transformativer Innovationspolitik
    In ihrem Beitrag "Die Rolle sozialer Innovationen im Rahmen staatlicher missionsorientierter und transformativer Innovationspolitik" geben Jakob Edler, Katrin Ostertag und Johanna Schuler einen Einblick in aktuelle Entwicklungen der transformationsorientierten Innovationspolitik und betten die Debatte um Soziale Innovation darin ein. Dabei wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle Soziale Innovationen im Kontext soziotechnischer Transformationsprozesse spielen können und sollen. Formen und Wirkungsmechanismen von Sozialen Innovationen werden in Bezug zu zwei Formen der transformationsorientierten Innovationspolitik - Missionsorientierte Innovationspolitik (MOIP) und Transformative Innovationspolitik (TIP) - gesetzt und diskutiert. Unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Beispiele der Mobilisierung von Sozialen Innovationen in Deutschland werden konzeptionelle Entwicklungen, Chancen und Herausforderung diskutiert und Perspektiven für die fruchtbare Einbindung von Sozialen Innovationen in transformationsorientierte Politik skizziert.
  • Publication
    Strategien, Ziele, Motive der Wissenschaft in Bezug auf internationale Aktivitäten
    ( 2007)
    Ebersberger, B.
    Grimpe, C.
    Licht, G.
    Löhlein, H.
  • Publication
    Ausmaß internationaler Aktivitäten in der deutschen öffentlich finanzierten Wissenschaft
    ( 2007)
    Ebersberger, B.
    ; ;
    Grimpe, C.
    Licht, G.
    Löhlein, H.
    Wang, J.
  • Publication
    Nutzen, Kosten und Risiken der Internationalisierung der deutschen Wissenschaft
    ( 2007)
    Ebersberger, B.
    Grimpe, C.
    Licht, G.
    Löhlein, H.