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  • Publication
    Energy dependency, the potential supply of renewable energies and the political responses in Turkey in the decades since the oil-crisis
    ( 2020)
    Akca Prill, Melek
    The transition to post-fossil future and widespread utilization of renewable energy technologies have become inevitable across the globe, not only due to limited amount of fossil energy sources, but also the impacts of human-dominated activities on the planet Earth. Turkey, is one of the countries, having scant amount of fossil energy, but rich in various renewable sources with the sufficient capacity to contribute Turkey's primary energy goals; such as diminishing energy dependency, increasing supply security and diversification of energy sources. Nevertheless, the country is still highly dependent on natural gas and crude-oil imports to meet its growing energy hunger as a result of economic and demographic expansion as well as the insufficient implementation of the energy efficiency technologies. The rising energy imports and therewith the current account deficit put a big burden on country's vulnerable economy. Turkish government plans to raise the share of renewable energy sources in electricity production to at least 30% by 2023. The calculations show that geothermal power and biomass-based energy production will achieve the 2023 targets, while solar energy installations remain insufficient in number. Wind- and hydropower with their high potential and adequate number of proposed facilities will contribute to the total electricity generation in considerable amount. The public awareness and social acceptance of utilization renewable energy plants have positive impacts to the gradual development of these plants.