Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Implications of hydrogen import prices for the German energy system in a model-comparison experiment
    With its ability to store and transport energy without releasing greenhouse gases, hydrogen is considered an important driver for the decarbonisation of energy systems. As future hydrogen import prices from global markets are subject to large uncertainties, it is unclear what impact different hydrogen and derivative import prices will have on the future German energy system. To answer that research question, this paper explores the impact of three different import price scenarios for hydrogen and its derivatives on the German energy system in a climate-neutral setting for Europe in 2045 using three different energy system models. The analysis shows that the quantities of electricity generated as well as the installed capacities for electricity generation and electrolysis increase as the hydrogen import price rises. However, the resulting differences between the import price scenarios vary across the models. The results further indicate that domestic German (and European) hydrogen production is often cost-efficient.
  • Publication
    Deutschland auf dem Weg aus der Gaskrise: Wie sich Klimaschutz und Energiesouveränität vereinen lassen
    (PIK, 2022)
    Luderer, Gunnar
    Bartels, Frederike
    Blesl, Markus
    Burkhardt, Alexander
    Edenhofer, Ottmar
    Fahl, Ulrich
    Gillich, Annika
    Hufendiek, Kai
    Kittel, Lena
    Koller, Florian
    Seibert, Dennis
    Pietzcker, Robert
    Schreyer, Felix
    Knappheiten und hohe Preise: Wege aus der Gaskrise zeigt jetzt eine neue Studie für Deutschland auf. Von kurzfristigen Interventionen für die Energiesicherheit bis hin zu längerfristigen Weichenstellungen für den Kurs auf Klimaneutralität sind in den Sektoren Gebäude, Industrie und Energiewirtschaft massive Einsparungen beim Gasverbrauch unerlässlich. Mehr als 30 Fachleute des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten Kopernikus-Projekts Ariadne buchstabieren erstmals im Modell- und Szenarienvergleich aus, welche Stellschrauben und Spielräume zur Verfügung stehen. Sie zeigen, dass Klimaschutz und Energiesouveränität miteinander vereinbar sind.
  • Publication
    Interaction of energy storage technologies and synthetic fuels in long-term decarbonization scenarios
    With the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, the international community has reaffirmed its commitment to tackle anthropogenic climate change with the goal of limiting the global average temperature increase below 1.5 °C, but to a maximum of 2 °C above pre-industrial levels. Against this background, we examine scenarios for a complete decarbonisation of the European energy supply. Since such scenarios are based on a high expansion of weather-dependent renewable energy sources, the question arises, which flexible technologies are necessary to balance supply and demand in such energy systems. In this paper, a scenario analysis shows which capacity or volume of energy storage, power interconnectors and synthetic fuels are needed in decarbonization scenarios. To address this research question three different energy system models are applied. These models cover Europe and Germany, respectively, and are able to explain different results of the single models based of the corresponding model characteristics. The paper concludes that the power sector is able to cover a considerable share of the energy demand in the heat and transport sector with the help of flexible sector coupling technologies such as heat pumps and electric mobility. All considered models manage to find solutions for a deep decarbonization if flexibility and storage option are available.