Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Structural integration: Concepts and case study
    ( 1993)
    Geller, J.
    Perl, Y.
    Cannata, P.
    Sheth, A.
    Neuhold, E.J.
    When integrating the views of a large telecomunications application database at Bellcore, it was found that some pairs of view objects had significant structural similarities but differed semantically.+ This observation motivated the design of the structural integration methodology described in this article. Currently existing view and schema integration methodologies are based on semantic considerations. They allow integration only if two objects agree in their semantic and structural aspects. Structural integration permits the integration of objects even if they differ semantically. This article introduces structural integration for the case of full structural correspondence. We further develop an important special case, namely structural integration for classes with attribute partial correspondence. We use a subschema of the telecommunications application to demonstrate the applicability of structural integration to situations involving the complexities of real-world databases and applications. Algorithms for checking full structural correspondence of classes and databases are presented. Structural integration has several advantages, including the identification of shared common structures that are important for sharing of data and methods.
  • Publication
    Structural schema integration with full and partial correspondence using the dual model
    ( 1992)
    Geller, J.
    Perl, Y.
    Neuhold, E.J.
    Sheth, A.P.
  • Publication
    Structure and semantics in OODB class specifications
    ( 1991)
    Geller, J.
    Perl, Y.
    Neuhold, E.J.
    A class specification contains both structural aspects and semantic aspects. We introduce a mathematically based distinction between structural and semantic aspects. We show how this distinction is used to identify all structural aspects of a class specification to be included in the object type of a class. The model obtained is called the Dual Model due to the separation of structure and semantics in the class specification. Advantages of the separation of structure and semantics have been discussed in previous papers and include separate hierarchies for structural and semantic aspects, refined inheritance mechanisms, support of physical database design and structural integration which is impossible in other models.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    A theoretical underlying dual model for knowledge-based systems
    ( 1990)
    Neuhold, E.J.
    Perl, Y.
    Geller, J.
    Turau, V.