Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Do Alimony Regulations Matter Inside Marriage? Evidence from the 2008 Reform of the German Maintenance Law
    ( 2023-03-20)
    Schaubert, Marianna
    This study investigates how West German spouses have responded to the alimony reform introduced in 2008. This reform imposed financial self-responsibility after a finalized divorce. It weakened the relative bargaining position of the spouse with a claim for maintenance in the case of a potential divorce before the law change. Therefore, the present study helps to verify bargaining models by considering this policy change as a shift of spousal bargaining power. Estimating difference-in-differences models, I find that, indeed, wives who face a potential alimony loss might have increased their working hours as a result of the 2008 reform. Thus, this finding suggests that family law may affect labor market outcomes. To my knowledge, the present investigation is the first analysis of the behavioral response of individuals in longer marriages to this change in alimony law. Its approach to identifying those who have been (dis)advantaged by this reform is a new one, proposing a method that reflects the realities of alimony arrangements.
  • Publication
    Do courts know how to incentivize? Behavioral response of non-resident parents to child support obligations
    ( 2022-06)
    Schaubert, Marianna
    In the case of divorce or separation, there are two kinds of maintenance regarding (minor) children: One parent provides food, housing, etc., the other parent compensates in the form of monthly payments. This study explores whether non-resident parents have responded to changes in the payments as laid down by the courts. Results for parents younger than 50 years old show that a €10 increase in monthly child support obligations decreases the likelihood of having an additional child by about 0.39 percentage points (about 3% at the sample mean). There is only weak evidence of a positive (re) marriage incentive. Furthermore, changing obligations do not have an impact on other post-separation behavior including child care and labor supply. To my knowledge, this investigation is the first causal analysis of unintentional side effects driven by courts' changes in German child support guidelines. The potential endogeneity of child support obligations is addressed by using the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) data from 1983-2013 and applying individual fixed-effects instrumental variable models.
  • Publication
    How different electricity pricing systems affect the energy trilemma
    ( 2022-03)
    Heffron, Raphael J.
    Körner, Marc-Fabian
    Sumarno, Theresia
    Wagner, Jonathan
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    Indonesia's current energy policy, which relies on cheap fossil fuels and focuses on two out of the three horns of the energy trilemma, namely, energy security and energy equity, may impede its efforts to higher shares of renewable energy sources. This paper develops three generic models that allow policymakers to analyze the impact of introducing a wholesale electricity market managed under either a nodal, a zonal, or a uniform pricing system on the three horns of the energy trilemma. It evaluates the models using a simplified network representation of the Indonesian electricity sector. The results indicate that under the model assumptions made, and given the used input parameters as well as the used metrics for the three horns of the energy trilemma, a uniform pricing system might help Indonesia to balance its energy trilemma.
  • Publication
    Daten zur Informellen Pflege - Pflegebedürftige und Pflegende
    (Fraunhofer FIT, 2022)
    Herrmann, Judith
    Als Diskussionsgrundlage für die Planung von Reformen im Bereich der informellen Pflege ist es sinnvoll, die Gruppe der betroffenen Personen eingrenzen und charakterisieren zu können. Diese Zusammenfassung stellt Daten zu Pflegebedürftigen und informell Pflegenden auf Basis unterschiedlicher Quellen zusammen. Es wird jeweils das aktuellste verfügbare Datenjahr verwendet. Eine jährliche Aktualisierung ist vorgesehen. Die Pflegebedürftigen mit anerkanntem Pflegegrad selbst können unterschiedliche Leistungen der Pflegeversicherung empfangen. Sie werden dementsprechend in den amtlichen Statistiken der Pflegekassen erfasst. Einen Leistungsanspruch hat dagegen nur ein Teil der informell Pflegenden. Um diese Gruppe beschreiben zu können, empfiehlt sich deshalb die Nutzung von Umfragedaten. Die hier genannten Zahlen beruhen größtenteils auf dem SOEP, einer repräsentativen Haushaltsbefragung, in der seit 1984 jährlich etwa 30.000 Personen befragt werden, unter anderem zu ihrer Zeitverwendung für die Versorgung und Betreuung pflegebedürftiger Personen. In jedem zweiten Jahr wird die Zeitverwendung nicht nur an Werktagen, sondern auch am Wochenende erfasst.