Now showing 1 - 10 of 269
  • Publication
    Die Zukunft sicherheitskritischer Mensch-Computer-Interaktion
    ( 2021)
    Reuter, Christian
    Aal, Konstantin
    Beham, Frank
    Brauner, Florian
    Friedrich, Frank
    Geisler, Stefan
    Gennen, Klaus,
    Hermann, Dominik
    Kaufhold, Marc-Andre
    Lipprandt, Myriam
    Lo Iacono, Luigi
    Ludwig, Thomas
    Lukosch, Stephan
    Mentler, Tilo
    Nestler, Simon
    Pipek, Volkmar
    Pottebaum, Jens
    Quadflieg, Sven
    Rusch, Gebhard
    Sackman, Stefan
    Stieglitz, Stefan
    Sturn, Christian
    Volkamer, Melanie
    Wulf, Volker
    Sicherheitskritische Mensch-Computer-Interaktion ist nicht nur derzeit ein hochaktuelles Thema, sondern wird dies auch in Zukunft bleiben. Insofern ist ein Lehr- und Fachbuch wie dieses immer nur eine Momentaufnahme, und kann immer nur einen punktuellen Stand abdecken. Dennoch kann der Versuch unternommen werden, aktuelle Trends zu identifizieren und einen Ausblick in die Zukunft zu wagen.
  • Publication
    Review of commercial and open technologies available for Industrial Internet of Things
    ( 2021)
    Schuh, G.
    Jarke, M.
    Gützlaff, A.
    Koren, I.
    Janke, T.
    Neumann, H.
    The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the vision of a ubiquitous computing environment, where connected devices exchange information with an unpreceded amount of counterparts. With many prospective applications in the field of production, where real-time process information is a crucial factor for successful operations, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has seen a significant rise in demand. Despite the great momentum of these new technologies, there is still no common understanding of a complete IIoT landscape. To address the challenge of the differences in scope and function of IIoT components, this chapter offers a guideline for setting IIoT technologies into context with a framework that allows defining the benefit and the area of application. To also take the advantages of the implementation of an IIoT system into account, this chapter considers the impact distinctive features and technologies forming an IIoT system have.
  • Publication
    Reconciling blockchain with the GDPR: Insights from the german asylum procedure
    ( 2021)
    Rieger, A.
    Stohr, A.
    Wenninger, A.
    Fridgen, G.
    Blockchain solutions are a promising alternative for use in the public sector when the delegation of process governance to a central authority is not possible or desirable. In particular, blockchain supports the retention of decentralized structures and allows individual authorities to share process information over the blockchain while simultaneously maintaining control over their own data and data repositories. However, the use of blockchain solutions also introduces challenges, such as reconciling blockchain with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR demands that blockchain solutions involve clear responsibilities for compliance, rely on specific lawful bases for processing personal data, and observe rights to rectification and erasure. Here, we describe how Germany's Federal Office for Migration and Refugees managed these challenges and created a GDPR-compliant blockchain solution for the coordination of the German asylum procedure.
  • Publication
    Editorial: NFDI4City - Research Data Management for Applied Urban Research
    ( 2020) ; ;
    Lambrecht, Udo
    ; ; ;
    Iglezakis, Dorothea
    Alvanides, Serafeim
    Within the agreement on the establishment and promotion of a National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the Federal German Government and the Länder are striving for a discipline-specific service structure for research data, which aims for their long-term storage, safeguarding and accessibility. In the field of the applied urban research, data from different sectors such as administration, buildings, environment, mobility, social affairs must be considered and linked. In this workshop the NFDI4City-initiative met and discussed its overall vision, conceptual solutions as well as data domains inside and across these sectors. The goal of NFDI4City is to create new databased overarching understandings of urban development through standardization and data analysis in the ""Urban System"".
  • Publication
    Data Lake
    Data lakes (DL) have been proposed as a new concept for centralized data repositories. In contrast to data warehouses (DW), which usually require a complex and fine-tuned Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process, DLs use a simpler model which just aims at loading the complete source data in its raw format into the DL. While a more complex ETL process with data transformation and aggregation increases the data quality, it might also come with some information loss as irregular or unstructured data not fitting into the integrated DW schema will not be loaded into the DW. Moreover, some data silos might not get connected to integrated data repositories at all due to the complexity of the data integration process. DLs address these problems: they should provide access to the source data in its original format without requiring an elaborated ETL process to ingest the data into the lake.
  • Publication
    IoT solutions for large open-air events
    ( 2020)
    Sottile, F.
    Foglietti, J.
    Pastrone, C.
    Spirito, M.A.
    Defina, A.
    Eisenhauer, M.
    Devasya, S.
    Schoneveld, A.
    Frey, N.
    Pierre-Yves, H.
    Remagnino, P.
    Oghaz, M.M.
    Haddad, K.
    Kouzinopoulos, C.S.
    Stavropoulos, G.
    Munoz, P.
    Carra, S.
    Kool, P.
    Rosengren, P.
    This chapter presents the main results of the MONICA project, one of the five large-scale pilot projects funded by the European Commission. MONICA focuses on the adoption of wearable IoT solutions for the management of safety and security in large open-air events as well as on the reduction of noise level for neighbours. The project addresses several challenges in eleven pilots of six major European cities using a large number of IoT wearables and sensors. The chapter first introduces all MONICA challenges in the context of large open-air events and then presents the corresponding adopted technical solutions, the defined IoT architecture and the perspective in integrating a wide range of heterogeneous sensors. On one side, the focus is on the solutions that have been adopted to improve the crowd management, crowd safety and emergency responses by using wearables for both visitors and the security staff at the events, including also the adoption of video processing and d ata fusion algorithms to estimate the number of visitors and its distribution in the event area and to detect suspicious activity patterns. On the other hand, it describes how innovative Sound Level Meters (SLMs) can be deployed to monitor the sound propagation within the event area while reducing the noise impact on the neighbourhood. © 2020 River Publishers. All rights reserved.
  • Publication
    Database Management Systems (DBMS)
    A database management system (DBMS) is a software that implements functions to organize the storage and retrieval of data in databases according to a specific data model. Relational DBMS are the most mature and popular systems, but especially for the needs of big data applications, new categories of DBMS, such as NoSQL DBMS or Complex Event Processing systems, have been developed.
  • Publication
    The cultural master plan of Bamiyan: The sustainability dilemma of protection and progress
    ( 2020)
    Jansen, Michael
    Beyond the Buddha Cliff, the World Heritage property of Bamiyan consists of several archaeological areas embedded into an extraordinary cultural landscape not adequately defined at the time of the nomination. Therefore, the Cultural Master Plan was envisioned as guidance for the development of a rural environment under cultural preservation objectives. The plan introduces a zoning scheme defining land use regulations for the protection of cultural areas and proposing designated areas for urban development. Lack of adequate legal protection, too rigid enforcement of land use restrictions on the local level, and the aspirations of the people for a rapid change of their living conditions resulted in increasing uncertainties on the validity of the plan. It is argued that a monitoring steering group composed of international and national experts, and local stakeholders, are helpful to counterbalance uncoordinated international aid assistance and inefficient governmental supervision that resulted in development strategies overemphasizing urbanization approaches in conflict with the rural character of the valley. The authors propose to reconsider urbanization within the Bamiyan Valley and to reconcile the objectives of urban and rural development inspired by a sustainable development vision as proclaimed with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • Publication
    The Data Science Revolution. How Learning Machines Changed the Way we Work and do Business
    ( 2020)
    Aalst, W.M.P. van der
    Data science technology is rapidly changing the role of information technology in society and all economic sectors. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are at the forefront of attention. However, data science is much broader and also includes data extraction, data preparation, data exploration, data transformation, storage and retrieval, computing infrastructures, other types of mining and learning, presentation of explanations and predictions, and the exploitation of results taking into account ethical, social, legal, and business aspects. This paper provides an overview of the field of data science also showing the main developments, thereby focusing on (1) the growing importance of learning from data (rather than modeling or programming), (2) the transfer of tasks from humans to (software) robots, and (3) the risks associated with data science (e.g., privacy problems, unfair or nontransparent decision making, and the market dominance of a few platform providers).