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Dienstleistungen und Gesundheit in Regionen

2018 , Ganz, Walter , Eymann, Torsten , Hockauf, Herbert , Schäfer-Walkmann, Susanne , Scherer, Martin

Wir alle wünschen uns in ganz verschiedenen Lebenslagen ein gutes Angebot passender und bezahlbarer Dienstleistungen für Prävention, Gesundheit und Pflege. Dienstleistungsnetzwerke sind eine Möglichkeit, durch kooperative Leistungserstellung ein wirksames und wirtschaftlich tragfähiges Leistungsangebot zur regionalen Versorgung zu schaffen. Dieser Band richtet sich an alle, die gemeinsam mit Partnern vor Ort Dienstleistungsinnovationen für mehr Gesundheit entwickeln wollen, aber auch an Interessierte aus Versorgungsforschung, Dienstleistungsforschung und Innovationsmanagement. Die Beiträge liefern Impulse und Werkzeuge für die Themenfelder gemischte Wohlfahrtsproduktion in regionalen Gesundheitsnetzten, Netzwerkaufbau und -management, Geschäftsmodelle für Netzwerker, Definition von Gesundheitszielen und Steuerung von weichen Faktoren der Zusammenarbeit.

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Towards standardisation of user models for simulation and adaptation purposes

2016 , Kaklanis, Nick , Biswas, Pradipta , Mohamad, Yehya , Gonzalez, Mari Feli , Peissner, Matthias , Langdon, Pat , Tzovaras, Dimitrios , Jung, Christoph

The use of user models can be very valuable when trying to develop accessible and ergonomic products and services taking into account users specific needs and preferences. Simulation of userproduct interaction using user models may reveal accessibility issues at the early stages of design and development, and this results to a significant reduction in costs and development time. Moreover, user models can be used in adaptive interfaces enabling the personalised customisation of user interfaces that enhances the accessibility and usability of products and services. This paper presents the efforts of the Virtual User Modelling and Simulation Standardisation VUMS cluster of projects towards the development of an interoperable user model, able to describe both able-bodied and people with various kinds of disabilities. The VUMS cluster is consisted by the VERITAS, MyUI, GUIDE, and VICON FP7 European projects, all involved in user modelling from different perspectives. The main goal of the VUMS cluster was the development of a unified user model that could be used by all the participant projects and that could be the basis of a new user model standard. Currently, within the VUMS cluster, a common user model has been defined and converters that enable the transformation from each projects specific user model to the VUMS user model and vice versa have been developed enabling, thus, the exchange of user models between the projects.

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An interoperable and inclusive user modeling concept for simulation and adaptation

2013 , Biswas, Pradipta , Kaklanis, Nick , Mohamad, Yehya , Peissner, Matthias , Langdon, Pat , Tzovaras, D. , Jung, Christoph

User models can be considered as explicit representations of the properties of an individual user including users needs, preferences as well as physical, cognitive and behavioral characteristics. Due to the wide range of applications, it is often difficult to have a common format or even definition of user models. The lack of a common definition also makes different user models even if developed for the same purpose -incompatible to each other. It does not only reduce the portability of user models but also restricts new models to leverage benefit from earlier research on similar field. This chapter presents a brief literature survey on user models and concept of an interoperable user model that takes a more inclusive approach than previous research. It is an initiative of the EU VUMS c luster of projects which aims to simulate user interaction and adapt interfaces across a wide variety of digital and non-digital platforms for both able bodied and disabled users. We have already been successful to define an application and platform-independent user model exchange format and the importing of any user profile across all projects.