Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Explainable Long-Term Building Energy Consumption Prediction using QLattice
    ( 2022) ; ;
    Wiethe, Christian
    The global building sector is responsible for nearly 40% of total carbon emissions, offering great potential to move closer to set climate goals. Energy performance certificates designed to increase the energy efficiency of buildings require accurate predictions of building energy performance. With significant advances in information and communication technology, data-driven methods have been introduced into building energy performance research demonstrating high computational efficiency and prediction performance. However, most studies focus on prediction performance without considering the potential of explainable artificial intelligence. To bridge this gap, the novel QLattice algorithm, designed to satisfy both aspects, is applied to a dataset of over 25,000 German residential buildings for predicting annual building energy performance. The prediction performance, computation time, and explainability of the QLattice is compared to the established machine learning algorithms artificial neural network, support vector regression, extreme gradient boosting, and multiple-linear regression in a case study, variable importance analyzed, and appropriate applications proposed. The results show quite strongly that the QLattice should be further considered in the research of energy performance certificates and may be a potential alternative to established machine learning algorithms for other prediction tasks in energy research.
  • Publication
    Energy Anomaly Detection in Industrial Applications with Long Short-term Memory-based Autoencoders
    With the goal of reducing energy costs, carbon emissions, and achieving cleaner production, manufacturing companies aim to reduce their energy consumption. In manufacturing companies, a considerable amount of energy is wasted due to plant-, process- and human-related faults. Tools and methods for detecting anomalies are widely used for fraud detection in finance or intrusion detection in cybersecurity. When it comes to anomaly detection of malicious energy consumption, the residential building sector is leading. Industrial applications are not being addressed by now. In this paper, an end-to-end solution of an anomaly detection system is presented that uses the concept of a Long Short-term Memory based Autoencoder (LSTM-AE) as an unsupervised learning model that detects anomalies without labeling the data beforehand.
  • Publication
    Wie IT die Energieflexibilitätsvermarktung von Industrieunternehmen ermöglicht und die Energiewende unterstützt
    Auf dem Weg zur Erreichung der gesetzten Klimaziele in Deutschland muss der Anteil erneuerbarer Energien an der Stromerzeugung stetig ausgebaut werden. Die damit einhergehende zunehmende Fluktuation der Erzeugungsleistung stellt die Stromnetze vor große Herausforderungen. Da knapp 44 % des Strom- und rund ein Viertel des Wärmeverbrauchs in Deutschland auf die Industrie entfällt, bietet diese signifikantes Potenzial, Schwankungen im Stromnetz durch die Anpassung des Stromverbrauchs an das Stromangebot im Sinne von Demand Response mittels Energieflexibilität auszugleichen. Bislang erschwert neben regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen insbesondere eine fehlende einheitliche Modellierung & Kommunikation von Energieflexibilität sowie deren Einbettung in bestehende Unternehmens-IT-Infrastrukturen eine optimale und automatisierte Vermarktung. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts SynErgie wurden hierfür informationstechnische Anforderungen erhoben, Datenmodelle zur Beschreibung von Energieflexibilität und eine übergeordnete IT-Architektur entwickelt. Mit Hilfe einer unternehmensspezifischen Plattform und einer zentralen Marktplattform kann der Informations- und Kommunikationsfluss von der Maschine/Anlage bis zur Flexibilitätsvermarktung und wieder zurück abgebildet werden. Eine Vielzahl verschiedener Services unterstützt hierbei ein Unternehmen von der Identifikation bis hin zur automatisierten und standardisierten Vermarktung von Energieflexibilität. Durch die Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Wirkansätze von IT wurden Grundsteine für nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Effekte des industriellen Energieverbrauchs gelegt, welche in den kommenden Monaten in einer Modellregion in und um Augsburg mit Industrieunternehmen, Netzbetreibern und weiteren Serviceanbietern getestet werden.
  • Publication
    Extending the Automation Pyramid for Industrial Demand Response
    ( 2019)
    Körner, Marc-Fabian
    Keller, Robert
    Rösch, Martin
    Simon, Peter
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    Industrial demand response uses a multitude of energy flexibility measures. Their planning and control requires various production IT systems. A widely accepted approach to classify these inhouse IT systems are the levels of the automation pyramid in companies. This paper broadens the scope of this concept to overcome the limitation to companies' (virtual) borders by including required IT systems that refine and monetarize a company's energy flexibility, e.g. energy markets, aggregators, etc. Therefore, a holistic approach for the classification of functionalities for industrial demand response across companies and energy markets is developed and applied exemplarily.
  • Publication
    Harnessing the Full Potential of Industrial Demand-Side Flexibility: An End-to-End Approach Connecting Machines with Markets through Service-Oriented IT Platforms
    ( 2019)
    Rösch, Martin
    Haupt, Leon
    Keller, Robert
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    The growing share of renewable energy generation based on fluctuating wind and solar energy sources is increasingly challenging in terms of power grid stability. Industrial demand-side response presents a promising way to balance energy supply and consumption. For this, energy demand is flexibly adapted based on external incentives. Thus, companies can economically benefit and at the same time contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, there are currently some major obstacles that impede industrial companies from taking part in the energy markets. A broad specification analysis systematically dismantles the existing barriers. On this foundation, a new end-to-end ecosystem of an energy synchronization platform is introduced. It consists of a business-individual company-side platform, where suitable services for energy-oriented manufacturing are offered. In addition, one market-side platform is established as a mediating service broker, which connects the companies to, e.g., third party service providers, energy suppliers, aggregators, and energy markets. The ecosystems aim at preventing vendor lock-in and providing a flexible solution, relying on open standards and offering an integrated solution through an end-to-end energy flexibility data model. In this article, the resulting functionalities are discussed and the remaining deficits outlined.
  • Publication
    Flexible IT Platform for Synchronizing Energy Demands with Volatile Markets
    ( 2018)
    Schott, Paul
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    Hering, Fabian
    Keller, Robert
    Pullmann, Jaroslav
    Schimmelpfennig, Jens
    Simon, Peter
    Weber, Thomas
    Abele, Eberhard
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    Abandoning fossil and nuclear energy sources in the long run and increasing amount of renewable energies in electricity production causes a more volatile power supply. Depending on external realities, renewable energy production emphasizes the need for measures to guarantee the necessary balance of demand and supply in the electricity system at all times. Energy intensive industry processes theoretically include high Demand Response potentials suitable to tackle this increasing supply volatility. Nevertheless, most companies do not operate their production in a flexible manner due to multiple reasons: among others, the companies lack know-how, technologies and a clear business case to introduce an additional level of flexibility into their production processes, they are concerned about po ssible impacts on their processes by varying the electricity demand and need assistance in exploiting their flexibility. Aside from fostering knowledge in industry companies, an IT-solution that supports companies to use their processes Demand Response potential has become necessary. Its concept must support companies in managing companies energy-flexible production processes and monetarize those potentials at flexibility markets. This paper presents a concept, which integrates both companies and energy markets. It enables automated trading of companies Demand Response potential on different flexibility markets.
  • Publication
    Flexible IT-platform to Synchronize Energy Demands with Volatile Markets
    ( 2017) ;
    Abele, Eberhard
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    Fridgen, Gilbert
    Keller, Fabian
    Pullmann, Jaroslav
    Reiners, René
    Reinhardt, Gunther
    Schöpf, Michael
    Schraml, Philipp
    Simon, Peter
    Based on the goal of exiting nuclear and fossil energies within the electricity generation, the percentage of renewable energies in the energy mix rises. Due to renewable energies' dependence on natural resources like sun or wind this development leads to a volatile energy supply on the markets. To satisfy their customers' needs even with a volatile energy supply, especially companies of the manufacturing sector need to consider this development. Production processes need to be developed further to be more energy efficient and to be adaptable in their energy demand to volatile supply. This includes being operable on various power levels or with different kinds of energy such as electricity or gas. Energy-flexible production processes need to be supported by flexible IT solutions. While there are already solutions for demand-side-management on the company side as well as on the market side, there are no holistic solutions yet, allowing for integration regardless of company or market boundaries. Therefore, this paper presents the concept of a service-oriented architecture for a flexible IT-platform to synchronize energy demands with volatile markets. A holistic approach allows for integration of companies as well as energy markets and enables an automated and efficient exploitation of demand response potentials.
  • Publication
    Unterstützung der Anlagenplanung durch einen kooperativen Planungstisch
    ( 2002)
    Nett, B.
    Becks, A.
    Stork, A.
    Ritter, A.
    Herbst, I.
    Durissini, M.
    Wulf, V.
    Jarke, M.
    Roomware besitzt für kooperative Anlagenplanung ein großes Potential, wenn sie domänenspezifisch gestaltet wird. Sie muss dazu erlauben, gemeinsame Absprachen ohne hohen Bedienungsaufwand für alle Beteiligten verständlich zu visualisieren und zu dokumentieren. Im vorliegenden Papier wird vorgestellt, wie auf der Basis einer empirischen Bedarfsanalyse ein kooperativer Planungstisch für den Bereich der Anlagenplanung entwickelt wird. Es wird dabei gezeigt, wie neuartige Interaktionstechnologien zur Unterstützung realer Anwendungsszenarien genutzt werden können.