Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Implementation of eHealth and AI integrated diagnostics with multidisciplinary digitized data: Are we ready from an international perspective?
    ( 2020)
    Bukowski, M.
    Farkas, R.
    Beyan, O.
    Moll, L.
    Hahn, H.
    Kiessling, F.
    Schmitz-Rode, T.
    Digitization of medicine requires systematic handling of the increasing amount of health data to improve medical diagnosis. In this context, the integration of the versatile diagnostic information, e.g., from anamnesis, imaging, histopathology, and clinical chemistry, and its comprehensive analysis by artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools is expected to improve diagnostic precision and the therapeutic conduct. However, the complex medical environment poses a major obstacle to the translation of integrated diagnostics into clinical research and routine. There is a high need to address aspects like data privacy, data integration, interoperability standards, appropriate IT infrastructure, and education of staff. Besides this, a plethora of technical, political, and ethical challenges exists. This is complicated by the high diversity of approaches across Europe. Thus, we here provide insights into current international activities on the way to digital comprehensive diagnostics. This includes a technical view on challenges and solutions for comprehensive diagnostics in terms of data integration and analysis. Current data communications standards and common IT solutions that are in place in hospitals are reported. Furthermore, the international hospital digitalization scoring and the European funding situation were analyzed. In addition, the regional activities in radiomics and the related publication trends are discussed. Our findings show that prerequisites for comprehensive diagnostics have not yet been sufficiently established throughout Europe. The manifold activities are characterized by a heterogeneous digitization progress and they are driven by national efforts. This emphasizes the importance of clear governance, concerted investments, and cooperation at various levels in the health systems.
  • Publication
    Blockchain and smart contracts
    (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, 2018)
    Schütte, Julian
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    ; ; ; ;
    Guggenberger, Nikolas
    Welzel, Christian
    Schulte, Axel
    ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Nouak, Alexander
    Schulte, Axel T.
    This position paper analyzes blockchain technology from the scientific and application-oriented perspective of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. It examines relevant technical aspects and related research questions. It shows that technology still has fundamental research and development challenges in all areas. These include, for example, the modularization of individual blockchain concepts as well as their combination and integration for application-specific blockchain solutions.
  • Publication
    Blockchain und Smart Contracts
    (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, 2017)
    Schütte, Julian
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    ; ;
    Urbach, Nils
    Guggenberger, Nikolas
    Welzel, Christian
    Schulte, Axel
    ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Nouak, Alexander
    Schulte, Axel T.
    Dieses Positionspapier analysiert die Blockchain-Technologie aus wissenschaftlicher und anwendungsorientierter Sicht der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Es untersucht relevante Technikaspekte und damit verbundene Forschungsfragen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Technik in allen Bereichen noch grundlegende Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-Herausforderungen aufweist. Diese liegen beispielsweise in der Modularisierung einzelner Blockchain-Konzepte sowie deren Kombination und Integration für anwendungsspezifische Blockchain-Lösungen.