Now showing 1 - 10 of 4352
  • Publication
    Managing artificial intelligence applications in healthcare: Promoting information processing among stakeholders
    ( 2024-04)
    Hofmann, Peter
    Lämmermann, Luis
    AI applications hold great potential for improving healthcare. However, successfully operating AI is a complex endeavor requiring organizations to establish adequate management approaches. Managing AI applications requires functioning information exchange between a diverse set of stakeholders. Lacking information processing among stakeholders increases task uncertainty, hampering the operation of AI applications. Existing research lacks an understanding of holistic AI management approaches. To shed light on AI management in healthcare, we conducted a multi-perspective literature analysis followed by an interview study. Based on the organizational information processing theory, this paper investigates AI management in healthcare from an organizational perspective. As a result, we develop the AI application management model (AIAMA) that illustrates the managerial factors of AI management in healthcare and its interrelations. Furthermore, we provide managerial practices that improve information processing among stakeholders. We contribute to the academic discourse by providing a conceptual framework that increases the theoretical understanding of AI's management factors and understanding of management interrelations. Moreover, we contribute to practice by providing management practices that promote information processing and decrease task uncertainty when managing AI applications in healthcare.
  • Publication
    Consumer-centric electricity markets: Six design principles
    ( 2024-03) ;
    Hanny, Lisa-Maria
    Körner, Marc-Fabian
    Key to the necessary decarbonization of energy systems is the large-scale expansion of renewable energy sources and their integration into the electricity system. This integration is challenging because the feed-in from renewable energy sources is highly intermittent and largely dependent on uncontrollable factors such as weather patterns. To maintain grid stability, which refers to the required balance between demand and supply in the electricity system, flexibility is key. Large flexibility potentials can be found on the electricity demand side. However, current electricity market design in Europe, while providing major flexibility incentives, often neglects small-scale electricity consumers and distributed energy resources. We contribute to shape future electricity markets with consumers at the heart by developing six design principles for a consumer-centric electricity market design. We proceed by conducting a systematic literature review and evaluate the findings by expert interviews. Based on the developed design principles, we define a consumer-centric electricity market design as a set of market rules that align with the rules of other relevant energy markets and allow for the efficient matching of electricity demand and supply, with consumers having nondiscriminatory market access, being exposed to fine-grained price signals, being able to express their preferences, and having sufficient possibilities to protect themselves against unexpected price spikes. By actively incorporating consumers into electricity markets, we contribute to the overarching goal of integrating renewable energy sources while promoting energy justice, i.e., supporting a balanced mix of economic, political, environmental, and social interests.
  • Publication
    Vergleich zweier Ansätze zur Bekämpfung der kalten Progression: Tarifverschiebung vs. einkommensteuerpflichtige Kopfpauschale
    ( 2024)
    Broer, Michael
    Stöwhase, Sven
    Die Bundesregierung hat im Jahr 2022 das Inflationsausgleichsgesetz verabschiedet, das zum Ausgleich der kalten Progression in der Einkommensteuer sowohl den Grundfreibetrag erhöht als auch die übrigen Tarifeckpunkte anpasst. Bei dem in Gesetzentwürfen verpflichtenden Hinweis auf Alternativen steht "keine". Doch es gibt sehr wohl eine Alternative zur Tarifverschiebung, schreiben Michael Broer und Sven Stöwhase. Sie besteht darin, allein den Grundfreibetrag zu erhöhen, was gemäß höchstrichterlicher Rechtsprechung zwingend notwendig ist. Die fiskalischen Einnahmen, die durch den Verzicht auf eine Anpassung der übrigen Tarifeckpunkte zustande kommen, werden dann über eine steuerpflichtige Kopfpauschale an die Steuerpflichtigen ausgeschüttet, ähnlich wie im Fall der Energiepauschale im Jahr 2022. Es zeigt sich beim Vergleich, dass gerade einkommensschwache Steuerzahler, die von der Inflation aktuell besonders belastet werden, von einer Kopfpauschalenlösung profitieren würden.
  • Publication
    Negative electricity prices as a signal for lacking flexibility? On the effects of demand flexibility on electricity prices
    ( 2024)
    Halbrügge, Stephanie
    Heeß, Paula
    Schott, Paul
    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine how active consumers, i.e. consumers that can inter-temporally shift their load, can influence electricity prices. As demonstrated in this paper, inter-temporal load shifting can induce negative electricity prices, a recurring phenomenon on power exchanges. Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents a novel electricity-market model assuming a nodal-pricing, energy-only spot market with active consumers. This study formulates an economic equilibrium problem as a linear program and uses an established six-node case study to compare equilibrium prices of a model with inflexible demand to a model with flexible demand of active consumers. Findings: This study illustrates that temporal coupling of hourly market clearing through load shifting of active consumers can cause negative electricity prices that are not observed in a model with ceteris paribus inflexible demand. In such situations, where compared to the case of inflexible demand more flexibility is available in the system, negative electricity prices signal lower total system costs. These negative prices result from the use of demand flexibility, which, however, cannot be fully exploited due to limited transmission capacities, respectively, loop-flow restrictions. Originality/value: Literature indicates that negative electricity prices result from lacking flexibility. The results illustrate that active consumers and their additional flexibility can lead to negative electricity prices in temporally coupled markets, which in general contributes to increased system efficiency as well as increased use of renewable energy sources. These findings extend existing research in both the area of energy flexibility and causes for negative electricity prices. Therefore, policymakers should be aware of such (temporal coupling) effects and, e.g. continue to allow negative electricity prices in the future that can serve as investment signals for active consumers.
  • Publication
    Leveraging Digital Technologies in Logistics 4.0: Insights on Affordances from Intralogistics Processes
    ( 2024)
    Albrecht, Tobias
    Baier, Marie Sophie
    Meierhöfer, Simon
    Schlüchtermann, Jörg
    Will, Lisanne
    Emerging digital technologies are transforming logistics processes on a large scale. Despite a growing body of knowledge on individual use cases ranging from collaborative robots to platform-based planning systems in the frontline industrial development of Logistics 4.0, organizations lack a systematic understanding of the opportunities digital technologies afford for logistics processes. To foster such understanding, this study takes an intra-organizational perspective as a central starting point for digitalization initiatives toward Logistics 4.0. It synthesizes current academic research and industrial insights from a systematic literature review and an expert interview study through an affordance lens. The result is a catalog and conceptual framework of ten digital technology affordances in intralogistics (DTAILs) and 46 practical manifestations. Thereby, this study contributes to understanding and leveraging the opportunities digital technologies afford in a leading-edge information systems application domain. It serves as a foundation for further theorizing on Logistics 4.0 and for structuring strategic discussions among organizational stakeholders.
  • Publication
    Fake it till you make it: Synthetic data for emerging carsharing programs
    ( 2024)
    Albrecht, Tobias
    Rebholz, Dominik
    Carsharing is an integral part of the transformation toward flexible and sustainable mobility. New carsharing programs are entering the market to challenge large operators by offering innovative services. This study investigates the use of generative machine learning models for creating synthetic data to support carsharing decision–making when data access is limited. To this end, it explores the evaluation, selection, and implementation of leading-edge methods, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs), to generate synthetic tabular transaction data of carsharing trips. The study analyzes usage data of an emerging carsharing program that is expanding its services to include free-floating electric vehicles (EVs). The results show that augmenting real training data with synthetic samples improves predictive modeling of upcoming trips by up to 4.63%. These results support carsharing researchers and practitioners in generating and leveraging synthetic mobility data to develop solutions to real-world decision support problems in carsharing.
  • Publication
    Smartphone-Enabled Predictive Maintenance - Development and Implementation of a Reference Architecture and Processes
    ( 2024)
    Jonas, Claudius
    König, Ulrich
    Predictive maintenance (PdM) is a hot topic in the field of manufacturing. However, its industry-wide realization lacks accepted integration concepts. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in particular, tend to postpone PdM initiatives, primarily due to the high costs and effort of creating interoperability with established as well as in-use machines. PdM requires machine data to be proactively maintained. Therefore, in-use machines without integrated sensors must be replaced or cost-intensively upgraded. Furthermore, it is not advisable to invest in upgrades of existing machines, as they are cost-intensive, and their remaining lifespan is unknown as well as difficult to predict. One promising approach to applying PdM to these kinds of machines is the use of retail smartphones. With up to 16 sensors onboard, they offer an opportunity to cost-effectively collect required data without being tied to a single machine. Following a design science research approach, we present a reference software architecture consisting of a mobile and server application and reference processes for smartphone-enabled PdM to provide a lightweight approach, especially for SMEs. Together with five manufacturers and a software developer, we demonstrated and evaluated our artifacts using the software prototypes in a real-world setting.
  • Publication
    Security Vulnerabilities in 5G Non-Stand-Alone Networks: A Systematic Analysis and Attack Taxonomy
    5G networks, pivotal for our digital mobile societies, are transitioning from 4G to 5G Stand-Alone (SA) networks. However, during this transition, 5G Non-Stand-Alone (NSA) networks are widely used. This paper examines potential security vulnerabilities in 5G NSA networks. Through an extensive literature review, we identify known 4G attacks that can theoretically be applied to 5G NSA. We organize these attacks into a structured taxonomy. Our findings reveal that 5G NSA networks may offer a false sense of security, as most security and privacy improvements are concentrated in 5G SA networks. To underscore this concern, we implement three attacks with severe consequences and successfully validate them on various commercially available smartphones. Notably, one of these attacks, the IMSI Leak, consistently exposes user information with no apparent security mitigation in 5G NSA networks. This highlights the ease of tracking individuals on current 5G networks.
  • Publication
    Conceptualizing the Integration of Business and Private Components in Individual Information Systems
    ( 2024) ;
    Utz, Lena
    Afflerbach, Patrick
    Individuals build their individual information system (IIS) with which they manage the boundary between different domains of life. In this age of permanent mobile accessibility, however, the boundary between the private and business domains can become blurred. While some users try to maintain a degree of separation between the two IIS sub-systems (the private and the business information system), others integrate them. Understanding such integration is essential as it affects well-being and performance in both domains. To further this understanding, we introduce a conceptualization of IIS that distinguishes between four layers of IIS: devices, digital identities, relationships, and information. To measure IIS integration, we develop a method based on the IIS components’ usage frequencies in each domain. We evaluate our conceptualization as well as our measurement method by empirically testing a theoretical model of IIS integration on multiple layers. Our data provides empirical support for the importance of relationship integration as one of the four layers. This leads us to the conclusion that even though IIS are composed of four layers, only the relationship layer is of interest regarding IIS integration. Our results are of interest and service to individuals, organizations, and IT designers who aim to manage IIS integration for individual and organizational benefits.
  • Publication
    The Twin Transformation Butterfly: Capabilities for an Integrated Digital and Sustainability Transformation
    ( 2024)
    Christmann, Anne-Sophie
    Crome, Carlotta
    Graf-Drasch, Valerie
    Oberländer, Anna Maria
    Schmidt, Leonie
    Complex digitalization and sustainability challenges shape today’s management agendas. To date, the dedication of Information Systems research to both challenges has not been equal in terms of effort and reward. Building capabilities to leverage the synergetic potential of digital and sustainability transformation may enhance organizational performance and imply new value creation for the common good. To uncover such synergetic potential, this work conceptualizes the “twin transformation” construct as a value-adding reinforcing interplay between digital transformation and sustainability transformation efforts that improve an organization by leveraging digital technologies to enable sustainability and to guide digital progress by leveraging sustainability. The twin transformation conceptualization is complemented with a capability framework for twin transformation drawing from dynamic capability theory. This work contributes to descriptive knowledge of the interplay between digital transformation and sustainability transformation, setting a foundation for further theorizing on twin transformation and enabling organizations to twin transform.