Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Current Practices, Challenges, and Design Implications for Collaborative AR/VR Application Development
    ( 2021)
    Krauß, Veronika
    ; ;
    Reiners, René
    Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) is still a fragmented space to de- sign for due to the rapidly evolving hardware, the interdisciplinarity of teams, and a lack of standards and best practices. We interviewed 26 professional AR/VR designers and developers to shed light on their tasks, approaches, tools, and challenges. Based on their work and the artifacts they generated, we found that AR/VR application creators fulfill four roles: concept developers, interaction designers, content authors, and technical developers. One person often incorporates multiple roles and faces a variety of challenges during the design process from the initial contextual analysis to the deployment. From analysis of their tool sets, methods, and artifacts, we describe critical key challenges. Finally, we discus s the importance of prototyping for the communication in AR/VR development teams and highlight design implications for future tools to create a more usable AR/VR tool chain.
  • Publication
    Finding and analysing energy research funding data: The EnArgus system
    This paper presents the concept, a system-overview, and the evaluation of EnArgus, the central information system for energy research funding in Germany. Initiated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), EnArgus establishes a one-stop information system about all recent and ongoing energy research funding projects in Germany. Participants ranging from laypersons to experts were surveyed in three workshops to evaluate both the public and expert interfaces of the EnArgus system in comparison to peer systems. The results showed that the EnArgus system was predominantly evaluated positively by the various participants. It contributes to making the energy sector more transparent and offers clear advantages for professional use compared to similar systems. The system's semantic processing enables more precise hits and better coverage by including semantically related terms in search results; its intelligence makes it fail-safe, rendering it suitable for areas where poor results can have dire consequences. Reporting on an actual real-world system, the paper also provides a roadmap-view of how electronic filing of administrative project data can be semantically enhanced and opened-up to provide the basis for new ways into the data that are key for future breakthrough AI interfaces.
  • Publication
    Socio-technical challenges in the digital gap between building information modeling and industry 4.0
    ( 2017)
    Lange, Peter de
    Bähre, Boris
    Finetti-Imhof, Christiane
    Klamma, Ralf
    Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Industry 4.0 are complex application domains. Doing interdisciplinary research with architects, engineers and computer scientists at the intersection of the domains is both challenging and promising, since many relevant research problems need multi-perspective views and cooperatively designed solution strategies. In this paper, we envision a sociotechnical solution strategy, based on the common understanding that communication and cooperation is mission-critical for the overall success of the deployed information system, the design process and the final result of the mission, the building. To that end, we sketch the challenges and discuss a running construction project as a real application scenario. Our solution includes the use of serious gaming strategies, near real-time collaboration and mixed reality. The results show that despite the tough cost and time restrictions, innovative and relevant research in interdisciplinary research and development teams is feasible.
  • Publication
    EnArgus: Zentrales Informationssystem Energieforschungsförderung
    Mit EnArgus stellen wir ein interdisziplinäres Projekt von Energieforschern, Informatikern und Linguisten vor: die Erstellung eines zentralen Informationssystems für die Energieforschungsförderung in Deutschland. EnArgus stellt über ein neues Energieforschungs-Wiki für ausgewählte Themenbereiche der Energieforschung eine Fachontologie bereit, die die Basis für intelligentes Suchen in einer großen Datenbank von Fördervorhaben bildet. Die ontologiebasierte Suchmaschine ist das Kernstück des EnArgus-Informationssystems. EnArgus richtet sich an heterogene Zielgruppen, was sich in verschiedenen Benutzerschnittstellenniederschlägt; wir stellen EnArgus.public, EnArgus.master, und die zugrundeliegende Fachontologie vor und skizzieren den Projektverlauf von der Anforderungsanalyse bis zur Evaluation. Abschließend berichten wir über die derzeit laufenden Weiterentwicklungen im Nachfolgeprojekt EnArgus2.0.
  • Publication
    Natural Europe educational games suite: Using structured museum-data for creating mobile educational games
    ( 2014)
    Rojas, Sarah Leon
    Blum, Lisa
    Wolpers, Martin
    This paper presents a suite for configuring and deploying mobile, location-based educational games for natural history museums. We propose a novel approach that uses structured museum-data as game-content and present an initial study thereof. The overall aim is to enable domain-experts, like teachers or museum educators, to create educational games for off-the-shelf mobile phones without requiring neither bespoke programming skills nor expensive setups. Our approach builds on the combination of two strands of work: 1.) structuring and providing museum-assets as linked data, and 2.) template-based content creation for mobiles games. This is thought to facilitate reuse of existing data and foster its maintenance on the one hand, as well as providing a timely and engaging mobile interface to museum content on the other hand. Our study is based on two rounds of user-tests with think-aloud observations and questionnaires, and on the developers' notes and reflections that stem from introductory workshops at four natural history museums from the Natural Europe project consortium. We found that both, the workflow for content-creation and the mobile end-user app have high hedonic as well as pragmatic qualities. Thus, the test results indicate that our approach might provide guidance for future work in this domain.