Now showing 1 - 10 of 24
  • Publication
    Causal vs. effectual behavior- support for entrepreneurs
    ( 2011)
    Schlüter, J.
    Schmitz, D.
    Brettel, M.
    Jarke, M.
    Klamma, R.
    "Effectuation" is a new approach to explain the success or failure of entrepreneurs. In contrast to the traditional "causation" approach the entrepreneur is not considered to be driven by a concrete goal and to choose between different alternatives in regard to how well they help to achieve this goal. Instead the entrepreneur evaluates the alternatives, in particular the choice of strategic partners, in regard to their potential for future success. The goals are adapted to the choices and in particular the needs of the strategic partners. Agent-based simulations are intended to help identifying the settings where one approach is more appropriate than the other.
  • Publication
    Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der Prozess- und Fertigungstechnik
    ( 2011)
    Mersch, H.
    Behnen, D.
    Schmitz, D.
    Epple, U.
    Brecher, C.
    Jarke, M.
    In der industriellen Produktion haben sich diskrete Fertigung und Prozesstechnik als weitgehend getrennte Domänen herausgebildet. Immer häufiger erfordern heutzutage jedoch sowohl Entwicklungssystematiken als auch konkrete Produktionsanforderungen die Integration der unterschiedlichen Systeme und Modelle. Als Voraussetzung für eine domänenübergreifende, bessere Integration bis hin zur Steuerung hybrider Produktionsanlagen werden in diesem Beitrag physikalische Grundlagen, technische Aufgabenstellungen aber auch entwickelte Modelle und Systeme beider Domänen vergleichend beschrieben und analysiert.
  • Publication
    Requirements engineering for trust-based interorganizational networks
    ( 2011)
    Gans, G.
    Jarke, M.
    Kethers, S.
    Lakemeyer, G.
    Schmitz, D.
  • Publication
    Relating domain model based requirements management and situational method engineering
    ( 2010)
    Schmitz, D.
    Nissen, H.W.
    Jarke, M.
    Rose, T.
    In this paper we revisit our earlier proposed domain model based approach to requirements management from a situational method engineering perspective. The approach has originally been developed dedicatedly for a small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) in the field of control system development. Broadening the perspective by considering situational method engineering helps to generalize the approach to support any kind of flexible and customer-oriented enterprise that works in highly innovative fields. The investigation has opened up our method for new strategies to make domain model choices and to tailor the requirements-based search for similar projects. Furthermore, the feedback loop that we provide to adapt domain models according to the concrete experiences of an SME within recent projects raises an issue that possibly applies to knowledge management in situational method engineering in general.
  • Publication
    Requirements engineering for control systems
    ( 2010)
    Schmitz, D.
    Nissen, H.W.
    Jarke, M.
    Rose, T.
  • Publication
    Goal-based domain modeling as a basis for cross-disciplinary systems engineering
    ( 2010)
    Jarke, M.
    Nissen, H.W.
    Rose, T.
    Schmitz, D.
  • Publication
    Modelling actor evolution in agent-based simulations
    ( 2009)
    Roesli, A.
    Schmitz, D.
    Lakemeyer, G.
    Jarke, M.
    Agent-based simulations have proven to be suitable to investigate many kinds of problems, especially in the field of social science. But to provide useful insights, the behaviour of the involved, simulated actors needs to reflect relevant features of the real world. In this paper, we address one particular aspect in this regard, namely the correct reflection of an actor's evolution during a simulation. Very often some knowledge exists about how an actor can evolve, for example, the typical development stages of entrepreneurs when investigating entrepreneurship networks. We propose to model this knowledge explicitly using evolution links between roles enriched with suitable conditions and extend i*, an agent- and goal-oriented modelling framework, thereby. We provide a mapping to the simulation environment ConGolog that serves as an intermediary approach between not providing change of behaviour at all and very open approaches to behaviour adaptation such as learning.
  • Publication
    Evolution in domain model based requirements engineering for control systems development
    ( 2009)
    Nissen, H.W.
    Schmitz, D.
    Jarke, M.
    Rose, T.
    Drews, P.
    Heßeler, F.J.
    Reke, M.
  • Publication
    How to keep domain requirements models reasonably sized
    ( 2009)
    Nissen, H.
    Schmitz, D.
    Jarke, M.
    Rose, T.
    A domain model based requirements engineering approach has proven to be helpful when developing softwareintensive, embedded control systems. A typical characteristic of this domain is the high volatility of ideas resulting in frequent innovations. Thus, aside from evolution from external research, the innovative projects at small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) are the main sources for suitable domain model changes. In this paper we describe how changes (reductions and extensions) to the domain model can be derived from experiences with finalised projects at an SME. The overall goal is to make the domain model most valuable by keeping it at a reasonable size: neither too big nor too small. Unnecessary ballast will be removed and frequently modelled extensions will be added. We outline corresponding tool support but emphasise that the engineer still must remain in the loop.
  • Publication
    Mapping requirement models to mathematical models in control system development
    ( 2009)
    Schmitz, D.
    Zhang, M.
    Rose, T.
    Jarke, M.
    Polzer, A.
    Palczynski, J.
    Kowalewski, S.
    Reke, M.