Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Blockchain and smart contracts
    (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, 2018)
    Schütte, Julian
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    ; ; ; ;
    Guggenberger, Nikolas
    Welzel, Christian
    Schulte, Axel
    ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Nouak, Alexander
    Schulte, Axel T.
    This position paper analyzes blockchain technology from the scientific and application-oriented perspective of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. It examines relevant technical aspects and related research questions. It shows that technology still has fundamental research and development challenges in all areas. These include, for example, the modularization of individual blockchain concepts as well as their combination and integration for application-specific blockchain solutions.
  • Publication
    The Sustainability Imperative in Information Systems Research
    ( 2017)
    Seidel, Stefan
    Bharati, Pratyush
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    Watson, Richard T.
    Albizri, Abdullah
    Boudreau, Maric
    Kruse, Leona Chandra
    Guzman, Indira
    Toland, Janet
    Karsten, Helena
    Lee, Habin
    Melville, Nigel
    Rush, Daniel
    Butler, Tom
    Watts, Stephanie
    This paper reports on a panel discussion at the Pre-ICIS 2015 Workshop on Green Information Sys-tems on the current state and future perspectives of SIGGreen, the special interest group of the Association of Information Systems on green information systems. SIGGreen recognizes the central role of information systems (IS) in creating an ecologically sustainable society. Over the past years, IS scholars have made important contributions advancing our knowledge about how information systems can contribute to solving problems associated with the degradation of the natural envi-ronment. Still, it seems that green IS is, by and large, viewed as just another research branch in IS. We put forward the proposition that, to meet our social responsibility, green IS must not be treated as yet another IS research area. The problem addressed by green IS is simply too big. While, for instance, the awareness of the potential of information systems to increase productivity has been in our disciplines DNA for more than five decades, this is clearly not the case for the potential of information systems to achieve a sustainable world. We suggest that the IS community embraces sustainability as a research imperative and integrates sustainability related aspects in research across methods, theories, and areas.
  • Publication
    Blockchain und Smart Contracts
    (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, 2017)
    Schütte, Julian
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    ; ;
    Urbach, Nils
    Guggenberger, Nikolas
    Welzel, Christian
    Schulte, Axel
    ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Nouak, Alexander
    Schulte, Axel T.
    Dieses Positionspapier analysiert die Blockchain-Technologie aus wissenschaftlicher und anwendungsorientierter Sicht der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Es untersucht relevante Technikaspekte und damit verbundene Forschungsfragen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Technik in allen Bereichen noch grundlegende Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-Herausforderungen aufweist. Diese liegen beispielsweise in der Modularisierung einzelner Blockchain-Konzepte sowie deren Kombination und Integration für anwendungsspezifische Blockchain-Lösungen.
  • Publication
    Providing Utility to Utilities: The Value of Information Systems Enabled Flexibility in Electricity Consumption
    ( 2016)
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    Häfner, Lukas
    König, Christian
    Sachs, Thomas
    As the transition to renewable energy sources progresses, the integration of such sources makes electricity production increasingly fluctuate. To contribute to power grid stability, electric utilities must balance volatile supply by shifting demand. This measure of demand response depends on flexibility, which arises as the integration of information systems in the power grid grows. The option to shift electric loads to times of lower demand or higher supply bears an economic value. Following a design science research approach, we illustrate how to quantify this value to support decisions on short-term consumer compensation. We adapt real options theory to the designa strategy that IS researchers have used widely to determine value under uncertainty . As a prerequisite, we develop a stoc hastic process, which realistically replicates intraday electricity spot price development. With this process, we design an artifact suitable for valuation, which we illustrate in a plug-in electric vehicle scenario. Following the artifacts evaluation based on historical spot price data from the electricity exchange EPEX SPOT, we found that real options analysis works well for quantifying the value of information systems enabled flexibility in electricity consumption.