Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Multimodal interaction in context-adaptive systems
    ( 2006)
    Schneider, A.
    Lorenz, A.
    Zimmermann, A.
    Eisenhauer, M.
    This paper reports on the architectural development process implemented in the MICA (Multimodal Interaction in Context-Adaptive systems) project. The goal is to make a major step towards natural human interaction with multimodal systems and the provision of pro-active assistance: we aim to do this by combining explicit and implicit interaction on different modalities reflected in a new layer based architecture for multimodal interaction.
  • Publication
    Enabling natural interaction by approaching objects
    ( 2005)
    Lorenz, A.
    Zimmermann, A.
    Eisenhauer, M.
    This paper introduces the research issues to make a major step towards natural human interaction with mobile multimodal systems. Thereby, we aim at combining explicit and implicit interaction to blended multimodal interaction. Natural inter-action and the requirement to anticipate a mix of purposive behavior and uncertainty requires rendering information in a way that is compatible with and aware of the situational context. In two application examples we illustrate our approaches of interaction by movement. As the basis for adaptive behavior, this paper describes the conclusions drawn from tracking the mobile user in a museum's environment. It also illuminates different aspects of this technology, such as ac-curacy and costs, and illustrates the results of our project using the specific technology.
  • Publication
    Location and tracking in mobile guides
    ( 2005)
    Lorenz, A.
    Schmitt, C.
    Oppermann, R.
    Eisenhauer, M.
    Zimmermann, A.
    This paper describes several approaches for tracking the mobile user of guiding systems. It illuminates different aspects for selecting the right technology, such as accuracy and costs, and illustrates the results of our projects using the specific technology. For three examples, i.e. optical tracking, infrared-based systems and WLAN-tracking, we describe our applications from the field of indoor and museum guides. Each of the application requires specific capabilities from the technology ranging from cost-efficiency to precise measurement of position and orientation. We will therefore describe the different (dis-)advantages and draw the conclusions for the application functionality.
  • Publication
    Interaction by movement - one giant leap for natural interaction in mobile guides
    ( 2005)
    Eisenhauer, M.
    Lorenz, A.
    Zimmermann, A.
    Duong, T.
    James, F.
    This paper introduces the research issues in multimodal interaction in mobile guides. The goal is to make a major step towards natural human interaction with multimodal systems in mobile systems: we aim to do this by combining explicit and implicit interaction to blended multimodal interaction. Natural interaction and the requirement to anticipate a mix of purposive behavior and uncertainty requires rendering information in a way that is compatible with the characteristics of the device, the environment, the cognitive load, and the user's personal preferences. Application systems thus need to be aware of the situation and context. In the description of two recent applications for guiding systems we describe our past research work and experience gained from these applications: SAiMotion is a guide system for professional trade fair visitors, and LISTEN is a museums guide. Motivated by the results of the projects, we illustrate our approach in MICA, which is a hands free support system for blue collar workers.