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  • Publication
    Template‐based generation of programming language specific code for smart grid modelling compliant with CIM and CGMES
    ( 2023)
    Dinkelbach, Jan
    Razik, Lukas
    Mirz, Markus
    Benigni, Andrea
    The transition to Smart Grids increases the complexity of power grids by involving many more interdependent actors and integrating additional information and communications technology. To provide a common basis for Smart Grid data representation and exchange, the standardized Common Information Model (CIM) has been introduced and extended, i. a., by the Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES). An increasing acceptance by power grid operators and other actors has made CIM and CGMES more and more relevant. However, the implementation of CIM / CGMES support in software projects appears to be challenging due to the complexity of CIM / CGMES and the ongoing standardisation process with iterative adaptations. Thus, the main contribution of this paper is the presentation of a methodology for an automated generation of programming language specific code from CIM / CGMES specifications. The approach is based on the use of a template language and enables to keep software projects fully compliant with CIM / CGMES specifications. The paper outlines the process of code generation and the consecutive codebase integration for a JavaScript based CIM / CGMES web editor and for two CIM / CGMES de-/serialiser libraries in C++ and Python. The approach is evaluated in use cases involving the visualisation and simulation of a benchmark grid.