Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
  • Publication
    Der Einfluss von digitalen Technologien auf Wissensarbeit: Kompetenzen im Wandel
    Die voranschreitende Digitalisierung und der technologische Fortschritt haben in der Arbeitswelt Auswirkungen auf die Ausbildung von Fachkräften und insbesondere auf die geforderten Kompetenzen für einen langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg. Neben klassischen Basiskompetenzen, wie beispielsweise kritischem Denken, treten Digitalkompetenzen wie beispielswiese die Verarbeitung von Informationen zunehmend in den Vordergrund. Deshalb bestehen die Fragen: Was sind durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung relevante Digitalkompetenzen in der Wissensarbeit? Wie präsentieren und vermitteln Unternehmen und Hochschulen diese Digitalkompetenzen und welche Handlungsempfehlungen lassen sich diesbezüglich ableiten? Durch eine Literaturrecherche in praxisnaher und wissenschaftlicher Literatur wurden Digitalkompetenzen gesammelt, definiert und klassifiziert. Zwölf wichtige Digitalkompetenzen werden herausgestellt und es wird beobachtet, ob und wie sie in der Praxis bereits in betriebswirtschaftlichen Studiengängen, unternehmensinternen sowie -externen Off-the-job-Weiterbildungen und im Recruiting Beachtung finden. Dies ermöglicht das Ableiten von Handlungsempfehlungen für Hochschulen und Unternehmen, sowie deren Zusammenarbeit. Zusätzlich verhelfen die Ergebnisse Weiterbildungen entsprechend an die neuen Gegebenheiten anzupassen und die Wichtigkeit der Digitalkompetenzen für den Berufseinstieg und die berufliche Laufbahn zu verdeutlichen.
  • Publication
    Conceptualizing the Integration of Business and Private Components in Individual Information Systems
    ( 2024) ;
    Utz, Lena
    Afflerbach, Patrick
    Individuals build their individual information system (IIS) with which they manage the boundary between different domains of life. In this age of permanent mobile accessibility, however, the boundary between the private and business domains can become blurred. While some users try to maintain a degree of separation between the two IIS sub-systems (the private and the business information system), others integrate them. Understanding such integration is essential as it affects well-being and performance in both domains. To further this understanding, we introduce a conceptualization of IIS that distinguishes between four layers of IIS: devices, digital identities, relationships, and information. To measure IIS integration, we develop a method based on the IIS components’ usage frequencies in each domain. We evaluate our conceptualization as well as our measurement method by empirically testing a theoretical model of IIS integration on multiple layers. Our data provides empirical support for the importance of relationship integration as one of the four layers. This leads us to the conclusion that even though IIS are composed of four layers, only the relationship layer is of interest regarding IIS integration. Our results are of interest and service to individuals, organizations, and IT designers who aim to manage IIS integration for individual and organizational benefits.
  • Publication
    The Double-Edged Sword Pattern of Leadership Behaviors in Digital Transformation: Identifying Positive and Negative Outcomes for Leaders and Employees Using a Group Delphi Study
    ( 2023)
    Lettner, Nicole
    Weber, Ellen
    Gilli, Katharina
    Güttel, Wolfgang
    Leading employees in times of digital transformation is challenging as it requires leaders to enact different behaviors and roles. Further, the prevalence of hybrid and remote work environments has exacerbated the situation. Employing a group Delphi study with 42 leaders, we address the hitherto insufficiently researched question of which leadership behaviors might suit such contexts and which impact they have on different organizational members. We provide a structured overview of appropriate task-oriented and relation-oriented leadership behaviors and their influence on individuals. Hereby, we uncover a double-edged relationship between well-intended leadership behaviors and individual-related outcomes by revealing both desirable and undesirable consequences for employees and leaders. Consequently, we challenge the assumption that enacting these behaviors always leads to beneficial outcomes and highlight that combining different leadership behaviors is necessary to face the challenges.
  • Publication
    Social Support as Technostress Inhibitor: Even More Important During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
    Due to ongoing digitalization and the social distancing measures that came along with the COVID-19 pandemic, the working conditions and environments have changed for many individuals. Because of increased telework, the use of digital technologies for communicating and collaborating at work has been intensified, which can cause technostress. With longitudinal data from two surveys – one before and one during the COVID-19 pandemic – the paper analyzes the relationship between four social support dimensions (supervisor support, co-worker support, sense of community at work, and family support) and technostress creators. The study shows that social support can be an effective inhibitor of technostress creators. However, social support dimensions have to be differentiated in that regard. Further, the results show that the inhibiting effect of family support has become even more important during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results contribute to technostress research and research with regard to the new normal of working after the pandemic.
  • Publication
    Segmentation preference and technostress: Integrators’ vs segmenters’ experience of technology-induced demands and related spill-over effects
    ( 2023)
    Becker, Julia
    Remote work is becoming the "new normal", and more people are working in the home office due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Boundary management and the individual preferences to segment work and private life are a current topic of research as digital technologies have the potential to aggravate segmentation due to their invasive effect. In this context, we add to a current research stream on technostress, investigating technology-driven spill-over in a longitudinal study based on data assessed during the pandemic. The use of communication technologies leads to work-to-family stress due to the occurrence of techno-stressors interruptions, invasion, and overload. Differences between "segmenters" (people with a strong wish for separation) and "integrators" (who rather integrate life domains) were found. They experience techno-stressors differently in dependence on their technology use. Our paper offers interesting theoretical insights into boundary transcending effects of technology use. Recommendations for employers on how to shape the "new normal" are discussed.
  • Publication
    Issues Regarding IT Consumerization: How Mixed IT Portfolios of Private and Business IT Components Cause Unreliability
    With increasing mobile work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the usage and relevance of consumer IT for business purposes have substantially increased. In this light, an understudied area of IT consumerization, the adverse outcomes for employees using consumer IT for business purposes, is of major importance. We conduct a mixed-methods study to investigate the adverse outcomes of IT consumerization. We build on prior studies and end-user interviews to draw connections between IT consumerization and unreliability as one known technostressor. A quantitative survey of 162 full-time employees shows that IT consumerization is associated with increased unreliability. The users’ general computer self-efficacy, instead, decreases unreliability, and unreliability leads to various job-related and health-related outcomes. We show that unreliability is driven by users’ experience while trying to integrate private and business IT components for business purposes. We follow up on this observation through a qualitative analysis of open-ended survey questions to detail users’ experiences. Our findings emphasize the need to examine the negative outcomes of IT consumerization, despite its well-studied positive effects. We suggest that organizations should strive to integrate business and private IT as much as IT security constraints allow for reduced technostress.
  • Publication
    How to Design More Empathetic Recommender Systems in Social Media
    ( 2022-12)
    Bonenberger, Lukas
    Graf-Drasch, Valerie
    Social media’s value proposition heavily relies on recommender systems suggesting products to buy, events to attend, or people to connect with. These systems currently prioritize user engagement and social media providers’ profit generation over individual users’ well-being. However, making these systems more “empathetic” would benefit social media providers and content creators as users would use social media more often, longer, and increasingly recommend it to other users. By way of a design science research approach, including twelve interviews with system designers, social media experts, psychologists, and users, we develop user-centric design knowledge on making recommender systems in social media more “empathetic.” This design knowledge comprises a conceptual framework, four meta-requirements, and six design principles. It contributes to the research streams “digital responsibility” and “IS for resilience” and provides practical guidance in developing socially responsible recommender systems as next-generation social media services.
  • Publication
    Ein integriertes Konzept für nachhaltige hybride Arbeit - Erkenntnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen aus einem Transformationsprojekt
    ( 2022)
    Kreuzer, Thomas
    Römmelt, Jörg
    Große gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen wie die COVID-19-Pandemie und der globale Klimawandel haben die Art und Weise wie Menschen zusammenarbeiten und über Arbeit nachdenken für immer verändert. Aber was bedeutet das konkret für Organisationen? Genau diese Frage wird in diesem Artikel anhand einer Fallstudie über das Transformationsprojekt eines deutschen Forschungsinstituts hin zu nachhaltiger hybrider Arbeit untersucht. Der analysierte Fall ist besonders interessant, weil sich das Forschungsinstitut zusätzlich der Herausforderung eines anstehenden Umzugs noch während der COVID-19-Pandemie gegenübersah. Der Artikel zielt darauf ab, Erfahrungen und Handlungsempfehlungen für eine adäquate Gestaltung der Rahmenbedingungen für nachhaltige hybride Arbeit in allen Phasen der Transformation darzustellen. Erstens wird ein konkretes New-Work-Konzept entlang mehrerer Dimensionen für nachhaltige hybride Arbeit präsentiert, das durch Erkenntnisse in der Literatur und durch Erfahrungen aus deren praktischer Anwendung entwickelt wurde. Zweitens werden Einblicke in die Umsetzung gegeben, dabei das Zusammenspiel mehrerer interdisziplinärer Teams aufgezeigt und Good Practices auf dem Weg zu nachhaltiger hybrider Arbeit abgeleitet. Der Beitrag hebt sich von bisherigen Erkenntnissen ab, da er hybride Arbeit und Nachhaltigkeit vereint und Wege der integrierten, interdisziplinären Umsetzung aufzeigt. So geben unsere Ergebnisse anderen New-Work-Forschenden Grundlage und Struktur, um das Konzept nachhaltige hybride Arbeit und der Entwicklung und Messung ihrer Erfolgsfaktoren tiefergehend zu untersuchen. Praktiker können das Konzept und die Good Practices als Blaupause für die eigene Transformation hin zu nachhaltiger hybrider Arbeit verwenden und davon ausgehend organisationsindividuelle Anpassungen vornehmen.
  • Publication
    Präventionsmaßnahmen der digitalen Arbeit
    (Fraunhofer FIT, 2021) ; ; ;
    Regal, Christian
    Schäfer, Ricarda
    Schmidt, Marco