Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
  • Publication
    Organizing Self-Organizing Systems: A Terminology, Taxonomy, and Reference Model for Entities in Cyber-physical Production Systems
    ( 2021)
    Berger, Stephan
    Häfner, Lukas
    Ongoing digitalization accelerates the transformation and integration of physical production and traditional computing systems into smart objects and their interconnectivity, forming the Internet of Things. In manufacturing, the cross-linking of embedded systems creates adaptive and self-organizing Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs). Owing to ever-increasing cross-linking, rapid technological advances, and multifunctionality, the complexity and structural opacity of CPPSs are rapidly increasing. The development of urgently needed modeling approaches for managing such complexity and structural opacity, however, is impeded by a lack of common understanding of CPPSs. Therefore, in this paper, we contribute to a common understanding of CPPSs by defining and classifying CPPS entities and illustrating their relations. More precisely, we present a terminology, a taxonomy, and a reference model for CPPS entities, created and evaluated using an iterative development process. Thereby, we lay the foundation for future CPPS modeling approaches that make CPPS complexity and structural opacity more manageable.
  • Publication
    Determining the Optimal Time to Launch an Emerging Innovation in a Market
    ( 2020) ;
    Stirnweiß, Dominic
    Investments in emerging technologies and the development of related emerging innovations are necessary to compete in the long term. The market entry timing plays an important role in generating decisive competitive advantages over competitors through investments in emerging innovations. Different market entry strategies offer varied opportunities and risks, which firms must take into account when choosing the optimal time to enter the market. This study develops an optimisation model to make an economically appropriate ex-ante decision in this choice by accounting for several relevant factors and weighing up possible opportunities and risks of the chosen market entry strategy. The evaluation of the simulation results shows that the considered factors influence the optimal market entry to varying ex-tents, and that both early and late market entry can be advantageous for companies.
  • Publication
    Modeling IT Availability Risks in Smart Factories. A Stochastic Petri Nets Approach
    ( 2020)
    Miehle, Daniel
    Pfosser, Stefan
    Übelhör, Jochen
    In the course of the ongoing digitalization of production, industrial production infrastructures have become increasingly intertwined with information and communication technology. There-by, physical production processes depend more and more on the flawless functioning of information networks. Threats, such as attacks and errors, can compromise the components of in-formation networks, and due to the increasing interconnection, can even cause entire smart factories to fail. However, increasing complexity and lack of transparency of information networks in smart factories complicate the detection and analysis of such threats. Following a De-sign Science Research approach, this study aims to develop a methodology to depict and to model information networks in smart factories to enable the identification and analysis of IT availability risks. Based on a modular stochastic Petri net approach, we provide an artifact that enables the simulation and analysis of threats in smart factory information networks. To demonstrate the applicability and feasibility of our approach, we investigate different threat scenarios regarding their impacts on the operational capability of a close-to-reality information network setting. Further, to complement the evaluation from a practical perspective, we integrated the insights from two expert interviews with two global leading companies in the automation and packaging industry. The results indicate that the developed artifact offers a promising approach to better analyze and understand IT availability risks in smart factory information networks.
  • Publication
    IIoT-basierte Geschäftsmodellinnovation im Industrie-Kontext: Archetypen und praktische Einblicke
    ( 2019)
    Oberländer, Anna Maria
    Übelhör, Jochen
    Im Zeitalter digitaler Technologien beschränkt sich der Wettbewerb zwischen Industrieunternehmen nicht mehr nur auf klassische Produkt- und Serviceinnovationen. Vielmehr gewinnen neue digitale Geschäftsmodelle auf Basis des Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) an Bedeutung, welche die Vernetzung physischer Produkte und die damit einhergehende Gewinnung und Verwertung relevanter Nutzungs- und Umweltdaten ermöglicht. Neue datenbasierte Geschäftsmodelle, wie zum Beispiel Pay-per-Use-Modelle oder Plattformen, entstehen. Da insbesondere im IIoT-Kontext ein umfassendes und praxisrelevantes Verständnis zu den damit einhergehenden Möglichkeiten der Geschäftsmodellentwicklung fehlt, beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag mit IIoT-basierten Geschäftsmodellinnovationen im Industrie-Kontext. Zunächst werden sechs IIoT-basierte Geschäftsmodell-Archetypen vorgestellt, die im Rahmen des öffentlich geförderten Konsortialforschungsprojekts Transparenz in Produktionsprozessen (TRiP) mit sechs Industrieunternehmen aus verschiedenen Branchen identifiziert und evaluiert wurden. Auf Basis von zehn interdisziplinären Geschäftsmodellworkshops mit den Konsortialunternehmen werden zudem praxisrelevante Erkenntnisse über die Transformation vom Status Quo Geschäftsmodell hin zum IIoT-basierten Geschäftsmodell diskutiert und abgeleitet. Der Beitrag bietet Praktikern einen strukturierten Überblick zu den Möglichkeiten und Auswirkungen IIoT-basierter Geschäftsmodellinnovation sowie Ansatzpunkte für den Wandel hin zu IIoT-basierten Geschäftsmodellen.
  • Publication
    Estimating the Impact of IT Security Incidents in Digitized Production Environments
    ( 2019)
    Bürger, Olga
    Karnebogen, Philip
    Töppel, Jannick
    Owing to digitalization, manufacturing companies increasingly integrate IT services - such as control systems - into their production environments. This increases the flexibility of production and allows them to offer new services to customers, for example, data - based services (e.g., predictive maintenance). However, stepping up production - IT system connections also leads to an increased reliance on the availability of IT services as a means to value creation, both in internal production processes and at the customer interface. More interconnectivity also increases network complexity, and thus favors the rapid spread of cyber - attacks within the information network. The potential for damage is massive, as disruptions to IT services can reduce the availability of connected IT services and production components. Despite existing studies on IT security, little has been written on ways to estimate the impact that availability incidents have on digitized production environments based on the IIoT - for example, smart factories. To help close this research gap, we provide an approach that enables users to simulate cyber - attacks and measure the impact of such attacks on value creation in digitized production environments. We compare the features of our model with our specific design objectives and competing artifacts, present our prototype and the results of a sensitivity analysis for selected model parameters, and illustrate the applicability of our model using the real - life case of a German manufacturing company. Our results indicate that the degree of interconnect ion in digitized production environments is the most important influencing factor when estimating the impact of an IT availability incident on value creation.
  • Publication
    Modelling Availability Risks of IT Threats in Smart Factory Networks - A Modular Petri Net Approach
    ( 2019)
    Berger, Stephan
    Bogenreuther, Maximilan
    Niesel, Oliver
    In manufacturing, concepts like the Internet of Things (IoT) or Cyber-physical Systems (CPS) accelerate the development from traditional production facilities towards smart factories. Thereby, emerging digital technologies increasingly connect information networks with production processes, forming complex smart factory networks. Due to their reliance on information flows and the high degree of cross-linking, these networks are, in particular, vulnerable to availability risks caused by attacks and errors. To address this problem, we aim to identify and analyse availability threats by developing a modelling approach that depicts specific characteristics of smart factory networks. Based on modelling requirements derived from a literature review, we propose a modular Petri net approach. To iteratively revise and validate our model, we followed established evaluation principles and conducted evaluation rounds with industry experts and other researchers. To demonstrate the usefulness and applicability of our model, we simulated one real-world use case and two planned extensions of a mechanical engineering company. Our model depicts information-based dependencies within smart factory networks and allows for the simulation and analysis of threat propagation. Thereby, it enables both researchers and practitioners to identify critical network connections and components, serving as a basis for layout decisions and IT security mitigation measures.
  • Publication
    Ausblick auf das Jahr 2025: Was folgt auf die digitale Agenda?
    ( 2019) ;
    Röglinger, Maximilian
    Seyfried, Johannes
    Auch wenn die meisten Unternehmen ihre digitale Agenda noch nicht vollständig umgesetzt haben, ist sie in der Regel doch klar definiert und in die Gesamtstrategie eingebettet. Doch wie sieht die Arbeits- und Unternehmenswelt aus, wenn die Digitalisierung weit fortgeschritten ist? Wissenschaftler und Experten stellen zehn Thesen auf und nennen die künftigen Handlungsfelder.
  • Publication
    Economic Perspective on Algorithm Selection for Predictive Maintenance
    ( 2019)
    Fabri, Lukas
    Oberländer, Anna Maria
    Töppel, Jannick
    Zanker, Patrick
    The increasing availability of data and computing capacity drives optimization potential. In the industrial context, predictive maintenance is particularly promising and various algorithms are available for implementation. For the evaluation and selection of predictive maintenance algorithms, hitherto, statistical measures such as absolute and relative prediction errors are considered. However, algorithm selection from a purely statistical perspective may not necessarily lead to the optimal economic outcome as the two types of prediction errors (i.e., alpha error ignoring system failures versus beta error falsely indicating system failures) are negatively correlated, thus, cannot be jointly optimized and are associated with different costs. Therefore, we compare the prediction performance of three types of algorithms from an economic perspective, namely Artificial Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, and Hotelling T² Control Charts. We show that the translation of statistical measures into a single cost-based objective function allows optimizing the individual algorithm parametrization as well as the un-ambiguous comparison among algorithms. In a real-life scenario of an industrial full-service provider we derive cost advantages of more than 17% compared to an algorithm selection based on purely statistical measures. This work contributes to the theoretical and practical knowledge on predictive maintenance algorithms and supports predictive maintenance investment decisions.
  • Publication
    Digitale Geschäftsmodelle in der Industrie: Eine Analyse der Auswirkungen und Herausforderungen
    ( 2019) ;
    Übelhör, Jochen
    Im Zuge der Digitalisierung gewinnen die Entwicklung integrierter, datenbasierter Produkt-Dienstleistungsbündel und die Transformation der Geschäftsmodelle von Industrieunternehmen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Beispielsweise entwickeln Produzenten von Industriegütern zusätzliche digitale Services zur intelligenten Steuerung, Optimierung oder Wartung und bieten damit neue, kundenindividuelle Lösungsangebote. Unternehmen können durch digitale, hybride Wertschöpfung entscheidende Wettbewerbsvorteile generieren und neue Märkte erschließen. Im Beitrag werden die Auswirkungen auf Geschäftsmodelle untersucht und anhand des Business Model Canvas strukturiert dargestellt. Auf Basis von Interviews mit Experten von Unternehmen und aktuellen Erkenntnissen aus einem Konsortialforschungsprojekt werden Auswirkungen, resultierende Herausforderungen sowie Handlungsempfehlungen diskutiert und abgeleitet. Veranschaulicht werden die Entwicklungen anhand einer Fallstudie von Mitsubishi Electric.
  • Publication
    Structuring the Anticipated Benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
    ( 2019)
    Geißler, Annabelle
    Voit, Christian
    Übelhör, Jochen
    The digitalization of production facilities and the accompanying changes are anticipated to transform entire industries posing a fierce pressure on companies to deal with these developments regarding their information technology management. To lay the foundation for the development of corresponding business strategies, we structure benefits of Industry 4.0 through a structured literature review and categorize them using an established framework for IS benefits. Benefits for companies arise within four dimensions and concern various issues ranging from production related benefits to superordinate benefits affecting the business model. To conclude, managerial implications resulting from dependencies and the variety of benefits are presented.