Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Exploring the Interplay of Process Mining and GenAI - Research and Recommendations for CoEs
    ( 2023-11)
    Reinkemeyer, Lars
    Kratsch, Wolfgang
    Fabri, Lukas
    Schmid, Sebastian
    Wittmann, Jakob
    Generative AI is rapidly emerging as a revolutionary technology with the potential to transform and disrupt entire industries and our everyday lives. However, its full extent and impact on various sectors remain largely unknown, as the technology is still in its infancy and has not yet progressed to large-scale corporate use. Process Mining, on the other hand, has evolved throughout the last two decades and allows for a unique, end-to-end, data-driven perspective on business processes, which raises the question of how the interplay of both technologies can unleash unknown potentials in the future. Specifically, we have zoomed into organizational aspects to assess how Process Mining Centers of Excellence (CoEs) should prepare to accelerate the usage of Generative AI. To answer this question, this collaborative research conducted by Celonis and Fraunhofer FIT delves deep into the dynamics of Process Mining and Generative AI. Interviews with 14 Process Mining thought leaders from industry and academia were carried out to gain a better understanding of the future that lies ahead for Centers of Excellence. Our research reveals that Process Mining and Generative AI enter a powerful synergy. Process Mining can provide a comprehensive Process Intelligence layer which is crucial to enable Generative AI to go beyond hallucinations towards reliable results. On the other hand Generative AI will democratize the usage of Process Mining and make it available for a much wider group of business users. To fully leverage the potential of this synergy, Centers of Excellence should take action in particular on two levels: 1. On a technology-level by establishing a Process Intelligence layer including data availability / quality / privacy / security. 2. On a governance-level by establishing the right value proposition, operating model, roles & responsibilities as well as community leadership.
  • Publication
    Accelerating business transformation with process mining Centers of Excellence (CoEs)
    ( 2022)
    Reinkemeyer, Lars
    Grindemann, Philipp
    Egli, Vanessa
    Marcus, Laura
    Fabri, Lukas
    The global adoption of process mining has sharply increased over the past few years, with an ever-growing number of companies around the globe launching initiatives that leverage this powerful technology. We have reached the stage where the ‘why’ of pursuing process mining is clear, and the insights that process mining uncovers are recognised as being a crucial lever in the process transformation agenda. What’s more, most companies who have adopted this technology have successfully managed to connect multiple processes, gain insights, and realize value. However, little guidance is available on how best to scale process mining at the enterprise level - across multiple functions and teams - and therefore move successfully towards large-scale value realization and end-to-end process transformation. To better understand the status quo of process mining inside organizations as well as to provide best practices and recommendations on how to drive scale, Celonis and Fraunhofer FIT have conducted a joint study on Centers of Excellence (CoE) for process mining. The results of this study are summarized here and enriched with expert knowledge from both the Celonis Customer Transformation Advisory Team and Fraunhofer FIT´s Center for Process Intelligence. Our purpose in publishing this study is to share key learnings and shed light on various aspects of Centers of Excellence, such as key success factors, value proposition, operating model and organizational setup.