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  • Publication
    Check the right form and partner for a cooperation: The CoCoSys-tool
    ( 2004)
    Kohn, S.
    Levermann, A.
    Maier, D.
    Today, companies can incorporate knowledge from outside partners much easier than ever before to reduce the risk involved with new product development. Models of various kinds of cooperation exist, which show specific advantages for certain situations. Important factors for cooperation success are the definition of the goals, the partner's properties as well as the form of cooperation. The tool presented in this paper allows an easy identification of the right kind pf partner for a given problem and helps in setting up the collaboration more easily. It can be applied by managers of industrial companies regardless of size or industry. The tool is derived from a set of case studies and information about various kinds of research - industry - projects and helps to achieve more successful partnerships. It consists of a four stage process supported by four decision matrixes. The tool described in this paper will be useful for practitioners in setting up new co-operations and gives academia a framework for the cooperation initiation phases.
  • Publication
    Success factors of innovation networks - a case study of the German "insti" network - delivering innovation services to SMEs
    ( 2003)
    Levermann, A.
    Paoletti, F.
    Kohn, S.
    Improvement of the innovation infrastructure for SMEs is one of the main political and economical targets in many countries today. A prominent role is played by innovation networks of various kinds and structures and it is important to understand the crucial success factors of such a network in order to improve existing clusters or to set up new, more efficient systems. In this paper we present our research based on an case study approach on the largest German innovation network "insti". The network consists of more than 30 partners providing services for mainly SME for over 6 years and covers all aspects of innovation management. Data from about 250 projects and a customer satisfaction survey have been analysed and show main demands and objectives from SMEs as well as their preferred way of co-operation with external partners. On the other hands, important aspects in delivering high class customer-oriented services are derived from data and are interpreted, like securing quick response, high quality, real partnering and still an "all-from-one-hand" project for the customer. Further identified success factors in order for an network to work properly include the motivation to co-operate and to exchange know-how as well as common objectives and a reliable and equal quality of service. Since "insti" is a very successful network, it can be an example for others. This paper will help innovation service networks to set themselves up or improve themselves towards a more successful, customer-oriented alliance by having a better understanding of the crucial factors in collaborations with SMEs.