Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    The role of process formalisation in the early phases of the innovation process
    ( 2005)
    Hüsig, S.
    Kohn, S.
    Poskela, J.
    This paper presents the results of an empirical study examining the role of process formalization in the early phases of the innovation process - the so-called fuzzy front-end (FFE). First the pros and cons as well as the possible elements of a standardized front-end process will be discussed. Second success measures for the front-end will be developed as well as the hypothetical relation between front-end process and success. This conceptual model has been tested in an empirical study which supports the hypothesis that a clearly structured process promotes front-end success.
  • Publication
    Software support in the innovation process: Utilisation of innovation-software in German small and medium-sized enterprises
    ( 2004)
    Kohn, S.
    Hüsig, S.
    Steudle, M.
    This paper deals with the employment of software in the innovation process. Based on an explorative market-study of existing software tools developed to specifically support activities and methods in the innovation process, we found out that a large variety of these software products is available. In sum 63 different products have been found and analyzed. Given this breadth of supply, our further research addresses the question, to what extent these products are used in practice in Germany. Core outcome of the investigation is the finding, that software products are rarely used for the support of the innovation process in small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on this result, which stands in a certain contrast to the broad market offer, first explanations can be provided.