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  • Publication
    Low-Temperature Processible Highly Conducting Pastes for Printed Electronics Applications
    ( 2022)
    Scenev, V.
    Szalapak, J.
    Werft, Lukas
    Hoelck, Ole
    Jakubowska, M.
    ; ;
    Schneider-Ramelow, M.
    Scalable additive manufacturing of printed electronics is a growing field accompanied by increasing demands for reliable and integrable functional flexible printed electronic devices. Herein, a novel type of electrically conducting silver-based pastes for additive manufacturing is demonstrated. These pastes are designed for stencil- and screen-printing and can be post-processed at very low temperatures, at ambient. Furthermore, printed lines made with the pastes exhibit an electrical sheet resistance below 60 mΩ sq-1 even after room temperature and only 25 mΩ sq-1 after two minutes of curing at 90 °C.