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Accelerated failure test for high temperature applications of power MOSFETs by power cycling

2005 , Schacht, R. , Auerswald, E. , Sommer, J.-P. , Wunderle, B. , Michel, B. , Reichl, H.

Power electronics become more and more important for modern society, which depends increasingly on the unimpaired function of electronic systems and which demands environmentally friendly products/-low energy consumption. Electrical motor control, power amplifiers, surface and air transportation electronics etc., the demands are the same: higher efficiency, more compactness, lower price and not at last higher reliability. In this case it is no longer acceptable to have only passive temperature aging tests (Thermal Cycling) to get an life time estimation of these power devices. Rather it is necessary to get statements about where the devices were stressed under their own real switching conditions. That means, the device is thermally stressed by current pulsing which the device will encounter in actual circuit applications - so called Power Cycling or active temperature changes. In this presentation a new reliability test equipment is presented that allows accelerated failure tests of packaged Power MOSFETs (e.g. TO220, TO263). The novelty is that during a short time 12 DUTs can be tested nearly in parallel over millions of active temperature cycles. The measured physical quantities (TJunction before and after heating, TCooler, ID, UDS) are monitored and stored in-situ. The duration of the cycles depends on the shift of the junction temperature TJ: a test of an TJ,min = 90°C to TJ,max = 150°C shift takes for 1 million cycles about 7 days.