Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Design and modeling of optical microsystems. An approach to a user friendly system integration technique
    ( 1998)
    Krabe, D.
    Dümcke, R.
    Reichl, H.
    Wächter, C.
    Schreiber, P.
    Karthe, W.
    Elbers, J.P.
    Glingener, C.
    Voges, E.
    Hagener, G.
    Schröter, S.
    Bartelt, H.
    Stock, D.A.
    Bauer, G.
    Schäfer, W.
    Sickinger, H.
    Schwider, J.
    Optical microsystems usually are of a hybrid nature. They consist of optical components, i.e. microoptical and or integrated-optical ones, and additionally they include at least mechanical and packaging components. Therefore, a complete design process has to account for all relevant aspects optical and thermomechanical simulation, packaging strategy, fabrication and test. This complexity requires a general design strategy. The approach presented is based on the coupling of the specification and the design. In a specification-environment the selection of appropriate solutions for given applications is enabled. It includes selection strategies for components, is fabrication, packaging, and test methods. The design-environment is a simulation and modelling framework with software tools covering the whole design and optimisation process, including the data-exchange with the specification environment. Test examples for our design strategy are different realisations of fibre optical switches .
  • Publication
    Optical microsystems. Packaging strategy by design and modelling
    ( 1997)
    Schreiber, P.
    Wächter, C.
    Karthe, W.
    Krabe, D.
    Reichl, H.
    Elbers, J.P.
    Glingener, C.
    Voges, E.
    Hagener, G.
    Schröter, S.
    Bartelt, H.
    Sickinger, H.
    Schwider, J.
    Stock, A.
    Schäfer, W.
    Dümcke, R.
    A new way to select proper packaging strategies for optical microsystems by means of design and modelling is presented. A specification environment takes into account the hybrid nature of microsystems, i.e. the combination of microoptical, integrated-optical, electrical, mechanical, and packaging components. The optical, electrical, and thermomechanical interactions as well as the system function itself is delineated by a design environment.