Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
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From cognitive compatibility to the disappearing computer: Experience design for smart environments

2008 , Streitz, N.

The objective of this keynote talk is to present selected visions of ambient and ubiquitous computing based on the notion of the disappearing computer and to reflect on the resulting challenges for designing experiences in future smart environments. It is a human-centred approach exploiting the affordances of real objects by augmenting their physical properties with the potential of computer-based support. In this approach, the computer "disappears" and is almost "invisible" but its functionality is ubiquitously available and provides new forms of interaction, communication and collaboration. In summary: the world around us is the interface to information and for conveying experiences.

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The disappearing computer: User-centered interaction design for smart artefacts

2007 , Streitz, N.

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The disappearing computer - Introduction

2005 , Streitz, N. , Nixon, P.

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The disappearing computer

2004 , Streitz, N.

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Smart artefacts as affordances for awareness in distributed teams

2007 , Streitz, N. , Prante, T. , Röcker, C. , Alphen, D. van , Stenzel, R. , Magerkurth, C. , Lahlou, S. , Nosulenko, V. , Jegou, F. , Sonder, F. , Plewe, D.

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Context-dependent email notification using ambient displays and mobile devices

2005 , Roecker, C. , Bayon, V. , Memisoglu, M. , Streitz, N.

The purpose of this paper is to explore alternative approaches and strategies for email filtering and notification with the rationale of developing an unobtrusive notification interface that can adapt to the user's context.

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Ambient agoras: InfoRiver, SIAM, Hello.Wall

2004 , Prante, T. , Stenzel, R. , Röcker, C. , Streitz, N. , Magerkurth, C.

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New ERCIM Working Group on "Smart Environments and Systems for Ambient Intelligence"

2007 , Savidis, A. , Streitz, N.

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User requirements for intelligent home environments: A scenario-driven approach and empirical cross-cultural study

2005 , Röcker, C. , Janse, M.D. , Portolan, N. , Streitz, N.

This paper presents the results of an empirical cross-cultural study conducted at six different sites in five European countries in the context of the EU IST-IP project AMIGO, Ambient Intelligence for the Networked Home Environment. The study employed a scenario-driven approach and used quantitative and qualitative methods to elicit feedback from the target user population on concepts for intelligent home environments. The results are clustered and transformed in prioritized design guidelines.

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The role of affordances for the perception of and interaction with smart artifacts

2004 , Streitz, N.