Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
  • Publication
    MIKoBOS - a mobile information and communication system for emergency response
    ( 2006)
    Meissner, A.
    Zhou, W.
    Putz, W.
    Grimmer, J.
  • Publication
    Saying what it means: Semi-automated (news) media annotation
    ( 2004)
    Nack, F.
    Putz, W.
    This paper considers the automated and semi-automated annotation of audiovisual media in a new type of production framework, A4SM (Authoring System for Syntactic, Semantic and Semiotic Modelling). We present the architecture of the framework, describe a prototypical camera, a handheld device for basic semantic annotation, and an editing suite to demonstrate how video material can be annotated in real time and how this information can not only be used for retrieval but also can be used during the different phases of the production process itself. We then outline the underlying XML Schema based content description structures of A4SM and discuss the pros and cons of our approach of evolving semantic networks as the basis for audio-visual content description.
  • Publication
    A scalable interactive TV service supporting synchronized delivery over broadcast and broadband networks
    ( 2004)
    Rauschenbach, U.
    Putz, W.
    Wolf, P.
    Mies, R.
    Stoll, G.
  • Publication
    Designing annotation before it's needed
    ( 2001)
    Putz, W.
    Nack, F.
    This paper considers the automated and semi-automated annotation of audiovisual media in a new type of production framework, A4SM (Authoring System for Syntactic, Semantic and Semiotic Modelling). We present the architecture of the framework and outline the underlying XML-Schema based content description structures of A4SM. We then describe tools for a news and demonstrate how video material can be annotated in real time and how this information can not only be used for retrieval but also can be used during the different phases of the production process itself. Finally, we discuss the pros and cons of our approach of evolving semantic networks as the basis for audio- visual content description.
  • Publication
    Semi-automated annotation of audio-visual media in news
    (GMD Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik, 2000)
    Nack, F.
    Putz, W.
    Dieser Bericht beschreibt die automatische und halbautomatische Annotation von audio-visuellen Medien in einer neuartigen Produktionsumgebung, A4SM (Authoring System for Syntactic, Semantic and Semiotic Modelling). Wir stellen die Architektur des Systems vor, beschreiben eine prototypische Kamera, ein Handgerät für elementare semantische Annotation und eine Edier-Umgebung, um zu zeigen, wie Videomaterial in Realzeit annotiert werden kann, und wie die Annotationen nicht nur für das Informationsretrieval, sondern auch während der verschiedenen Phasen des Produktionsprozesses selbst genutzt werden können. Anschliessend werden die zugrundeliegenden MPEG-7 basierten Inhaltsbeschreibungsstrukturen von A4SM beschrieben und die Vor- und Nachteile unseres Ansatzes der dynamischen semantischen Netzwerke als Basis für audio-visuelle Inhaltsbeschreibung diskutiert.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    MultiMedia Forum: An interactive online journal
    ( 1994)
    Süllow, K.
    Gabel-Becker, I.
    Ockenfeld, M.
    Putz, W.
    Roth, G.