Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Applications of a hologram watermarking protocol: Aging-aware biometric signature verification and time validity check with personal documents
    ( 2003)
    Vielhauer, C.
    Croce Ferri, L.
    Our paper addresses two issues of a biometric authentication algorithm for ID cardholders previously presented namely the security of the embedded reference data and the aging process of the biometric data. We describe a protocol that allows two levels of verification, combining a biometric hash technique based on handwritten signature and hologram watermarks with cryptographic signatures in a verification infrastructure. This infrastructure consists of a Trusted Central Public Authority (TCPA), which serves numerous Enrollment Stations (ES) in a secure environment. Each individual performs an enrollment at an ES, which provides the TCPA with the full biometric reference data and a document hash. The TCPA then calculates the authentication record (AR) with the biometric hash, a validity timestamp, and a document hash provided by the ES. The AR is then signed with a cryptographic signature function, initialized with the TCPA's private key and embedded in the ID card as a watermark. Authentication is performed at Verification Stations (VS), where the ID card will be scanned and the signed AR is retrieved from the watermark. Due to the timestamp mechanism and a two level biometric verification technique based on offline and online features, the AR can deal with the aging process of the biometric feature by forcing a re-enrollment of the user after expiry, making use of the ES infrastructure. We describe some attack scenarios and we illustrate the watermarking embedding, retrieval and dispute protocols, analyzing their requisites, advantages and disadvantages in relation to security requirements.
  • Publication
    Biometric authentication for ID cards with hologram watermarks
    ( 2002)
    Croce Ferri, L.
    Mayerhöfer, A.
    Frank, M.
    Vielhauer, C.
    Steinmetz, R.
  • Publication
    Framework for media data and owner authentication based on cryptography, watermarking, and biometric authentication
    ( 2001)
    Dittmann, J.
    Steinebach, M.
    Croce Ferri, L.
    Vielhauer, C.
    Steinmetz, R.
    Wohlmacher, P.
  • Publication
    Advanced multimedia security solutions for data and owner authentication
    ( 2001)
    Dittmann, J.
    Steinebach, M.
    Croce Ferri, L.
    Mayerhöfer, A.
    Vielhauer, C.
  • Publication
    Hologram watermarks for document authentications
    ( 2001)
    Dittmann, J.
    Croce Ferri, L.
    Vielhauer, C.