Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Publication
    Digital watermarks enabling e-commerce strategies: conditional and user specific access to services and resources
    ( 2002)
    Dittmann, J.
    Steinebach, M.
    Wohlmacher, P.
    Ackermann, R.
    Digital watermarking is well known as enabling technology to prove ownership on copyrighted material, detect originators of illegally made copies, monitor the usage of the copyrighted multimedia data and analyze the spread spectrum of the data over networks and servers. Research has shown that data hiding techniques can be applied successfully to other application areas like manipulation recognition. We show our innovative approach for integrating watermark and cryptography based methods within a framework of new application scenarios spanning a wide range from dedicated and user specific services, "Try&Buy" mechanisms, to general means for long-term customer relationships. The tremendous recent efforts to develop and deploy ubiquitous mobile communication possibilities are changing the demands but also the possibilities for establishing new business and commerce relationships. Especially we motivate annotation watermarks and aspects of M-commerce (mobile commerce) to show important scenarios for access control. Based on a description of the challenges of the application domain and our latest work, we discuss which methods can be used for establishing services in a fast, convenient and secure way for conditional access services based on digital watermarking combined with cryptographic techniques. We introduce an example scenario for digital audio and an overview of steps in order to establish these concepts practically.
  • Publication
    Vulnerabilities and security limitations of current IP telephony systems
    ( 2001)
    Ackermann, R.
    Schumacher, M.
    Roedig, U.
    Steinmetz, R.
    Within the traditional telephone system a certain level of quality and security has been established over the years. If we try to use IP Telephony systems as a core part of our future communication infrastructure (e.g. as classical PBX enhancement or replacement) continuous high availability, stable and error-free operation and the protection of the privacy of the spoken word are challenges, that definitely have to be met. Since manufacturers start deploying new end systems and infrastructure components rather fast now - a critical inspection of their security features and vulnerabilities is mandatory. The critical presentation of the theoretical background of certain vulnerabilities, testing and attacking tools and the evaluation results reveals, that well-known security flaws become part of implementations in the new application area again and the security level of a number of examined solutions is rather insufficient.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Evaluating and Improving Firewalls for IP-Telephony Environments
    ( 2000)
    Roedig, U.
    Ackermann, R.
    Steinmetz, R.
  • Publication
    A Distributed Firewall for Multimedia Applications
    ( 2000)
    Roedig, U.
    Ackermann, R.
    Rensing, C.
    Steinmetz, R.
  • Publication
    A Survey of Requirements and Standardization Efforts for IP-Telephony-Security
    ( 2000)
    Rensing, C.
    Roedig, U.
    Ackermann, R.
    Steinmetz, R.
  • Publication
    Using DMIF for Abstracting from IP-Telephony Signaling Protocols
    ( 2000)
    Ackermann, R.
    Darlagiannis, V.
    Roedig, U.
    Steinmetz, R.
  • Publication
    Associating Network Flows with User and Application Information
    ( 2000)
    Ackermann, R.
    Roedig, U.
    Zink, M.
    Griwodz, C.
    Steinmetz, R.
  • Publication
    VDMFA, eine verteilte dynamische Firewallarchitektur für Multimedia-Dienste
    ( 1999)
    Rensing, C.
    Rödig, U.
    Ackermann, R.
    Wolf, L.
    Steinmetz, R.
  • Publication
    MBone2Tel - Telephone Meeting the MBone
    ( 1999)
    Ackermann, R.
    Pommnitz, J.
    Wolf, L.
    Steinmetz, R.