Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Deriving Service Models in Cross-Organizational Workflows
    ( 1999)
    Klingemann, J.
    Wäsch, J.
    Aberer, K.
  • Publication
    Adaptive Outsourcing in Cross-Organizational Workflows
    ( 1999)
    Klingemann, J.
    Wäsch, J.
    Aberer, K.
  • Publication
    Adaptive outsourcing in cross-organizational workflows
    (GMD Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik, 1998)
    Klingemann, J.
    Wäsch, J.
    Aberer, K.
    Competitive markets force companies to minimize their costs while at the same time offering solutions which are tailored to the needs of their customers. This requires organizations to outsource at least parts of the overall effort and to rely on services which have to be provided by external partners, leading ultimately to virtual enterprises. The workflow concept has been very successful in coordinating and streamlining business processes but is so far limited to a single organization. Any attempt to distribute workflows among different organizations has to face the problems posed by the complex relationship among autonomous organizations and their services. To address these problems we propose a serviceoriented model for cross-organizational workflows. Modeling the workflow execution as a cooperation of services allows different organizations to interact via well-defined interfaces. We further show how the execution can be optimized by selecting services depending on their contribution to quality criteria of the workflow.
  • Publication
    Deriving service models in cross-organizational workflows
    (GMD Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik, 1998)
    Klingemann, J.
    Wäsch, J.
    Aberer, K.
    Zunehmender Wettbewerb zwingt Firmen, sich in virtuellen Unternehmen zusammenzuschliessen, um ihr Produktportfolio durch Hinzunahme der Dienste externer Anbieter zu optimieren. Konzepte und Technologien des Workflow-Managements sind bereits sehr erfolgreich in der Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen, doch ihre Anwendbarkeit ist bisher auf einzelne Unternehmen beschränkt. Um auf die Probleme von organisationsübergreifenden Workflows einzugehen, schlagen wir ein serviceorientiertes Workflow-Modell vor. Innerhalb dieses Modells entwickeln wir ein Verfahren, das es ermöglicht, sich ein eigenes Modell von Diensten externer Serviceanbieter zu bilden. Dazu konstruieren wir zeitkontinuierliche Markov-Ketten, die aus dem nach außen sichtbaren Verhalten von Dienstausführungen abgeleitet werden. Unser Verfahren erlaubt es, die Qualität externer Dienstleister und der von ihnen angebotenen Dienste zu beurteilen, ohne gleichzeitig die Autonomie der beteiligten Serviceanbieter einzuschränken.
  • Publication
    Transaction models supporting cooperative work
    ( 1997)
    Aberer, K.
    Klingemann, J.
    Tesch, T.
    Wäsch, J.
    Neuhold, E.J.
    Cooperative work on shared information requires different kind of computing system support to coordinate the work of multiple users, to establish mutual awareness and to ensure consistency. These issues are currently tackled separately in various loosely related areas, like workflow systems, groupware, and advanced transactional models. We present a transactional model that provides a core functionality for information sharing in cooperative systems, that explicitely supports cooperation primitives and at the same time ensures consistency of results. The model has been derived from a thorough analysis of various cooperative appliciation scenarios. It is currently being implemented as an extension of an object-oriented database management system and evaluated for a cooperative document authoring application.