Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Query Relaxation and Evaluation Optimization in Biological Databases
    ( 2000)
    Chen, Y.
    Che, D.
    Aberer, K.
    In this paper, a new technique is developed to support the query relaxation in biological databases. Query relaxation is required due to the fact that queries tend not to be expressed exactly by the users, especially in scientific databases like biological databases, in which complex domain knowledge is heavily involved. To treat this problem, we propose the concept of the so-called fuzzy equivalence classes to capture an important kind of domain knowledge that is used to relax queries. This concept is further integrated with the canonical techniques for pattern searching such as the position tree and automaton theory. As a result, fuzzy queries produced through relaxation can be efficiently evaluated. This method has been successfully utilized in a practical biological database - the GPCRDB.
  • Publication
    The Advanced Web Query System of GPCRDB
    ( 1999)
    Che, D.
    Chen, Y.
    Aberer, K.
    Eisner, H.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    A Query System in a Biological Database
    ( 1999)
    Che, D.
    Chen, Y.
    Aberer, K.