Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Towards Self-sovereign, decentralized personal data sharing and identity management
    In this dissertation, we investigate state-of-the-art approaches to modern, privacy-preserving and self-sovereign identity management. We propose a design for a decentralized identity management system in order to allow users to reclaim control over their identities and personal data. We provide proof of concept implementations and evaluations of our designs to show that they are suitable for practical applications.
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  • Publication
    Implicit remote attestation for microkernel-based embedded systems
    ( 2018)
    Wagner, S.
    As embedded systems become ubiquitous and gain features, their complexity and code base grow. Ergo, the attack surface and probability of successful attacks increases, while trustworthiness becomes a concern, especially in safely- or security-critical scenarios. This thesis, therefore, explores implicit attestation for microkernel-based systems with a Trusted Platform Module (TPM). While a microkernel that is less complex than monolithic kernels can reduce the trusted computing base, implicit attestation uses efficient symmetric cryptography to prove trustworthiness.
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  • Publication
    Continuous Test-Based Certification of Cloud Services
    ( 2018)
    Stephanow-Gierach, P.
    This thesis introduces a framework to design and represent minimally invasive tests to support continuous certification of cloud services. Five example scenarios are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the framework and it is shown how to experimentally evaluate the accuracy and precision of test results. Finally, the behavior of an adversarial cloud service provider is described who only pretends to comply with a set of controls and countermeasures are proposed. Diese Arbeit entwickelt ein Framework zur Erstellung und Repräsentation minimalinvasiver Tests, die die kontinuierliche Zertifizierung von Cloud-Diensten unterstützen. Die Anwendung des Frameworks wird in fünf Beispielszenarien demonstriert und es wird gezeigt wie die Genauigkeit der Tests experimentell untersucht werden kann. Schließlich wird das Verhalten eines betrügerischen Cloud-Anbieters modelliert, der nur vorgibt, Anforderungen eines Zertifikates zu erfüllen sowie Gegenmaßnahmen präsentiert.