Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Efficient security zones implementation through hierarchical group key management at NoC-based MPSoCs
    ( 2017)
    Sepulveda, J.
    Flórez, D.
    Immler, V.
    Gogniat, G.
    Sigl, G.
    Sensitive applications are split into the IP cores of the Multi-Processors System-on-Chip (MPSoCs). In order to isolate the sensitive communication among such IP cores, security zones based on conference keys agreement can be built. However, the flexibility and dynamic nature of MPSoCs force reshaping the security zones at runtime. It is still a challenge to achieve efficient computation and distribution of new conference keys in MPSoC environments. In order to solve this problem, in this work we propose the combination of two techniques: i) high performance NoC, able to efficiently communicate data and control packets in the system; and ii) hierarchical group-key management for efficient security zone modification. We implement three hierarchical protocols and we show that by decentralizing the security management of the rekeying process and using a two-level NoC, it is possible to achieve an improvement of the performance compared to the previous flat approaches.
  • Publication
    Hierarchical group-key management for NoC-based MPSoCs protection
    ( 2016)
    Sepulveda, J.
    Flórez, D.
    Immler, V.
    Gogniat, G.
    Sigl, G.
    Group keys can be used in order to communicate secretly sensitive data among IP cores. However, the flexibility and dynamic nature of MPSoCs force reshaping the security zones at runtime. Members of a zone must be able to efficiently compute the new group key while former members must be prevented for data disclosure. Efficiently creating security zones for achieving sensitive traffic isolation in MPSoC environments is a challenging problem. In this work we present the implementation of hierarchical group-key management for NoC-based systems in order to efficiently perform the rekeying process. We implement three hierarchical protocols and we show that by decentralizing the security management of the rekeying process, it is possible to achieve an improvement of the performance when compared to the previous flat approaches.