Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
  • Publication
    High repetition rate pulsed all-in-fiber thulium doped fiber MOPA for OPO pumping
    We report on the scaling of a polarization-maintaining MOPA at a signal wavelength of 2048 nm, designed for pumping an optical parametric oscillator (OPO). By utilizing the MOPA structure to design suitable OPO pump pulses the overall mid-IR conversion efficiency is enhanced enabling the scaling of the mid-IR average power. 60 W of average power is achieved and applied to pump different ZGP OPOs. The resonator designs are investigated and compared regarding scalability and beam quality.
  • Publication
    Range performance models of infrared imaging systems: developmental background and view into the future
    This paper provides an overview of the development of different models to determine the range performance of infrared imaging systems. It starts with the grassroots of the motivation of these models to be able to compare the detection, recognition and identification ranges of different infrared imaging systems. With the development of these imaging systems further progress of the performance models were needed and will be described. The rapidly evolving complexity of imaging systems leads to a more divers approach to the comparison of these new systems. I will supply some examples to conquer the new challenges in the development of image enhancement procedures.
  • Publication
    Get ahead of the Situation: Simulation of Cross-Sectoral Cascading Effects during a Crisis
    ( 2023)
    Gerold, Michael
    In recent years, the frequency and severity of extreme weather events has been steadily increasing. Due to the often-exposed location of critical infrastructures, extreme weather events pose a serious threat to them. As supply networks become increasingly interconnected with multiple critical infrastructures, the occurrence of cascading effects does not only lead to further failures within a specific sector but can introduce severe consequences to adjacent sectors as well. In parallel, critical infrastructures must be regarded as socio-technical systems which not only supply people but are also operated by people. During stressful situations like extreme weather events, it is therefore mandatory to obtain a comprehensive assessment for enabling quick and coordinated countermeasures to minimize damage to critical infrastructure, establish a rapid emergency supply and prepare for reconstruction. This paper presents a concept to reproduce cross-sectoral cascading effects through coupled simulations of individual supply networks. The results of the individual simulations of the different sectors are bundled and interlinked in an overall platform able to trigger subsequent simulations. To represent both anticipated and unforeseen cascading effects, the interfaces between the simulations must be carefully defined and implemented. The results of the overall platform will be incorporated into a demonstrator that will provide a training environment for emergency forces and network operators in which communication during the crisis can be practiced, security measures can be pre-thought, and vulnerable nodes can be identified.
  • Publication
    Experimental airborne multisensor system enabling data fusion for real-time remote sensing
    This conference presentation was prepared for the Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications XIII conference at SPIE Remote Sensing 2022.
  • Publication
    Efficient Global Occupancy Mapping for Mobile Robots using OpenVDB
    ( 2022)
    Hagmanns, Raphael
    Emter, Thomas
    Grosse Besselmann, Marvin
    Beyerer, Jürgen
    In this work we present a fast occupancy map building approach based on the VDB datastructure. Existing log- odds based occupancy mapping systems are often not able to keep up with the high point densities and framerates of modern sensors. Therefore, we suggest a highly optimized approach based on a modern datastructure coming from a computer graphic background. A multithreaded insertion scheme allows occupancy map building at unprecedented speed. Multiple optimizations allow for a customizable tradeoff between runtime and map quality. We first demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach quantitatively on a set of ablation studies and typical benchmark sets, before we practically demonstrate the system using a legged robot and a UAV.
  • Publication
    Lademanagementmethode für Elektrofahrzeuge zur Senkung von Installations- und Betriebskosten von Ladepunkt-Gruppen
    ( 2022)
    Flemming, Sebastian
    Der notwendige Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur aufgrund der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Elektrofahrzeugen stellt die elektrische Energieversorgung mit ihrer vorzuhaltenden Infrastruktur vor wachsenden Herausforderungen. Beispielsweise wird die Installation neuer Ladepunkte innerhalb eines bestehenden Objektes häufig mit einer Ertüchtigung der lokalen elektrischen Infrastruktur und folglich mit zusätzlichen Investitionskosten verbunden sein. Zudem führt das elektrische Laden der Elektrofahrzeuge zu neuen Lastmustern, so dass sich für ein betreffendes Objekt der bisher bekannte elektrische Lastgang des Netzanschlusspunktes signifikant ändert. Im unvorteilhaften Fall einer ungesteuerten Parallelladung von mehreren Elektrofahrzeugen kann es zeitweilig zu einem erheblichen höheren Viertelstundenleistungsbedarf kommen, sodass sich dementsprechend die leistungsbezogenen Kostenanteile und somit auch die gesamten Energiebezugskosten für das betreffende Objekt erhöhen. Diesem Defizit können Ansätze zur gesteuerten und koordinierten Nachladung von Elektrofahrzeugen entgegenwirken, die sowohl eine Minimierung der Installations-als auch der Betriebskosten in Aussicht stellen. Im Rahmen des Beitrages werden konventionelle Methoden zum Last-bzw. Leistungsmanagement für Elektrofahrzeuge mit neuartigen Optimierungsansätzen gegenübergestellt, analysiert und verglichen.
  • Publication
    Camouflage methods to counter artificial intelligence recognition
    In the last years AI based algorithms have significantly increased in both popularity and in efficiency for numerous applications. As those artificial neuronal networks can also be used for military reconnaissance, is it necessary to think about methods to avoid or impede enemy detection or recognition by automated AI systems. However, the features that make an object salient to a human observer are not transferable to AI-based systems, since the features that the AI uses to classify things are mostly learning-data dependent and obscure. In this work, we aim to show ways to understand AI's decisions using LIME or Grad-CAM, and thus find ways to decrease classification performance in order to develop a camouflage against AI, or to decept it with adversarial attacks. Camouflage measures can then be evaluated using these methods for their effectiveness against AI, and by combining this with camouflage performance evaluation against human observers using existing methods we try to find the best possible tradeoff for combined camouflage against both threats.