Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
  • Publication
    Fortschrittsbericht zur Digitalisierung des Energiesystems
    Die Digitalisierung ist ein hochgradig relevanter Schlüsselprozess für die Energiesystemtransformation - Details dazu hat der Fraunhofer Exzellenzcluster CINES im Jahr 2022 erforscht und in 14 Thesen zusammengefasst. In 2023 wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit Praxispartner:innen aus der Energiewirtschaft politische und regulatorischen Änderungen in der digitalen Energiewirtschaft analysiert und ausgewertet. Der Fortschrittsbericht zeigt die Fortschritte der Digitalisierung auf und erörtert Handlungsbedarfe und Weiterentwicklungspotenziale. Wichtige Erkenntnisse sind: Positive Fortschritte gibt es u.a. durch gesetzliche und regulatorische Neuerungen wie beispielsweise beim §14a EnWG oder dem Gesetz zum Neustart der Digitalisierung der Energiewende (GNDEW). Es mangelt an einem integrativen Zielbild - ein solches kann für mehr Klarheit und Orientierung bei der Digitalisierung des Energiesystems in Deutschland und Europa sorgen. Um Lücken, Handlungsbedarfe und positiven Fortschritt besser zu erkennen, erfordert es ein gemeinsames Verständnis für die Orientierung und Ausrichtung auf die Digitalisierung. Dafür ist es unter anderem notwendig ein handlungsanleitendes Zukunftsbild zu schaffen, die kommunikative Übersetzung und die Verständlichkeit von regulatorischen Änderungen zu verbessern, Kompetenzen für technologische Lösungen, bspw. für notwendige Cyberresilienz und kritischen Infrastrukturen, aufzubauen und Investitionen zu tätigen, um mehr finanzielle Mittel für die Digitalisierung der Energiesystemtransformation zur Verfügung zu haben.
  • Publication
    Utilizing Flexibility Potentials in Local Energy Systems
    In this paper, potentials and possible effects of utilizing flexibility in local energy systems are examined on the basis of a real residential district in Bochum, Germany. The district provides heat pumps, heat storages, battery storages (in combination with a photovoltaic system) and charging points for electric vehicles as possible flexibility options. Based on the installed plant technology and the cross-sectoral energy requirements of the district, various scenarios were developed that differ in terms of possible operation management approaches and flexibility use. These scenarios include a non-managed district operation, a rule-based district operation, and a cross-sectoral optimization of the district energy system with the goal of maximizing the self-consumption of renewable energy. For more detailed considerations, additional sub-scenarios were defined which, for example, represent the possibility of a grid-compatible operation. To compare the different scenarios, the district energy system was implemented in a model and simulated for the representative period of one calendar year. The simulations were evaluated by using several key performance indicators (KPIs), such as CO2 reduction, renewable energy self-consumption ratio, or renewable energy self-supply ratio.
  • Publication
    Wie agieren Quartiere netzverträglich? Flexibilitätspotenziale der Vor-Ort-Versorgung
    ( 2023)
    Flemming, Sebastian
    Eine effiziente und zielgerichtete Umsetzung der Energiewende erfordert eine enge Verknüpfung der Sektoren Strom, Wärme und Mobilität – nicht nur innerhalb eines Gebäudes oder einer Kundenanlage, sondern ebenfalls gebäudeübergreifend im Quartier. Auf Basis eines realen Wohnquartiers in Bochum/Weitmar haben Forschende des Fraunhofer Exzellenzclusters Integrierte Energiesysteme (CINES) anhand mehrerer Szenarien untersucht, inwieweit Flexibilitätspotenziale in Verbindung mit lokalen Erneuerbaren optimal zur sektorenübergreifenden Energieversorgung vor Ort beitragen. Neben der Möglichkeit zur Akzeptanzsteigerung für Energiewende-Vorhaben bei den Bewohnenden wurde zudem die Steigerung der Integrationsfähigkeit erneuerbarer Energien durch sogenannte Vor-Ort-Systeme bewertet.
  • Publication
    Vor-Ort-Systeme als flexibler Baustein im Energiesystem
    ( 2023-01)
    Flemming, Sebastian
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    Martin, Arne
    Im Rahmen der Kurzstudie werden verschiedene Szenarien für den Einsatz von Flexibilitätsoptionen in Verbindung mit unterschiedlichen Ansätzen zur Quartiersbetriebsführung am Beispiel eines konkreten Wohnquartiers untersucht und ausgewertet. Jedes der Szenarien verfolgt die Zielstellung der Steigerung des lokalen EE-Eigenverbrauchs und -versorgung im Quartier. Die Szenarienunterschiede resultieren aus der Frage, welche Flexibilitätsoptionen (Elektromobilität, Wärmepumpen, Energiespeicher) genutzt und wann sie zeitlich in welcher Ausprägung zum Einsatz kommen. Im Rahmen einer KPI-gestützten Auswertung erfolgt zusätzlich die Betrachtung, wie das Quartier für das vorgelagerte Energiesystem in Erscheinung tritt. Die Studie fokussiert sich hierbei auf die technische Quantifizierung der Möglichkeiten zur Nutzung von energetischen Flexibilitätspotenzialen und die aus dem Betrieb resultierenden Auswirkungen für das Quartier und auf das vorgelagerte Energiesystem. Darüber hinaus erfolgt eine sozialwissenschaftliche Betrachtung hinsichtlich der Akzeptanzsteigerung im Quartier.
  • Publication
    Artificial Intelligence for Electricity Supply Chain automation
    ( 2022)
    Richter, Lucas
    Lehna, Malte
    Marchand, Sophie
    Scholz, Christoph
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    Lenk, Steve
    The Electricity Supply Chain is a system of enabling procedures to optimize processes ranging from production to transportation and consumption of electricity. The proportion of distributed energy sources within the electricity system increases steadily, which necessitates an improved monitoring capability to ensure the overall reliability and quality of the Electricity Supply Chain. Automation is strongly required to process the growing amount of data. Thus, it is inevitable to handle large amounts of heterogeneous data and process the information using forecasting and optimization techniques. Artificial Intelligence techniques are crucial for extending human cognitive abilities in these tasks. In our work, we synthesize the main impacts of the Artificial Intelligence paradigm on the automation of the Electricity Supply Chain. We describe the emerging automation through Artificial Intelligence in every layer of the Smart Grid Architecture Model and highlight state-of-the-art approaches. In the review, we focus on the following Electricity Supply Chain functionalities: generation, maintenance, pre-processing, analysis, forecasting, optimization, and trading within energy systems. After investigating the individual perspectives, we examine the potential implementation of a fully automated Electricity Supply Chain. Lastly, we discuss perspectives and limitations for the transformation from conventional to automated Electricity Supply Chains, specifically in terms of human interaction, Artificial Intelligence adaptation, energy transition, and sustainability.
  • Publication
    Microgrid Systems: Towards a Technical Performance Assessment Frame
    A microgrid is an independent power system that can be connected to the grid or operated in an islanded mode. This single grid entity is widely used for furthering access to energy and ensuring reliable energy supply. However, if islanded, microgrids do not benefit from the high inertia of the main grid and can be subject to high variations in terms of voltage and frequency, which challenge their stability. In addition, operability and interoperability requirements, standards as well as directives have addressed main concerns regarding a microgrid's reliability, use of distributed local resources and cybersecurity. Nevertheless, microgrid systems are quickly evolving through digitalization and have a large range of applications. Thus, a consensus over their testing must be further developed with the current technological development. Here, we describe existing technical requirements and assessment criteria for a microgrid's main functionalities to foster harmonization of functionality-level testing and an international conception of system-level one. This framework is proposed as a reference document for assessment frame development serving both microgrid research and implementation for a comprehensive understanding of technical microgrid performance and its current assessment challenges, such as lack of standardization and evolving technology.
  • Publication
    Testing Automated Operation and Control Algorithms for Distribution Grids Using a Co-Simulation Environment
    ( 2021)
    Schoen, Andrea
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    Wille-Haussmann, Bernhard
    Marchand, Sophie
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    This publication presents a co-simulation framework that enables the coupling of various simulation components of energy systems that are not only modeled at three geographically distributed Fraunhofer Institutes, but are also vastly different in terms of their functionality, control algorithms, time resolution, speeds and used tools. This framework facilitates their joint usage despite these differences especially with regard to their time resolutions (real-time combined with non-real-time systems) and is applied in the DistributedGridLab of the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Integrated Energy Systems (CINES) [1]. The DistributedGridLab thus allows users - e.g. grid operators, manufacturers and research institutes - to test their solutions before field deployment with special consideration of their interaction with other solutions at different remote testing facilities, and without the need to use the same software and hardware setups. A demonstrator of the DistributedGridLab is introduced where an electric energy system is modeled, which contains a medium voltage grid with three connected low voltage grids. The different control approaches interact to stabilize the entire system without a centrally controlled simulation of the systems.
  • Publication
    Cleaning strategies and cost modelling of experimental membrane-based desalination plants
    In Project WASTEC, an experimental Reverse Osmosis (RO) desalination system was developed. It serves as a platform for testing new technologies. For this system, we solved two problems, which are described in this paper. Firstly, we developed and investigated strategies for scheduling chemical enhanced backwashing and chemical cleaning and secondly, due to the experimental nature of the project, several new technological developments with respect to materials and methods were integrated into the system and requires tools for evaluating the economic viability of the new technologies. In this task, the economics of membrane-based desalination will be investigated. Baseline systems of reverse osmosis and pretreatment systems (microfiltration and ultrafiltration) will be economically examined and compared for their investments and operational costs. Sensitivity of the different plant and membrane parameters to the cost will be studied. Results show that with respect to costs, for a 200m3/hr design capacity plant, a volume of water is produced by a MF process at a cost of $0.494 and at a cost of $0.486 by an ultrafiltration process microfiltration. The reverse osmosis process cannot be compared directly, but it required $ 0.49 / m3 for a plant with 56 m3/hour design capacity. The values are in line with the costs reported in literature for membrane-based filtration.