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Manufacturing of lens array prototypes containing spherical and fresnel lenses for visible light communications using stereolithography apparatus

2021 , Shrotri, Abhijeet , Beyer, Micha , Schneider, Daniel , Stübbe, Oliver

Additive manufacturing (AM) and rapid prototyping process (RPP) have revolutionized the production of 3D objects in the last few decades. RPP has considerably increased the rate of production and the possibility of manufacturing prototypes in the fields of electrical, optical, and mechanical engineering. The manufacturing of optical prototypes including spherical, aspheric, and special kinds of lenses and lens arrays has reformed the fabrication of optical components. In this paper, specifically designed lens array prototypes for application in visible light communication (VLC) are introduced. These lens array prototypes are manufactured using the stereolithography apparatus (SLA) process. These lens arrays are designed to achieve optimal transmission of the light beam for VLC systems. One of the prototypes from the lens arrays contains primarily four spherical lenses and one thicker convex lens and the other contains one fresnel lens as a substitute for thicker convex lens. These lens arrays are further post-processed to achieve the required transparency. These lens array prototypes are tested using laser and LEDs. The ON-OFF keying modulated light beam was transmitted through the lens array at the sender side and focused on the photo-receiver using another lens array at the receiver side which is 200 cm apart. After evaluating these lens prototypes, it can be concluded that with appropriate post-processing and high-resolution stereolithography based manufacturing, a low data rate VLC link can be formed.

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Ethernet TSN Nano Profil - Migrationshelfer vom industriellen Brownfield zum Ethernet TSN-basierten IIoT

2020 , Schriegel, Sebastian , Biendarra, Alexander , Kobzan, Thomas , Leurs, Ludwig , Jasperneite, Jürgen

IEEE 802.1 Ethernet TSN ermöglicht Netzwerkkonvergenz für zeitsensitive Applikationen und Protokolle und ist damit eine wichtige Basistechnologie für universelle, einheitliche und durchgängige industrielle Kommunikation vom Sensor bis zur Cloud. Es ist allerdings nicht einheitlich definiert, welche TSN- und Ethernet-Funktionen mit welchen Ressourcen (z. B. Speicher) dafür notwendig sind bzw. genutzt werden sollen. Hersteller, die IEC und die IEEE arbeiten deshalb daran Ethernet TSN für den Einsatz in der industriellen Automation in einem engeren Rahmen zu definieren als die IEEE 802.1-Standardfamilie dies tut. Das entsprechende Profil IEC/IEEE 60802 TSN Profile for Industrial Automation soll 2021 fertig sein. Die hohe Einsatz- und Anforderungsbandbreite (Sensor bis Cloud) macht eine homogene Lösung aber schwer und die Entwicklung und Verbreitung der Technologie in den Anwendungen wird sehr viel Zeit benötigen. In diesem Beitrag wird ein TSN-Nano Profil vorgeschlagen, das einerseits Ethernet TSN für die Feldebene (Sensoren und Aktoren) skalieren soll und andererseits passende heutige IEC-Echtzeit Ethernet-Hardware mit speziellen Umsetzungsmethoden per Firmware mit TSN-Funktionen updaten kann und so die Markteinführung von Ethernet TSN in der Automation und auch das Retrofitting von existierenden Anlagen vereinfacht und beschleunigt. Es wird vorgeschlagen das Ethernet TSN Nano Profil in das IEC/IEEE 60802 TSN-IAProfil aufzunehmen und so eine Profilskalierung für einfachste Geräte zu erzielen und Retrofitting zu ermöglichen.

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Teaching by Demonstrating - How Smart Assistive Systems can Learn from Users

2020 , Büttner, Sebastian , Peda, Andreas , Heinz, Mario , Röcker, Carsten

Projection-based assitive systems that guide users through assembly work are on their way to industrial application. Previous research work investigated how people can be supported with such systems. However, there has been little work on the question on how to generate and author sequential instructions for assitive systems. In this paper, we present a new concept and a prototypical implementation of an assitive system that can be taught by demonstrating an assembly process. By using a combination of RGB and depth cameras, we can generate an assembly instruction of Lego Duplo bricks based on the demonstration of a user. This generated manual can later on be used for assisting other users in the assembly process. By our prototype system, we show the technological feasibility of assistive systems that can learn from users.

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Exploring Users' Eye Movements when Using Projection-Based Assembly Assistive Systems

2020 , Heinz, Mario , Büttner, Sebastian , Röcker, Carsten

Projection-based assistive systems have shown to be a promising technology to support workers during manual assembly processes in industrial manufacturing by projecting instructions into the working area. While existing studies have investigated various aspects of these systems, little research has been conducted regarding the way in which the user accesses the provided instructions. In this paper we analyze the eye movements of users during the repeated execution of an assembly task at a projection-based assistive system in order to gain insights into the utilization of the presented instructions. For this purpose, we analyzed eye tracking recordings from a user study with 15 participants to investigate the sequences in which the respective instructions are observed by the users. The results show a significantly lower number of nonlinear gaze sequences as well as a significantly higher number of steps without observing the instructions during the repeated use of the assistive system. In addition, there was a significantly lower task completion time during repeated use of the assistive system.

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Efficient visible light communication drivers using illumination LEDs in industrial environments

2021 , Schneider, Daniel , Shrotri, Abhijeet , Flatt, Holger , Stübbe, Oliver , Lachmayer, Roland

Visible light communication (VLC) allows the dual use of lighting and wireless communication systems by modulation of illumination devices. However, to increase the performance, typically, beam-forming measures are taken creating pencil beams, thus contradicting the illumination purpose. In order to optimize the performance trade off between efficient illumination and communication, the switching capabilities of illumination LEDs are examined. Illumination LEDs with standard drivers and without beam-forming show limited applicability for communication purposes as they are not optimized for the necessary switching capability (f ≈11 MHz) and coherence. Methods to enhance the electrical current by pre-equalisation, biasing, carrier sweeping and current shaping are examined in respect to the illumination LED's communication performance. A novel driver scheme is derived which achieves considerably higher switching frequencies (f >100 MHz) without employing beamforming at the illumination LED. This driver is able to obtain a data rate of up to 200 Mbit/s at a distance of 3.2 m, using on-off keying (OOK) modulation technique. Therefore, it is feasible to apply the LED driver by implementing standardised illumination devices in VLC systems.

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Intelligent homecare systems: An exploration of system requirements from a user's perspective

2020 , Röcker, Carsten

Recent technical developments have paved the way for various types of intelligent homecare services, yet, the needs and wants of potential users who have to live in such environments are still largely unexplored today. Therefore, this paper aims at analyzing (1) the requirements that future homecare systems have to meet as well as (2) the influences of personal user factors of the perceived importance of these requirements. In a pre-study with N = 31 participants, discretion, data security, control and avoidance of stigmatization have been identified as fundamental system requirements. The four requirements were explored in more detail in a main study with N = 461 participants. The results show that all aspects were regarded as rather important, however, the differences in the perception of the various aspects were quite distinctive.

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Plug & Play Retrofitting Approach for Data Integration to the Cloud

2020 , Kumar Panda, Santosh , Wisniewski, Lukasz , Ehrlich, Marco , Majumder, Mainak , Jasperneite, Jürgen

Driven by rapid digitalisation, production systems are becoming more flexible and adaptable with the help of emerging concepts like the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0. Often, these transformations are not fully implemented in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) due to the replacement cost of existing machines. This paper aims to develop a Plug Play retrofitting platform, where Industry 4.0 compliant sensor systems can be attached, detected, and configured automatically to the existing production environment. The purpose of the retrofitting is to integrate the sensor system with a cloud platform that would provide persistent storage for sensor data as well as the functionalities to perform monitoring, analysis, and predictive learning.

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One-Hand Controller for Human-Drone Interaction - a Human-Centered Prototype Development

2020 , Büttner, Sebastian , Zaitoon, Rami , Heinz, Mario , Röcker, Carsten

Using remote control transmitters is a common way to control a drone. For the future, we envision drones that are intuitively controllable with new input devices. One possibility could be the use of one-hand controllers. Here, we present an exploration of using a 3-D mouse as a controller for human-drone interaction. We ran a pre-study that investigated the users' natural spatial mapping between controller and drone dimensions. Based on these results we developed our prototype that shows the feasibility of our concept. A series of flight tests were conducted and the mapping between controller and flight movements were iteratively improved. In this paper, we present our development process and the implementation of our prototype.

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Automatische Bewertung und Überwachung von Safety & Security Eigenschaften. Strukturierung und Ausblick

2020 , Ehrlich, Marco , Benk, Stefan , Harder, Dimitri , Kleen, Philip , Trsek, Henning , Schriegel, Sebastian , Jasperneite, Jürgen

Um die Sicherheit von industriellen Fertigungsanlagen von der Entwicklung über den Betrieb bis zur Entsorgung zu gewährleisten, werden bestimmte regulative und normative Anforderungen gestellt. Durch die Vernetzung und die weiteren Entwicklungen im Rahmender Industrie 4.0 wird der manuelle Aufwand zum Erreichen dieser Sicherheit immer größer und nahezu nicht mehr durchführbar, gerade für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen. Deswegen untersucht diese Arbeit die vorhandenen Problemstellungen genauer und gibt einen Ausblick auf die möglichen Lösungen in diesem Bereich. Das Ziel ist eine(teil-) automatisierte Sicherheitsbetrachtung von modularen Fertigungsanlagenmit Bezug auf Safety und Security.

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Making Object Detection Available to Everyone - A Hardware Prototype for Semi-automatic Synthetic Data Generation

2020 , Besginow, Andreas , Büttner, Sebastian , Röcker, Carsten

The capabilities of object detection are well known, but many projects don't use them, despite potential benefit. Even though the use of object detection algorithms is facilitated through frameworks and publications, a big issue is the creation of the necessary training data. To tackle this issue, this work shows the design and evaluation of a prototype, which allows users to create synthetic datasets for object detection in images. The prototype is evaluated using YOLOv3 as the underlying detector and shows that the generated datasets are equally good in quality as manually created data. This encourages a wide adoption of object detection algorithms in different areas, since image creation and labeling is often the most time consuming step.