Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz
    Die deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) verfolgt das Ziel, für die Normung Handlungsempfehlungen rund um KI zu geben, denn sie gilt in Deutschland und Europa in fast allen Branchen als eine der Schlüsseltechnologien für künftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Die EU geht davon aus, dass die Wirtschaft in den kommenden Jahren mit Hilfe von KI stark wachsen wird. Umso wichtiger sind die Empfehlungen der Normungsroadmap, die die deutsche Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft im internationalen KI-Wettbewerb stärken, innovationsfreundliche Bedingungen schaffen und Vertrauen in die Technologie aufbauen sollen.
  • Publication
    Cyber-physical systems in manufacturing
    ( 2016)
    Monostori, László
    Kádár, Botond
    Kondoh, Shinsuke
    Kumara, Soundar R.
    Reinhart, Gunther
    Schuh, Günther
    Sihn, Wilfried
    Ueda, Kanji
    One of the most significant advances in the development of computer science, information and communication technologies is represented by the cyber-physical systems (CPS). They are systems of collaborating computational entities which are in intensive connection with the surrounding physical world and its on-going processes, providing and using, at the same time, data-accessing and data-processing services available on the Internet. Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS), relying on the latest, and the foreseeable further developments of computer science, information and communication technologies on one hand, and of manufacturing science and technology, on the other, may lead to the 4th industrial revolution, frequently noted as Industrie 4.0. The paper underlines that there are significant roots in general - and in particular to the CIRP community - which point towards CPPS. Expectations towards research in and implementation of CPS and CPPS are outlined and some case studies are introduced. Related new R&D challenges are highlighted.
  • Publication
    Situation responsive networking of mobile robots for disaster management
    ( 2014)
    Kuntze, Helge-Björn
    Frey, Christian W.
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    Walter, Moriz
    Müller, Fabian
    If a natural disaster like an earthquake or an accident in a chemical or nuclear plant hits a populated area, rescue teams have to get a quick overview of the situation in order to identify possible locations of victims, which need to be rescued, and dangerous locations, hich need to be secured. Rescue forces must operate quickly in order to save lives, and they often need to operate in dangerous enviroments. Hence, robot-supported systems are increasingly used to support and accelerate search operations. The objective of the SENEKA concept is the situation responsive networking of various robots and sensor systems used by first responders in order to make the search for victims and survivors more quick and efficient. SENEKA targets the integration of the robot-sensor network into the operation procedures of the rescue teams. The aim of this paper is to inform on the objectives and first research results of the ongoing joint research project SENEKA.
  • Publication
    SENEKA - sensor network with mobile robots for disaster management
    ( 2012)
    Kuntze, Helge-Björn
    Frey, Christian W.
    Staehle, Barbara
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    Wenzel, Andreas
    Developed societies have a high level of preparedness for natural or man-made disasters. But such incidents cannot be completely prevented, and when an incident like an earthquake or an accident in a chemical or nuclear plant hits a populated area, rescue teams need to be employed. In such situations it is a necessity for rescue teams to get a quick overview of the situation in order to identify possible locations of victims that need to be rescued and dangerous locations that need to be secured. Rescue forces must operate quickly in order to save lives, and they often need to operate in dangerous environments. Hence, robot-supported systems are increasingly used to support and accelerate search operations. The objective of the SENEKA concept is to network the various robots and sensor systems used by first responders in order to make the search for victims and survivors more quick and efficient. SENEKA targets the integration of the robot-sensor network into the operation procedures of the rescue teams. The aim of this paper is to inform on the goals and first research results of the ongoing joint research project SENEKA.
  • Publication
    Selbstorganisierende Produktion - SOPRO
    ( 2012)
    Hohwieler, Eckhard
    Eggers, Achim
    Schallock, Burkhard
    Kraft, Manfred
    Urban, Kamilla
    Niedermayer, Michael
    Schrank, Kai
    Patzlaff, Marcel
    Erdene-Ochir, Tuguldur
    Chemnitz, Moritz