Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Towards a Digital Representation of Building Systems Controls
    Energy monitoring and performance optimization processes play a significant role in ensuring energy-efficient building operation. However, the current implementation of these processes requires substantial time and effort due to the fragmented and non-digital nature of technical building equipment information. To address these challenges, we demonstrate the application of the PLCont methodology within an ongoing monitoring process in a real building. PLCont utilizes Semantic Web Technologies and established RDF ontologies to describe the control topology. The digital representation of control functions aligns closely with the IEC standard 61131-3, and the PLCont ontology establishes a connection between the topology and the control functions. We compare the conventional approach and the PLCont methodol-ogy using the supply air temperature control of an Air Handling Unit (AHU) as a use case. A graphical user interface built upon the PLCont backend provides a comprehensive represen-tation of the system's functionality. It displays the system topology as a digital HVAC schema, the function code exported from the PLC, time-series data plots, and textual descriptions of implemented functions. We demonstrate how this approach enhances transparency and facil-itates the identification and elimination of faulty system behavior, ultimately contributing to the optimization and energy efficiency of building systems.
  • Publication
    Utilizing Flexibility Potentials in Local Energy Systems
    In this paper, potentials and possible effects of utilizing flexibility in local energy systems are examined on the basis of a real residential district in Bochum, Germany. The district provides heat pumps, heat storages, battery storages (in combination with a photovoltaic system) and charging points for electric vehicles as possible flexibility options. Based on the installed plant technology and the cross-sectoral energy requirements of the district, various scenarios were developed that differ in terms of possible operation management approaches and flexibility use. These scenarios include a non-managed district operation, a rule-based district operation, and a cross-sectoral optimization of the district energy system with the goal of maximizing the self-consumption of renewable energy. For more detailed considerations, additional sub-scenarios were defined which, for example, represent the possibility of a grid-compatible operation. To compare the different scenarios, the district energy system was implemented in a model and simulated for the representative period of one calendar year. The simulations were evaluated by using several key performance indicators (KPIs), such as CO2 reduction, renewable energy self-consumption ratio, or renewable energy self-supply ratio.
  • Publication
    Testing Automated Operation and Control Algorithms for Distribution Grids Using a Co-Simulation Environment
    ( 2021)
    Schoen, Andrea
    ; ; ;
    Wille-Haussmann, Bernhard
    Marchand, Sophie
    ; ;
    This publication presents a co-simulation framework that enables the coupling of various simulation components of energy systems that are not only modeled at three geographically distributed Fraunhofer Institutes, but are also vastly different in terms of their functionality, control algorithms, time resolution, speeds and used tools. This framework facilitates their joint usage despite these differences especially with regard to their time resolutions (real-time combined with non-real-time systems) and is applied in the DistributedGridLab of the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Integrated Energy Systems (CINES) [1]. The DistributedGridLab thus allows users - e.g. grid operators, manufacturers and research institutes - to test their solutions before field deployment with special consideration of their interaction with other solutions at different remote testing facilities, and without the need to use the same software and hardware setups. A demonstrator of the DistributedGridLab is introduced where an electric energy system is modeled, which contains a medium voltage grid with three connected low voltage grids. The different control approaches interact to stabilize the entire system without a centrally controlled simulation of the systems.
  • Publication
    "SuperGrid" - Das europäisch-nordafrikanische HGÜ-Overlay-Netz der Zukunft
    ( 2013)
    Bohn, Sven
    ; ;
    Agsten, Michael
    Westermann, Dirk
    Die Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien (EE) wie Sonne, Wind und Wasser ist ein weltweit wachsender Zukunftsmarkt. Sie dient dem Klimaschutz und kann dem Schwinden fossiler Ressourcen entgegenwirken. Dem gegenüber stellt die zunehmende Einspeisung EE jedoch hohe Anforderungen an den Transport und die Verteilung des Stromes durch die Volatilität der EE. Einspeisung, Transport und Verteilung des Stromes gewinnen somit immer mehr an Bedeutung und erfordern einen Ausbau der Stromnetze. Darüber hinaus kommt künftig den Regionen mit einer hohen Verfügbarkeit an EE eine große Rolle zu. Im Rahmen verschiedener Projekte wird evaluiert inwiefern erzeugter Strom aus EE aus z. B. den Regionen Nordafrikas (NA) in die Wirtschaftszentren Süd- und Mitteleuropas transportiert werden kann. In der vorliegenden Veröffentlichung werden die Ergebnisse einer Studie zur Entwicklung des nordafrikanisch-europäischen Stromaustauschs dargestellt. Dabei werden mögliche Entwicklungen für die Stromerzeugung in NA und dem -export nach Europa ermittelt, gegenwärtige Gegebenheiten der Übertragungsnetze analysiert und die Notwendigkeit, Struktur und Art eines überlagernden Netzes bewertet. Angesichts der großen zu übertragenden Leistungen und zu überwindenden Distanzen, sowie anderer technischer Rahmenbedingungen, kommt nach heutigem Stand der Technik lediglich eine Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragung (HGÜ) in Betracht. Auf Grund der erzielten Ergebnisse zum Elektrizitätstransport wird das dafür benötigte HGÜ-Netz vorgestellt und die Ausprägung der Stromerzeugung und Netzinfrastruktur in NA detailliert.