Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Situation responsive networking of mobile robots for disaster management
    ( 2014)
    Kuntze, Helge-Björn
    Frey, Christian W.
    ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Walter, Moriz
    Müller, Fabian
    If a natural disaster like an earthquake or an accident in a chemical or nuclear plant hits a populated area, rescue teams have to get a quick overview of the situation in order to identify possible locations of victims, which need to be rescued, and dangerous locations, hich need to be secured. Rescue forces must operate quickly in order to save lives, and they often need to operate in dangerous enviroments. Hence, robot-supported systems are increasingly used to support and accelerate search operations. The objective of the SENEKA concept is the situation responsive networking of various robots and sensor systems used by first responders in order to make the search for victims and survivors more quick and efficient. SENEKA targets the integration of the robot-sensor network into the operation procedures of the rescue teams. The aim of this paper is to inform on the objectives and first research results of the ongoing joint research project SENEKA.
  • Publication
    The operation of a meshed HVDC grid - a model-based analysis of a supergrid
    ( 2014)
    Bohn, Sven
    Kayser, Johannes
    Fetisova, Maria
    Agsten, Michael
    Marten, Anne-Katrin
    Westermann, Dirk
    High voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission is discussed when it comes to transmitting bulk power over long distances, as it appears in scenarios where power is generated from renewable energy in remote and rural areas and transmitted to load and industrial centers. On the other hand, HVDC grids are limited to point-to-point and multi-terminal grids, with only a few terminals, and mainly static power flows today. Although many studies propose meshed HVDC grids with many terminals, such grids do not exist today and require new operation and control strategies for transmitting (volatile) power, compared to todays voltage margin and voltage droop control in use. In this paper, based on previous work, a meshed pan-European-North African HVDC grid and novel HVDC voltage control is introduced and applied to each other, and evaluated for a secure and reliable wide-area power transmission of volatile power in an interconnected system.
  • Publication
    Integrating a Pan-European HVDC Grid into the North African AC Transmission System
    ( 2013)
    Bohn, Sven
    Agsten, Michael
    Establishing an overlay grid in Europe and expanding it to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has high potentials to support the pan-European and MENA energy exchange. Scenario-based modeling has proven that a meshed HVDC grid is able to transmit large volumes of renewable energy generated offshore or in deserts and arid regions over long distances to the industrial zones and load centers. Based on scenarios for energy generation and exchange in MENA this paper gives an outlook on the integration of the pan-European HVDC grid with MENA to support both local energy supply and export to Europe.
  • Publication
    An ICT architecture for managed charging of electric vehicles in smart grid environments
    ( 2013)
    Bohn, Sven
    Agsten, Michael
    Waldhorst, Oliver
    Mitschele-Thiel, Andreas
    Westermann, Dirk
    Bretschneider, Peter
    Growing shortage of fossil resources and an increasing demand of individual mobility worldwide require technology alternatives to existing mobility solutions. Electric vehicles (EVs) as one possible solution have moved into the focus of research and development. To maximize the positive environmental effect of EVs, it is proposed to charge them with respect to the availability of renewable energies. As the number of EVs will grow in the near future, their impact on the power distribution grid is no longer neglect table. Related research shows that unmanaged charging of EVs could result in overload situations or voltage instabilities. To overcome this, methods are proposed to manage the charging process holistically. Herein EVs become substantial elements of intelligent power grids (Smart Grids). As of today, research in the area of Smart Grids focuses mainly on either energy aspects or communication aspects while neglecting the interoperability of energy and communication related aspects. In this paper, an insight into Information and Communication Technology (ICT) aspects with respect to Managed Charging of EVs in Smart Grid environments will be given. Based on the use case of Managed Charging, requirements will be analyzed, results will be derived, and ICT solutions will be proposed with a set of recommendations for Smart Grid architectures.