Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    PAISE® - process model for AI systems engineering
    The application of artificial-intelligence-(AI)-based methods within the context of complex systems poses new challenges within the product life cycle. The process model for AI systems engineering, PAISE®, addresses these challenges by combining approaches from the disciplines of systems engineering, software development and data science. The general approach builds on a component-wise development of the overall system including an AI component. This allows domain specific development processes to be parallelized. At the same time, component dependencies are tested within interdisciplinary checkpoints, thus resulting in a refinement of component specifications.
  • Publication
    ROBDEKON - competence center for decontamination robotics
    There are still many hazardous tasks that humans perform in their daily work. This is of great concern for the remediation of contaminated sites, for the dismantling of nuclear power plants, or for the handling of hazardous materials. The competence center ROBDEKON was founded to concentrate expertise and coordinate research activities regarding decontamination robotics in Germany. It serves as a national technology hub for the decontamination needs of various stakeholders. A major scientific goal of ROBDEKON is the development of (semi-)autonomous robotic systems to remove humans from work environments that are potentially hazardous to health.