Now showing 1 - 10 of 20
  • Publication
    Anomaly Detection and XAI Concepts in Swarm Intelligence
    For human operators in swarm intelligence, decision support in critical situations is crucial. The large amount of data shared by the autonomous systems, can easily make the human decision makers too overwhelmed by it and hence there is a need for support in analysing the data in an intelligent way. For this purpose, automatic systems for assessing situations and indicating suspicious behaviour or statistical outliers is employed. This strengthen their situation awareness as well as decrease the work load. Therefore, in this work, we emphasize that the data fusion services developed for detecting anomalies in surveillance tasks, e.g. in the maritime domain, can be adapted to support operators in swarm intelligence. Furthermore, in order to make the behaviour of the swarm and the results of the data fusion services understandable to the human operator, explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) concepts are introduced. This makes the autonomous system's behaviour more intelligible and understandable to humans by providing explanations for certain decisions.
  • Publication
    Aquaponics Systems Modelling
    ( 2019)
    Keesmann, Karel J.
    Körner, Oliver
    Wagner, Kai
    Urban, Jan
    Karimanzira, Divas
    Rauschenbach, Thomas
    Goddek, S.
    Mathematical models can take very different forms and very different levels of complexity. A systematic way to postulate, calibrate and validate, as provided by systems theory, can therefore be very helpful. In this chapter, dynamic systems modelling of aquaponic (AP) systems, from a systems theoretical perspective, is considered and demonstrated to each of the subsystems of the AP system, such as fish tanks, anaerobic digester and hydroponic (HP) greenhouse. It further shows the links between the subsystems, so that in principle a complete AP systems model can be built and integrated into daily practice with respect to management and control of AP systems. The main challenge is to choose an appropriate model complexity that meets the experimental data for estimation of parameters and states and allows us to answer questions related to the modelling objective, such as simulation, experiment design, prediction and control.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Planning hydropower production of small reservoirs under resources and system knowledge uncertainty
    ( 2017) ; ;
    Pfuetzenreuter, Torsten
    Qin, Jing
    Yun, Zhao
    Available energy from water varies widely from season to season, depending on precipitation and streamflows, especially in small catchments. In addition, the reservoir operation problem is associated with the inability of operators to formulate crisp boundary conditions, due to uncertainty in knowledge. In this chapter, an approach for planning the operation of small multipurpose reservoir systems for hydropower generation and flood control under consideration of the stochastic nature of inflows and initial storage levels and allowed formulation of constraints with some range of uncertainty will be presented. The approach is based on joint chance constrained and fuzzy programming, which addresses the problem of including risk directly in the optimization. Therefore, the stochastic nature of inputs is incorporated directly in the model through the use of convolution of random variables. Furthermore, probabilistic/vague constraints and preassigned tolerance levels are used to transform the stochastic optimization problem into its deterministic equivalent. The approach searches for a control strategy, which maximizes the benefits acquired from hydropower generation and minimizes the economic losses incurred due to not meeting the required reliability levels from the various purposes served by the reservoir system. Besides the optimal reservoir release strategy, this approach also determines the optimal reliabilities of satisfying hydropower demand and flood control storage requirements. Therefore, this tool has some advantages in planning the operations of reservoirs in extreme hydrological events such as floods and droughts. The system is applied to the Wuyang small hydropower plants cascade in the People's Republic of China.
  • Publication
    GWDB - Neue Entwicklungen in der WIBAS-Fachanwendung Grundwasser
    ( 2014) ; ; ; ;
    Hildenbrand, E.
    Schneider, B.
    Schuhmann, D.
    Spandl, H.
    Westrich, J.
    Es werden Anpassungen einer bereits langjährig im Einsatz stehenden Fachanwendung dargestellt, die zur Durchführung landesweiter und lokaler Aufgaben im Rahmen von Grundwasserschutz und -bewirtschaftung dient. Die exemplarisch vorgestellten Erweiterungen betreffen die thematische Gruppierung benutzerdefinierter Objekte, eine neue Darstellungsform bei Diagrammen sowie die Erzeugung von Profilen und deren Einsatz bei der Berichtserstellung.
  • Publication
    System architecture supporting detection of threats in asymmetric warfare
    ( 2013) ;
    Fischer, Yvonne
    In the area of surveillanc e and reconnaissance it is necessary to have an adequate situation awareness to be able to react to a critical situation in time. A critical situation develops over time and space and is indicated by specific characteristics. These characteristics have to be known and they need to be percepted and identified before danger occurs. Additionally maritime surveillance areas are generally large and threats in this domain are often asymmetric and cannot easily be classified. Therefore widely distributed information sources, automatic situation analysis and the possibility to share information of interest are necessary. An approach which makes it possible to percept information about a specific situation is to gather data from different sensor platforms (above and under water) and sensor types (e.g. optical and infrared imagery, video, radar, sonar). To serve user needs relevant information has to be extracted and integrated into an overall picture. Therefore methods of data fusion and classification are necessary. As threats are not easily identified by pure object classification (e.g. pirates and fishermen are making use of simple boats) situation analysis methods take specific motion patterns as indicators for abnormal behavior into account. To disseminate the results and to share them with a broader community methods and means of data dissemination have to be defined. The paper describes an architecture which implements this approach. The architecture has been proved in EU and NATO projects and combines civil and military operations.
  • Publication
    GWDB - Einsatz der Fachanwendung Grundwasser Baden-Württemberg für Umweltbehörden
    ( 2012) ;
    Eisenla, M.
    ; ;
    Hildenbrand, E.
    Schneider, B.
    Schuhmann, D.
    Spandl, H.
    Westrich, J.
    Die WIBAS-Fachanwendung Grundwasser wurde entsprechend den Anforderungen der Umweltbehörden in Baden-Württemberg wie in den vergangenen Jahren weiterentwickelt. Ein Schwerpunktthema im Berichtszeitraum war dabei die Unterstützung der Anwender bei der Verwaltung geothermischer Anlagen und insbesondere bei der Berechnung von Temperaturfeldern. Außerdem wurde ein Werkzeug zur Ermittlung und Bewertung von Konzentrati-onstrends bereitgestellt, wie es im Rahmen der Umsetzung der Grundwasserverordnung zur Einstufung von Grundwasserkörpern benötigt wird.
  • Publication
    SUI - Eine Service-orientierte Schnittstelle zur Einbindung von Fachsystemen in die semantische Suche nach Umweltinformationen
    ( 2012)
    Düpmeier, C.
    Greceanu, C.
    Schlachter, T.
    Weidemann, R.
    Bügel, Ulrich
    Chaves, Fernando
    Schnebel, B.
    Ebel, R.
    Tauber, M.
    Zetzmann, K.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    WIBAS 5.0 - Optimierung durch stärkere Integration der Datenstrukturen, Wasserrechte & Arbeits-/Betriebsstätten in WIBAS 5.0
    ( 2012) ;
    Rudolf, Michael
    Schulz, K.-P.
    Uhrig, W.
    Scherrieble, T.
    Spandl, H.
    Klinke, I.
    Schweizer, C.
    Wiechmann, R.