Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Der Beitrag von Reallaboren zur digitalen Transformation in Kommunen
    Im diesem Beitrag werden Reallabore als Möglichkeits- und Lernräume im kommunalen Kontext vorgestellt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der digitalen Transformation und den Möglichkeiten von Realexperimenten. Die von der Wissenschaft übernommenen Aufgaben im Reallabor gehen über die Aufgaben in der klassischen Forschung hinaus und ermöglichen ein verändertes Zusammenspiel von Theorie und Praxis, das die Akteure dabei unterstützt, Transformationsprozesse vor Ort anzustoßen und zu begleiten. Die Partner brauchen hierfür ein gemeinsames Verständnis einer Zielevision. Das Reallabor ermöglicht es den Akteuren von- und miteinander zu lernen. Am Beispiel von Lemgo Digital wird der Aufbau eines Reallabors für die Digitale Transformation in Mittelstädten beschrieben.
  • Publication
    Holistic Concept for the Implementation of Smart Parking in Small and Medium-Sized Cities
    Smart parking is often looked at from a technological-driven perspective in smart city projects as a use case where the usage of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions can easily be demonstrated. However, what exactly smart parking can mean for a city and how the process can be implemented is often neglected. Solutions can only be beneficial for cities when they are integrated in a smart parking management concept and develop it also in line with the cities' overall strategic goals. For smart parking solutions it is important to take a holistic view of the approaches. Our approaches converge in a sustainable concept, which gives a city sufficient space for continuous development within a fast changing environment. Moreover, the concept in its holistic view also includes all stakeholders of a city who are involved in the parking context. This is essential because smart parking solutions can solve various problems, which should be addressed in a smart parking management system. The holistic concept for smart parking implementation, developed in ""Lemgo Digital"" covers the requirements and identifies the added values for different stakeholder groups. It consists of an actual state analysis, the park management with sensors, data and visualization and the realization of business models. The developed concept is currently being transferred to another city to show the transferability and validate it at the same time.