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  • Publication
    Investigation in IoT and 5G architectures for deployment of Artificial Intelligence into urban mobility and production
    The automation industry discusses the deployment of processing resources in applications since decades. The two major subjects of discussion are centralized and decentralized computing. The deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) applications and the processing power is facing the same issue nowadays. AI is used in many different areas like smart city, industrial automation for pattern recognition or as an expert system and so on. However, it remains a central question how to deploy the AI within an application and how to connect the AI to other devices, services and agents. In this paper we discuss state-of-the-art architecture to structure general IoT applications, as well as, the two most common processing concepts. Furthermore, use cases in urban mobility and industrial automation to deploy AI applications are presented and an In-depth view to the implementation is discussed. Pros, cons and problems of the implementations are shown, which can provide ideas and references when deploying an AI application.