Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Modellbasierter Entwurfsassistent zur Auslegung spezifischer Architektur- und Konfigurationseigenschaften von Kommunikationsnetzen mit Echtzeitanforderungen
    Industrielle Netzwerke werden immer komplexer durch den Einsatz neuer Technologien wie Time Sensitive Networking (TSN). Die Anforderungen werden zudem verschärft durch sich ändernde gesetzliche Vorgaben wie z.B. bei Smart Grids. Planer solcher Netzwerke haben häufig spezifische Echtzeitanforderungen, Datenraten und Redundanzanforderungen zu beachten, deren Realisierung u.a. abhängig sind von der Leistungsfähigkeit und der Topologie des Netzwerkes. Designalternativen sollten daher quantitativ bewertbar sein, um individuelle Planungsaspekte erweiterbar sein und eine generelle Anwendbarkeit aufweisen. Da diese Kriterien aktuell von keinem verfügbaren Planungswerkzeug erfüllt werden, wurde in diesem Beitrag mit Hilfe von Matlab Simulink® ein generisches und skalierbares Modell von Netzwerkkomponenten erstellt. Diese Komponenten können parametriert und in einer anwendungsnahen Topologie kombiniert werden. Leistungsqualifizierende Parameter wie die Echtzeitfähigkeit, Auslastung der Komponenten, Ausfallsicherheit und die Topologie wurden zur Bewertung von Designszenarien eines beispielhaften Windparks herangezogen. Eine Erweiterung des Modells ermöglicht es darüberhinausgehend die Auswirkungen von zukünftigen Technologien, wie z.B. TSN zu analysieren.
  • Publication
    Automatic determination of synchronization path quality using PTP bridges with integrated inaccuracy estimation for system configuration and monitoring
    Many network applications like motion control or precise monitoring of machines need precise knowledge about the time synchronization accuracy. But time synchronization accuracy depends on the performance of PTP nodes, network topology, environmental conditions and various other factors. This makes the determination of synchronization accuracy a complex task. A mechanism for determining the worst case synchronization accuracy is defined in the PTP Power Profile. A TLV is used for accumulating a vendor defined worst case inaccuracy. However in practice when using this approach the inaccuracy values are often much higher than the real synchronization accuracy. In this paper, a technique for automatic determination of synchronization path quality is investigated. It utilizes PTP Bridges with an inaccuracy estimation performed using an inaccuracy model that is separated into static and dynamic inaccuracy contributors. One assumption is that the inaccuracy in the PTP time observed by a bridge, depends on the position of the bridge in the sync path. The latter is due to accumulation of more, possibly independent, random contributors. The effect of increasing deviation is modeled and verified using an experimental setup. The paper concludes that detailed knowledge about the PTP network (cable lengths, inaccuracy contribution metrics for the specific nodes within the sync path, etc.) are useful for automatic determination of the synchronization path quality, synchronization monitoring, system configuration and diagnosis. We suggest an enhancement to the TimeInaccuracy TLV that may possibly be incorporated within the next PTP revision, to better facilitate the protocol support for the above functions.
  • Publication
    An OPC UA based approach for dynamic-configuration of security credentials and integrating a vendor independent digital product memory
    ( 2014)
    Blume, Marco
    Imtiaz, Jahanzaib
    ; ;
    Schleipen, Miriam
    Dosch, Steffen
    This paper presents an approach to securely integrate industrial devices into automation systems with a minimal engineering effort. A special specific focus is on the needed communication architecture that is based on the platform independent and vendor neutral technology OPC UA. The paper also describes the need of a digital product memory besides a life cycle data harvesting to facilitate such seamless integration; this is by means of presenting semantics of operations to an external system. As part of the work, a case study has been identified; different architectural aspects are evaluated and essential system components are realized/implemented/integrated as a proof of concept. Principle results include the implementation of a BeagleBone Black-based Secure Plug & Work I/O field device with an extended real-time industrial communication interface and a semantically enriched OPC UA server that provides vendor neutral configuration and an I/O data service interface. Furthermore, the result provides a platform independent and standardized way to represent a field device to external systems, to enable intelligent technical systems to communicate and orchestrate a seamless and secure integration.