Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    PFDL: A Production Flow Description Language for an Order-Controlled Production
    ( 2022) ; ;
    Hörstrup, Maximilian
    In Industry 4.0, the order-controlled production (OCP) is an order-centric manufacturing approach. Among others, OCP favors a dynamic (re-)assignment of production resources that are required to execute the order. In this paper, we propose a uniform description format of production processes - the Production Flow Description Language (PFDL) - a fully automated processable input for OCP environments. The PFDL enables flexible use of existing production resources by taking advantage of the increased factory floor connectivity. Compared to existing solutions, the PFDL supports concurrency, data handling between processes, synchronization, and flow control.
  • Publication
    SWAP-IT: A Scalable and Lightweight Industry 4.0 Architecture for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
    In recent years, various abstract and practical architectures have been proposed in the context of Industry 4.0. While these architectures focus on different aspects, their common goal is to facilitate the transformation of a static production into a flexible, resilient, interconnected cyber-physical production system (CPPS). However, reviewing those reveals that a general procedure for applying those architectures is missing. In this paper, we propose a modular, scalable and lightweight architecture utilizing simplified semantic information models. We also present an integration guide that helps factory owners and process engineers to apply the proposed architecture. Furthermore, we also show how the factory operators can make architectural decisions according to their needs. This approach will help speed up the application of the architecture for the realization of a modular and scalable CPPS.