Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Modular and scalable automation for field robots
    This article describes a modular and scalable charging and navigation concept for electrified field robots and other agricultural machines. The concept consists of an underbody charging system on a trailer and a modular navigation box. The underlying conductive charging process is compared to other charging techniques. Charging time in relation to charging current and mean power consumption in field use is displayed. In the navigation box, data of various sensors are combined by means of multi-sensor fusion regarding the precise time of arrival. Time synchronization is achieved by a novel method for compensating the data latency jitter by employing Kalman based timestamp filtering. Furthermore, navigation functionalities, such as motion planning and mapping, are presented.
  • Publication
    Situation responsive networking of mobile robots for disaster management
    ( 2014)
    Kuntze, Helge-Björn
    Frey, Christian W.
    ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Walter, Moriz
    Müller, Fabian
    If a natural disaster like an earthquake or an accident in a chemical or nuclear plant hits a populated area, rescue teams have to get a quick overview of the situation in order to identify possible locations of victims, which need to be rescued, and dangerous locations, hich need to be secured. Rescue forces must operate quickly in order to save lives, and they often need to operate in dangerous enviroments. Hence, robot-supported systems are increasingly used to support and accelerate search operations. The objective of the SENEKA concept is the situation responsive networking of various robots and sensor systems used by first responders in order to make the search for victims and survivors more quick and efficient. SENEKA targets the integration of the robot-sensor network into the operation procedures of the rescue teams. The aim of this paper is to inform on the objectives and first research results of the ongoing joint research project SENEKA.