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  • Publication
    An Extended Modular Processing Pipeline for Event-Based Vision in Automatic Visual Inspection
    Dynamic Vision Sensors differ from conventional cameras in that only intensity changes of individual pixels are perceived and transmitted as an asynchronous stream instead of an entire frame. The technology promises, among other things, high temporal resolution and low latencies and data rates. While such sensors currently enjoy much scientific attention, there are only little publications on practical applications. One field of application that has hardly been considered so far, yet potentially fits well with the sensor principle due to its special properties, is automatic visual inspection. In this paper, we evaluate current state-of-the-art processing algorithms in this new application domain. We further propose an algorithmic approach for the identification of ideal time windows within an event stream for object classification. For the evaluation of our method, we acquire two novel datasets that contain typical visual inspection scenarios, i.e., the inspection of objects on a conveyor belt and during free fall. The success of our algorithmic extension for data processing is demonstrated on the basis of these new datasets by showing that classification accuracy of current algorithms is highly increased. By making our new datasets publicly available, we intend to stimulate further research on application of Dynamic Vision Sensors in machine vision applications.
  • Publication
    Predictive tracking with improved motion models for optical belt sorting
    ( 2020)
    Pfaff, Florian
    Pieper, Christoph
    Noack, Benjamin
    Kruggel-Emden, Harald
    Hanebeck, Uwe D.
    Wirtz, Siegmar
    Scherer, Viktor
    Optical belt sorters are a versatile means to sort bulk materials. In previous work, we presented a novel design of an optical belt sorter, which includes an area scan camera instead of a line scan camera. Line scan cameras, which are well-established in optical belt sorting, only allow for a single observation of each particle. Using multitarget tracking, the data of the area scan camera can be used to derive a part of the trajectory of each particle. The knowledge of the trajectories can be used to generate accurate predictions as to when and where each particle passes the separation mechanism. Accurate predictions are key to achieve high quality sorting results. The accuracy of the trajectories and the predictions heavily depends on the motion model used. In an evaluation based on a simulation that provides us with ground truth trajectories, we previously identified a bias in the temporal component of the prediction. In this paper, we analyze the simulation-based ground truth data of the motion of different bulk materials and derive models specifically tailored to the generation of accurate predictions for particles traveling on a conveyor belt. The derived models are evaluated using simulation data involving three different bulk materials. The evaluation shows that the constant velocity model and constant acceleration model can be outperformed by utilizing the similarities in the motion behavior of particles of the same type.
  • Publication
    Characterizing material flow in sensor-based sorting systems using an instrumented particle
    ( 2020) ;
    Pfaff, Florian
    Bittner, Andrea
    ; ; ;
    Noack, Benjamin
    Kruggel-Emden, Harald
    Hanebeck, Uwe D.
    Sensor-based sorting is a well-established single particle separation technology. It has found wide application as a quality assurance and control approach in food processing, mining, and recycling. In order to assure high sorting quality, a high degree of control of the motion of individual particles contained in the material stream is required. Several system designs, which are tailored to a sorting task at hand, exist. However, the suitability of a design for a sorting task is assessed by empirical observation. The required thorough experimentation is very time consuming and labor intensive. In this paper, we propose an instrumented bulk material particle for the characterization of motion behavior of the material stream in sensor-based sorting systems. We present a hardware setup including a 9-axis absolute orientation sensor that is used for data acquisition on an experimental sorting system. The presented results show that further processing of this data yields meaningful features of the motion behavior. As an example, we acquire and process data from an experimental sorting system consisting of several submodules such as vibrating conveyor channels and a chute. It is shown that the data can be used to train a model which enables predicting the submodule of a sorting system from which an unknown data sample originates. To our best knowledge, this is the first time that this IIoT-based approach has been applied for the characterization of material flow properties in sensor-based sorting.