Now showing 1 - 10 of 48
  • Publication
    Fortschrittsbericht zur Digitalisierung des Energiesystems
    Die Digitalisierung ist ein hochgradig relevanter Schlüsselprozess für die Energiesystemtransformation - Details dazu hat der Fraunhofer Exzellenzcluster CINES im Jahr 2022 erforscht und in 14 Thesen zusammengefasst. In 2023 wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit Praxispartner:innen aus der Energiewirtschaft politische und regulatorischen Änderungen in der digitalen Energiewirtschaft analysiert und ausgewertet. Der Fortschrittsbericht zeigt die Fortschritte der Digitalisierung auf und erörtert Handlungsbedarfe und Weiterentwicklungspotenziale. Wichtige Erkenntnisse sind: Positive Fortschritte gibt es u.a. durch gesetzliche und regulatorische Neuerungen wie beispielsweise beim §14a EnWG oder dem Gesetz zum Neustart der Digitalisierung der Energiewende (GNDEW). Es mangelt an einem integrativen Zielbild - ein solches kann für mehr Klarheit und Orientierung bei der Digitalisierung des Energiesystems in Deutschland und Europa sorgen. Um Lücken, Handlungsbedarfe und positiven Fortschritt besser zu erkennen, erfordert es ein gemeinsames Verständnis für die Orientierung und Ausrichtung auf die Digitalisierung. Dafür ist es unter anderem notwendig ein handlungsanleitendes Zukunftsbild zu schaffen, die kommunikative Übersetzung und die Verständlichkeit von regulatorischen Änderungen zu verbessern, Kompetenzen für technologische Lösungen, bspw. für notwendige Cyberresilienz und kritischen Infrastrukturen, aufzubauen und Investitionen zu tätigen, um mehr finanzielle Mittel für die Digitalisierung der Energiesystemtransformation zur Verfügung zu haben.
  • Publication
    The Implementation and Evaluation of Virtualized Protection Intelligent Electronic Devices into a Virtual Substation
    ( 2024) ;
    Schäfer, Kevin
    This paper presents an investigation into the virtualization of substation protection IED functions using a sophisticated co-simulation environment that integrates virtual intelligent electronic devices (vIEDs) with a real-time power grid simulation. Anchored by the IEC 61850 protocol, this study constructs a virtualized IED framework, emphasizing the encapsulation of protection schemes using the example of different types of overcurrent protection within a containerized vIED. Using open-source software, this study aims to replicate the communication and functional aspects of physical IEDs. This study uses a co-simulation environment that couples virtualized network components with a real-time power grid simulation to validate the vIEDs against real substation hardware. Simulation results from induced short-circuit events confirm the operational congruence of the vIEDs with their physical counterparts, demonstrating their potential to serve as cost-effective and adaptable testbeds for substation automation. This paper concludes that virtualized IEDs represent a cost-effective, flexible alternative for substation automation testing, with future research directed towards increasing the functional complexity and real-world applicability of these virtual systems.
  • Publication
    Space-Vector Neural Networks: Efficient Learning from Three-Phase Electrical Waveforms
    During the past decades, significant progress has been made in the field of artificial neural networks to process image, text or speech information including Recurrent Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks or Transformers. However, the processing of electrical three-phase waveforms using these general network architectures ignore important signal characteristics and therefore lack of computational efficiency. This can lead to performance problems and can limit the application of neural networks for a fast and efficient analysis of electrical three-phase signals. To address this issue, this paper presents space-vector neural networks as new model architecture to process electrical current or voltage waveforms. A novel space-vector encoding and decoding layer is introduced to learn meaningful representations for different downstream tasks. The performance of space-vector neural networks is compared with other neural network and statistical methods for the reconstruction of unbalanced three-phase voltage signals and the detection of cyber-attacks in digital substations using a benchmark dataset. In both case studies, the results show a superior computational efficiency of space-vector neural networks in terms of the required number of parameters as well as the execution times with comparable reconstruction accuracies and detection capabilities. This demonstrates the high application potential of space-vector neural networks in the substation automation.
  • Publication
    Transformation in substation automation: Cyber-Resilient Digital Substations (CyReDS) in power grids
    ( 2023-09-01) ;
    Bauer, Thomas
    Kühne, Marcel
    The digitalization of substations leads to a high degree of automation, which is referred to as Digital Substations with the use of the IEC 61850. An increase in cybersecurity is necessary, and technically enabled by detection and incident response systems - security-by-design is currently often secondary. The next transformation step of substations is introduced and outlined in this paper as a cyber-resilient digital substation. Based on a state-of-the-art description, this paper presents a definition of cyber resilience for digital substations as a basis for the introduced cyber resilience monitor. The monitor acts as a central instance for recording, assessing and responding to security threats and incidents. Furthermore, the requirements for the system structure of the cyber-resilient digital substation are shown and underpinned with current research approaches.
  • Publication
    Der Digitale Zwilling in der Netz- und Elektrizitätswirtschaft
    (VDE, 2023-05)
    Aumann, Erhard
    Benz, Thomas
    Brosinsky, Christoph
    Dietrich, Carsten
    Eyrich, Wolfgang
    Häger, Ulf
    Herbst, Kay
    Hiry, Johannes
    Holtschulte, Daniel
    Hoope-Oehl, Heinrich
    Jakob, Joshua
    Kammesheidt, Jan Oliver
    Kittl, Chris
    Mehlmann, Gert
    Müller, Tilman
    Niedermeier, Sven
    Romeis, Christian
    Schöffler, Adrian
    Schrief, Alexander
    Schütz, Alexander
    Stachel, Philipp
    Stiegler, Martin
    Trossen, Christian
    Viereck, Karsten
    Wagner, Timo
    Wahl, Mirko
    Weber, Nils
  • Publication
    First step into automation of security assessment of critical infrastructures
    Critical infrastructures have been undergoing significant developments result- ing from new economy and society driven trends and demands. In the energy supply, decentralization and digitalization are the key processes that push a significant amount of innovation and movement into the networking of many distributed information and operational technology based energy systems. These advancements bring substantial benefits, but expose the underlying systems to a number of risks at the same time. In response, governments and sector-specific organizations have published a series of regulatory re- quirements and guidelines on cybersecurity for the industry and especially for critical infrastructures. This article describes a practical approach to con- ducting cybersecurity assessments for critical infrastructures in the form of an extended gap analysis. The goal is to develop a technique for analyzing gaps between the security measures already implemented, and the recom- mendations formulated in the legal acts and standards for different critical infrastructure sectors. The methodology includes several assessment steps and layers to address a wide range of security controls of existing standards, taking into account the limitations of conducting such security analyses in the operational environment, especially of power supply systems. In addition, a possible automation strategy for the initial phase of the security assessment is presented, in which information about the assets under investigation is col- lected and the appropriate security measures are identified. The presented approach has been developed and practically tested for a digital substation of a local German energy grid operator.
  • Publication
    Get ahead of the Situation: Simulation of Cross-Sectoral Cascading Effects during a Crisis
    ( 2023)
    Gerold, Michael
    In recent years, the frequency and severity of extreme weather events has been steadily increasing. Due to the often-exposed location of critical infrastructures, extreme weather events pose a serious threat to them. As supply networks become increasingly interconnected with multiple critical infrastructures, the occurrence of cascading effects does not only lead to further failures within a specific sector but can introduce severe consequences to adjacent sectors as well. In parallel, critical infrastructures must be regarded as socio-technical systems which not only supply people but are also operated by people. During stressful situations like extreme weather events, it is therefore mandatory to obtain a comprehensive assessment for enabling quick and coordinated countermeasures to minimize damage to critical infrastructure, establish a rapid emergency supply and prepare for reconstruction. This paper presents a concept to reproduce cross-sectoral cascading effects through coupled simulations of individual supply networks. The results of the individual simulations of the different sectors are bundled and interlinked in an overall platform able to trigger subsequent simulations. To represent both anticipated and unforeseen cascading effects, the interfaces between the simulations must be carefully defined and implemented. The results of the overall platform will be incorporated into a demonstrator that will provide a training environment for emergency forces and network operators in which communication during the crisis can be practiced, security measures can be pre-thought, and vulnerable nodes can be identified.
  • Publication
    Real-Time Simulation-Based Continuous Thévenin Impedance Monitoring Using Phasor Measurements
    The grid impedance of a power system is a significant parameter that characterizes the overall electrical behavior of the system. It is often used for assessing grid strength and can help to identify the sources of voltage profile drop, as well as fault detection and diagnosis. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of invasive and non-invasive methodologies for estimating grid impedance. It gives a review of both methodology types and evaluates their practicability for a continuous monitoring. In the paper a non-invasive method for the estimation of Thévenin equivalent (TE) impedance was selected, which employs data from Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) installed on the slack bus. The focus of the approach lies on the coupling of the evaluation with real-time (RT) simulation systems to continuously determine grid impedance under different scenarios. Since RT simulations allow the emulation of the dynamic behavior of electrical networks, a phase drift correction is implemented to compensate for the angular deviation due to frequency fluctuations. Selected results are presented to validate the effectiveness and general feasibility of the proposed method.