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Robust production planning and control for multi-stage systems with flexible final assembly lines

2017 , Gyulai, D. , Pfeiffer, A. , Monostori, L.

Production planning of final assembly systems is a challenging task, as the often fluctuating order volumes require flexible solutions. Besides, the calculated plans need to be robust against the process-level disturbances and stochastic nature of some parameters like manual processing times or machine availability. In the paper, a simulation-based optimisation method is proposed that utilises lower level shop floor data to calculate robust production plans for final assembly lines of a flexible, multi-stage production system. In order to minimise the idle times when executing the plans, the capacity control that specifies the proper operatorâtask assignments is also determined. The analysed multi-stage system is operated with a pull strategy, which means that the production at the final assembly lines generates demands for the preceding stages providing the assembled components.

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Integrated task sequencing and path planning for robotic remote laser welding

2016 , Kovács, A.

This paper investigates the problem of integrated task sequencing and path planning in Remote Laser Welding (RLW). It is shown that finding the appropriate order of welding tasks is crucial for exploiting the efficiency of this new joining technology, and this can be achieved only if the robot path is considered already at the time of sequencing. For modelling the problem, a novel extension of the well-know Travelling Salesman Problem with neighbourhoods and durative visits, denoted as TSP-ND, is introduced. Basic properties of this problem are formally proven, and a GRASP meta-heuristic algorithm is proposed for solving it. Extensive computational experiments demonstrate that the novel approach solves efficiently industrially relevant problems, and it achieves substantial improvement in cycle time compared to the single earlier approach in the literature dedicated to RLW, as well as compared to a decomposition approach to solving the TSP-ND model.