Now showing 1 - 10 of 31
  • Publication
    Discovering structure in speech recordings: Unsupervised learning of word and phoneme like units for automatic speech recognition
    Während Sprachaufzeichnungen einfach erstellt werden können, kann die Transkription dieser Aufzeichnungen sehr teuer und zeitaufwendig sein. Daher können Methoden zum automatischen Erstellen solcher Transkriptionen für nicht annotierte Daten dabei helfen, das Training von Spracherkennern für Sprachen zu vereinfachen, für die wenige oder keine annotierten Trainingsdaten verfügbar sind. Diese Arbeit untersucht und stellt Methoden zum automatischen Lernen von Transkriptionen allein aus Audioaufzeichnungen vor. Dabei werden Algorithmen zum Erlernen von Phonemen, den kleinsten Einheiten der Sprache, und Worten, vorgestellt. Diese Methoden können zum automatischen Training eines Spracherkenners aus nicht annotierten Daten verwendet werden. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Methoden zum Erlernen von Phonemen und Worten jeweils separat. Der Hauptfokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf dem unüberwachten Lernen von Worten in hierarchischen Modellen, bestehend aus Phonem- und Worttranskriptionen. Drei oft verwendete Verfahren werden untersucht, zum einen heuristische Methoden und zum anderen zwei Varianten statistischer modellbasierter Verfahren. Die erste Variante basiert auf einem probabilistischen Aussprachelexikon, während das zweite Verfahren auf der Segmentierung von Wortgittern beruht. Schließlich wird ein vollständig unüberwachtes System aus einer Kombination von unüberwachtem Phonemlernen und unüberwachter Wortsegmentierung präsentiert. Diese Arbeit schließt mit der Integration des unüberwachten Phonem- und unüberwachten Wortlernens in eine semantische Inferenz ab, um die Verwendbarkeit von unüberwacht gelernten Phonemen und Worten in einem übergeordneten System sowie ihre Fähigkeit, die Erkennungsergebnisse zu verbessern, zu demonstrieren.
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    Knowledge Extraction Methods for the Analysis of Contractual Agreements
    The ubiquitous availability of the Internet results in a massive number of apps, software, and online services with accompanying contractual agreements in the form of end-user license agreement and privacy policy. Often the textual documents describing rights, policies, and conditions comprise many pages and can not be reasonably assumed to be read and understood by humans. Although everyone is exposed to such consent forms, the majority tend to ignore them due to their length and complexity. However, the cost of ignoring terms and conditions is not always negligible, and occasionally people have to pay (money or other means) as a result of their oversight. In this thesis, we focus on the interpretation of contractual agreements for the benefit of end-users. Contractual agreements encompass both the privacy policies and the general terms and conditions related to software and services. The main characteristics of such agreements are their use of legal terminologies and limited vocabulary. This feature has pros and cons. On one hand, the clear structure and legal language facilitate the mapping between the human-readable agreements and machine-processable concepts. On the other hand, the legal terminologies make the contractual agreement complex, subjective, and, therefore, open to interpretation. This thesis addresses the problem of contractual agreement analysis from both perspectives. In order to provide a structured presentation of contractual agreements, we apply text mining and semantic technologies to develop approaches that extract important information f rom the agreements and retrieve helpful links and resources for better comprehension. Our approaches are based on ontology-based information extraction, machine learning, and semantic similarity and aim to deliver tedious consent forms in a user friendly and visualized format. The ontology-based information extraction approach processes the human-readable license agreement guided by a domain ontology to extract deontic modalities and presents a summarized output to the end-user. In the extraction phase, we focus on three key rights and conditions: permission, prohibition, duty, and cluster the extracted excerpts according to their similarities. The clustering is based on semantic similarity employing a distributional semantics approach on large word embeddings database. The machine learning method employs deep neural networks to classify a privacy policys paragraphs into pre-defined categories. Since the prediction results of the trained model are promising, we further use the predicted classes to assign five risk colors (Green, Yellow, Red) to five privacy icons (Expected Use, Expected Collection, Precise Location, Data Retention and Children Privacy). Furthermore, given that any contractual agreement must comply with the relevant legislation, we utilize text semantic similarity to map an agreements content to regulatory documents. The semantic similarity-based approach finds candidate sentences in an agreement that are potentially related to specific articles in the regulation. Then, for each candidate sentence, the relevant article and provision is found according to their semantic similarity. The achieved results from our proposed approaches allow us to conclude that although semi-automatic approaches lead to information loss, they save time and effort by producing instant results and facilitate the end-users understanding of legal texts.
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    Towards Complex Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs
    Over the past decade, Knowledge Graphs (KG) have emerged as a prominent repository for storing facts about the world in a linked data architecture. Providing machines with the capability of exploring such Knowledge Graphs and answering natural language questions over them, has been an active area of research. The purpose of this work, is to delve further into the research of retrieving information stored in KGs, based on the natural language questions posed by the user. Knowledge Graph Question Answering (KGQA) aims to produce a concise answer to a user question, such that the user is exempt from using KG vocabulary and overheads of learning a formal query language. Existing KGQA systems have achieved excellent results over Simple Questions, where the information required is limited to a single triple and a single formal query pattern. Our motivation is to improve the performance of KGQA over Complex Questions, where formal query patterns significantly vary, and a single triple is not confining for all the required information. Complex KGQA provides several challenges such as understanding semantics and syntactic structure of questions, Entity Linking, Relation Linking and Answer Representation. Lack of suitable datasets for complex question answering further adds to research gaps. Hence, in this thesis, we focus the research objective of laying the foundations for the advancement of the state-of-the-art for Complex Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs, by providing techniques to solve various challenges and provide resources to fill the research gaps. First, we propose Normalized Query Structure (NQS), which is a linguistic analyzer module that helps the QA system to detect inputs and intents and the relation between them in the users' question. NQS acts like an intermediate language between natural language questions and formal expressions to ease the process of query formulation for complex questions. We then developed a framework named LC-QuAD to generate large scale question answering dataset by reversing the process of question answering, thereby translating natural language questions from the formal query using intermediate templates. Our goal is to use this framework for high variations in the query patterns and create a large size dataset with minimum human effort. The first version of the dataset consists of 5,000 complex questions. By extending the LC-QuAD framework to support Reified KGs and crowd-sourcing, we published the second version of the dataset as LC-QuAD 2.0, consisting of 30,000 questions with their paraphrases and has higher complexity and new variations in the questions. To overcome the problem of Entity Linking and Relation Linking in KGQA, we develop EARL, a module performing these two tasks as a single joint task for complex question answering. We develop approaches for this module, first by formalizing the task as an instance of the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP) and the second approach uses machine learning to exploit the connection density between nodes in the Knowledge Graph. Lastly, we create another large scale dataset to answer verbalization and provide results for multiple baseline system s on it. The Verbalization dataset is introduced to make the system's response more human-like. The NQS based KGQA system was next to the best system in terms of accuracy on the QALD-5 dataset. We empirically prove that NQS is robust to tackle paraphrases of the questions. EARL achieves the state of the art results in Entity Linking and Relation Linking for question answering on several KGQA datasets. The dataset curated in this thesis has helped the research community to move forward in the direction of improving the accuracy of complex question answering as a task as other researchers too developed several KGQA systems and modules around these published datasets. With the large-scale datasets, we have encouraged the use of large scale machine learning, deep learning and emergence of new techniques to advance the state-of-the-art in complex question answering over knowledge graphs. We further developed core components for the KGQA pipeline to overcome the challenges of Question Understanding, Entity-Relation Linking and Answer Verbalization and thus achieve our research objective. All the proposed approaches mentioned in this thesis and the published resources are available at and are released under the umbrella project AskNow.
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    Mining Frequent Itemsets from Transactional Data Streams with Probabilistic Error Bounds
    Frequent itemset mining is a classical data mining task with a broad range of applications, including fraud discovery and product recommendation. The enumeration of frequent itemsets has two main benefits for such applications: First, frequent itemsets provide a human-understandable representation of knowledge. This is crucial as human experts are involved in designing systems for these applications. Second, many efficient algorithms are known for mining frequent itemsets. This is essential as many of todays realworld applications produce ever-growing data streams. Examples of these are online shopping, electronic payment or phone call transactions. With limited physical main memory, the analysis of data streams can, in general, be only approximate. State-of-the-art algorithms for frequent itemset mining from such streams bound their error by processing the transactions in blocks of fixed size, either each transaction individually or in mini-batches. In theory, single transaction-based updates provide the most up-todate result after each transaction, but this enumeration is inefficient in practice as the number of frequent itemsets for a single transaction can be exponential in its cardinality. Mini-batch-based algorithms are faster but can only produce a new result at the end of each batch. In this thesis, the binary choice between up-to-date results and speed is eliminated. To provide more flexibility, we develop new algorithms with a probabilistic error bound that can process an arbitrary number of transactions in each batch. State-of-the-art algorithms mining frequent itemsets from data streams with minibatches derive the size of the mini-batch from a user-defined error parameter and hence couple their error bound to the size of the update. By introducing a dynamic error bound that adapts to the length of the data stream the error is decoupled from the size of the update. The benefits of this approach are twofold: First, the dynamic error bound is independent of the size of the update. Hence, an arbitrary number of transactions can be processed without losing the error bound. Second, the bound becomes tighter as more transactions arrive and thus the tolerated error decreases, in contrast to algorithms with static thresholds. Our approach is extensively compared to the state-of-the-art in an empirical evaluation. The results confirm that the dynamic app roach is not only more flexible but also outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of F-score for a large number of data streams. As it is easier for experts to extract knowledge from a smaller collection, we consider mining a compact pattern set. Especially useful are parameterized pattern classes for which the expert can regulate the size of the output. An example of such a parameterized pattern class are strongly closed itemsets. Additionally, they are stable against small changes in the data stream. We present an algorithm mining strongly closed itemsets from data streams. It builds on reservoir sampling and is thus capable of producing a result after any number of transactions, once the initial sample is complete. The high approximation quality of the algorithm is empirically demonstrated and the potential of strongly closed patterns for two stream mining tasks is shown: concept drift detection and product configuration recommendation.
  • Publication
    Robust speech recognition for german and dialectal broadcast programmes
    Audio mining systems automatically analyse large amounts of heterogeneous media files such as television and radio programmes so that the analysed audio content can be efficiently searched for spoken words. Typically audio mining systems such as the Fraunhofer IAIS audio mining system consist of several modules to structure and analyse the data. The most important module is the large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) module, which is responsible to transform the audio signal into written text. Because of the tremendous developments in the field of speech recognition and to provide the customers with a high-performance audio mining system, the LVCSR module has to be trained and updated regularly by using the latest state-of-the-art algorithms provided by the research community and also by employing large amounts of training data. Today speech recognition systems usually perform very well in clean conditions, however when noise, reverberation or dialectal speakers are present, the performance of these systems degrade considerably. In broadcast media typically a large number of different speakers with high variability are present, like anchormen, interviewers, interviewees, speaking colloquial or planned speech, with or without dialect, or even with voice-overs. Especially in regional programmes of public broadcast, a considerable fraction of the speakers speak with an accent or a dialect. Also, a large amount of different background noises appears in the data, like background speech, or background music. Post-processing algorithms like compression, expansion, and stereo effect processing, which are generously used in broadcast media, further manipulate the audio data. All these issues make speech recognition in the broadcast domain a challenging task. This thesis focuses on the development and the optimisation of the German broadcast LVCSR system, which is part of the Fraunhofer IAIS audio mining system, over the course of several years, dealing with robustness related problems that arise for German broadcast media and also dealing with the requirements for the employment of the ASR system in a productive audiomining system for the industrial use including stability, decoding time and memory consumption. We approach the following three problems: the continuous development and optimisation of the German broadcast LVCSR system over a long period, rapidly finding the optimal ASR decoder parameters automatically and dealing with German dialects in the German broadcast LVCSR system. To guarantee superb performance over long periods of time, we regularly re-train the system using the latest algorithms and system architectures that became available by the research community, and evaluate the performance of the algorithms on German broadcast speech. We also drastically increase the training data by annotating a large and novel German broadcast speech corpus, which is unique in Germany. After training an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, a speech recognition decoder is responsible to decode the most likely text hypothesis for a certain audio signal given the ASR model. Typically the ASR decoder comes with a large number of h yperparameters, which are usually set to default values or manually optimised. These parameters are often far from the optimum in terms of accuracy and decoding speed. State-of-the-art decoder parameter optimisation algorithms take a long time to converge. Hence, we approach the automatic decoder parameter optimisation in the context of German broadcast speech recognition in this thesis for both unconstrained and constrained (in terms of decoding speed) decoding, by introducing and extending an optimisation algorithm that has not been used for the task of speech recognitinon before to ASR decoder parameter optimisation. Germany has a large variety of dialects that are also often present in broadcast media especially in regional programmes. Dialectal speakers cause severely degraded perfor mance of the speech recognition system due to the mismatch in phonetics and grammar. In this thesis, we approach the large variety of German dialects by introducing a dialect identification system to infer the dialect of the speaker in order to use adapted dialectal speech recognition models to retrieve the spoken text. To train the dialect identification system, a novel database was collected and annotated. By approaching the three issues we arrive at an audio mining system that includes a high-performance speech recognition system, which is able to cope with dialectal speakers and with optimal decoder parameters that can be inferred quickly.
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    Strategies and Approaches for Exploiting the Value of Open Data
    (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2017)
    Data is increasingly permeating into all dimensions of our society and has become an indispensable commodity that serves as a basis for many products and services. Traditional sectors, such as health, transport, retail, are all benefiting from digital developments. In recent years, governments have also started to participate in the open data venture, usually with the motivation of increasing transparency. In fact, governments are one of the largest producers and collectors of data in many different domains. As the increasing amount of open data and open government data initiatives show, it is becoming more and more vital to identify the means and methods how to exploit the value of this data that ultimately affects various dimensions. In this thesis we therefore focus on researching how open data can be exploited to its highest value potential, and how we can enable stakeholders to create value upon data accordingly. Albeit the radical advances in technology enabling data and knowledge sharing, and the lowering of barriers to information access, raw data was given only recently the attention and relevance it merits. Moreover, even though the publishing of data is increasing at an enormously fast rate, there are many challenges that hinder its exploitation and consumption. Technical issues hinder the re-use of data, whilst policy, economic, organisational and cultural issues hinder entities from participating or collaborating in open data initiatives. Our focus is thus to contribute to the topic by researching current approaches towards the use of open data. We explore methods for creating value upon open (government) data, and identify the strengths and weaknesses that subsequently influence the success of an open data initiative. This research then acts as a baseline for the value creation guidelines, methodologies, and approaches that we propose. Our contribution is based on the premise that if stakeholders are provided with adequate means and models to follow, then they will be encouraged to create value and exploit data products. Our subsequent contribution in this thesis therefore enables stakeholders to easily access and consume open data, as the first step towards creating value. Thereafter we proceed to identify and model the various value creation processes through the definition of a Data Value Network, and also provide a concrete implementation that allows stakeholders to create value. Ultimately, by creating value on data products, stakeholders participate in the global data economy and impact not only the economic dimension, but also other dimensions including technical, societal and political.
  • Publication
    Collaborative authoring of semantically structured multilingual educational content
    (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2017)
    Tarasova, Darya
  • Publication
    Scalable Quality Assessment of Linked Data
    (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2017)
    In a world where the information economy is booming, poor data quality can lead to adverse consequences, including social and economical problems such as decrease in revenue. Furthermore, data-driven indus- tries are not just relying on their own (proprietary) data silos, but are also continuously aggregating data from different sources. This aggregation could then be re-distributed back to ""data lakes"". However, this data (including Linked Data) is not necessarily checked for its quality prior to its use. Large volumes of data are being exchanged in a standard and interoperable format between organisations and published as Linked Data to facilitate their re-use. Some organisations, such as government institutions, take a step further and open their data. The Linked Open Data Cloud is a witness to this. However, similar to data in data lakes, it is challenging to determine the quality of this heterogeneous data, and subsequently to make this information explicit to data consumers. Despite the availability of a number of tools and frameworks to assess Linked Data quality, the current solutions do not aggregate a holistic approach that enables both the assessment of datasets and also provides consumers with quality results that can then be used to find, compare and rank datasets' fitness for use. In this thesis we investigate methods to assess the quality of (possibly large) linked datasets with the intent that data consumers can then use the assessment results to find datasets that are fit for use, that is; finding the right dataset for the task at hand. Moreover, the benefits of quality assessment are two-fold: (1) data consumers do not need to blindly rely on subjective measures to choose a dataset, but base their choice on multiple factors such as the intrinsic structure of the dataset, therefore fostering trust and reputation between the publishers and consumers on more objective foundations; and (2) data publishers can be encouraged to improve their datasets so that they can be re-used more. Furthermore, our approach scales for large datasets. In this regard, we also look into improving the efficiency of quality metrics using various approximation techniques. However the trade-off is that consumers will not get the exact quality value, but a very close estimate which anyway provides the required guidance towards fitness for use. The central point of this thesis is not on data quality improvement, nonetheless, we still need to understand what data quality means to the consumers who are searching for potential datasets. This thesis looks into the challenges faced to detect quality problems in linked datasets presenting quality results in a standardised machine-readable and interoperable format for which agents can make sense out of to help human consumers identifying the fitness for use dataset. Our proposed approach is more consumer-centric where it looks into (1) making the assessment of quality as easy as possible, that is, allowing stakeholders, possibly non-experts, to identify and easily define quality metrics and to initiate the assessment; and (2) making results (quality metadata and quality reports) easy for stakeholders to understand, or at least interoperable with other systems to facilitate a possible data quality pipeline. Finally, our framework is used to assess the quality of a number of heterogeneous (large) linked datasets, where each assessment returns a quality metadata graph that can be consumed by agents as Linked Data. In turn, these agents can intelligently interpret a dataset's quality with regard to multiple dimensions and observations, and thus provide further insight to consumers regarding its fitness for use.
  • Publication
    Efficient human activity recognition in large image and video databases
    ( 2014)
    Cheema, Muhammad Shahzad
    Vision-based human action recognition has attracted considerable interest in recent research for its applications to video surveillance, content-based search, healthcare, and interactive games. Most existing research deals with building informative feature descriptors, designing efficient and robust algorithms, proposing versatile and challenging datasets, and fusing multiple modalities. Often, these approaches build on certain conventions such as the use of motion cues to determine video descriptors, application of off-the-shelf classifiers, and single-factor classification of videos. In this thesis, we deal with important but overlooked issues such as efficiency, simplicity, and scalability of human activity recognition in different application scenarios: controlled video environment (e.g.~indoor surveillance), unconstrained videos (e.g.~YouTube), depth or skeletal data (e.g.~captured by Kinect), and person images (e.g.~Flicker). In particular, we are interested in answering questions like (a) is it possible to efficiently recognize human actions in controlled videos without temporal cues? (b) given that the large-scale unconstrained video data are often of high dimension low sample size (HDLSS) nature, how to efficiently recognize human actions in such data? (c) considering the rich 3D motion information available from depth or motion capture sensors, is it possible to recognize both the actions and the actors using only the motion dynamics of underlying activities? and (d) can motion information from monocular videos be used for automatically determining saliency regions for recognizing actions in still images?